:smoking: Hey OF, Happy New Year!
I'm blaming the GLN's ridiculous K levels, especially combined with BE! Weak on P too, IMO..... Too much K screws with several other nutes, mainly cations; seen some confusing back and forth about it's interaction with P, but mostly P is not listed as antagonized in uptake....
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It is very important to understand how certain nutrients react with each other. If you don’t understand these interactions, you may over-supplement with a specific nutrient in attempt to correct a deficiency.Not all deficiencies are caused by a lack of nutrients! For example, Calcium deficiency may be diagnosed due to low Calcium levels OR because there are high levels of Nitrates (NO3). Nitrates ‘push’ Calcium away and can block absorption. So you should use organic Nitrogen instead of inorganic Nitrogen, which is high in Nitrates. Many modern synthetic fertilizers contain primary Nitrates or other salt-based forms of nitrogen. The salts are the most common cause of tip burn, nutrient antagonism, and weak plant growth (more on that later).
The antagonistic action of nutrients shows how overdoses of certain elements can lock out or displace another element. This list shows which elements react with each other. Understanding nutrient antagonism makes diagnosing deficiencies and excess more difficult, but ultimately more accurate.
Most nutrients usually work together. But this is not always the case. If Phosphorus is in excess it brings in more Nitrogen to the plant, unbalancing the nutrition. At the same time it also limits Zinc, Iron and Copper. Optimum nutrition is achieved by balancing the nutrients in the medium....
>>> This is an excerpt from the APTUS Grow Bible, a well put together review on things in general.... This chart is one of the better ones I've seen out there!
I linked it up for you above.... There are other tables and such in the Defc. Pic Depot, page 2....
This reminds me to slip this one in there, with some text

Lower fans are mainly looking like N tapping, but I see suspect P defc. elsewhere,... This is the bitch behind MC/GLN, it's very hard to tinker and adjust without driving up the ppms and/or adding in other extras you don't need! Worse, if you reduce the overall MC amount to lower ppm's some to make "room" for a PK booster, you short out on everything else that's in there =

.... This why I have walked away from GLN,... I did use FuxFams Open Sesame, 5-45-19 I think, for a PK booster...
Ca-Mg supp;'s are redundent at best, and a major problem causer at worst! they are behind a lot of troubles with antagonistic uptake, an easy vicious circle to get caught in
Brother, if you are growing just auto's, I'd seriously look into KIS Organics Nutrient pack. This is a dry amendment you mix into premium soil and let cook for a couple weeks, easy-peasy! From there, it's basically water only; I only add in Si, occasional micronutes (Earth Juice Microblast), inoculants (Recharge which has kelp and molasses in it too), and I confess, my butt clenching caused by other so=called water-only stuff had me lightly supp'ing in some organic PK during early-mid bloom... I've only done one run, and the mixing ratio will take some dialing in (happy to share my info) to make it not too hot, and still have the goods to last full cycle... 9L pots... Actually, the last parts of my photo grow journal using KIS included the final run of the season in the tent using auto's; Green Poison, Honey Peach, and Nashira. Hit my link and search toward the end... Prior to this I was testing the Prescription Blend 6-part system, also very good IMO if you want to roll with a mixed synthetic/organic system. It tested very well! I loved the way they broke up the parts, allowing you to make custom adjustments if needed, even do foliars with the Si and humic-fulvic parts of it!