Indoor Olderfart back at it again.

I still have lots of receptive pistils on the two BMxSH in the drobe, so if I get pollen soon, there will be seeds this round. No pollen shedding this morning, but there are several flowers just starting to open, so I should get some soon. It will be close, but I think I am still in the game so far for this grow. Would be nice. BMxSH seems to produce pretty plants as well as nice indica buzz if your experience is indicative.

Anyway, I am happy with how this grow is going so far other than the CS fail. I am wondering if I started treatment too late. I made a point of starting early at the first hint of gender on the BMxSH. I may even have started a bit before that. Anyway, if I try CS again rather than going to STS, I think I will start treatment a few days before gender reveal. But the jury is out. STS sounds better now that I have two complete fails with CS. If the fail had just been one strain, I might chalk it up to genetics, but two unrelated strains in a row suggests that I screwed something up, and timing is the only thing I can think of. It may have been a bit later than my earlier reversals. Dunno. :shrug:
Only used CS once ( gifted from a local guy). It worked, but I found STS easier for me. It’s pricey from Twenty20, about $30, but worked well each time, and should do two full plants or multiple partial.
Each time, I’ve started spraying at the first sign of gender and sprayed every 3 days until seeing signs of reversal, then stop spraying. No idea if that is best practice. The WDA project resulted in about 1000 seeds. I’ve given most away. Sour Hound was a much smaller plant.
Yes, the BMxSH is an excellent buzz. Zero paranoia, anxiety, raciness that Sour Hound alone can elicit.
One suggestion is hitting the lower-most flowers, which are usually the least mature, and allowing those lowers to cook another 4weeks minimum. You can take the tops off, just watch for balls. Stress
Only used CS once ( gifted from a local guy). It worked, but I found STS easier for me. It’s pricey from Twenty20, about $30, but worked well each time, and should do two full plants or multiple partial.
Each time, I’ve started spraying at the first sign of gender and sprayed every 3 days until seeing signs of reversal, then stop spraying. No idea if that is best practice. The WDA project resulted in about 1000 seeds. I’ve given most away. Sour Hound was a much smaller plant.
Yes, the BMxSH is an excellent buzz. Zero paranoia, anxiety, raciness that Sour Hound alone can elicit.
One suggestion is hitting the lower-most flowers, which are usually the least mature, and allowing those lowers to cook another 4weeks minimum. You can take the tops off, just watch for balls. Stress
Yup, dusting lowers and leaving them on after harvesting the rest of the plant has been the norm for me. I wait until the plant is drying up before collecting the seeds.

I'm pretty sure I can get a lifetime supply of STS ingredients off Ebay, but I haven't pulled the trigger. :pighug:
Jan. 7, and more mischief been afoot.
Time for an update. First, the initial weigh in of the plants harvested so far now that the bud is dry. First up, the DMK bud from the three pot:

Next up, the Seedsman 30:1 CBD Kush:

Not the most productive solo I have done, but not bad considering that the CBD bud tends to be less dense than some. The 147g of DMK is about two liters of bud, but only 147g. Interestingly, the bud structure and aroma of the DMK and the 30:1 seem more or less identical to me. The Seedsman version might be a bit lankier and taller, but not a lot of difference. The two are really similar, so anyone looking for an indica leaning all CBD strain but not able to get the Dinamed version would likely be very happy with the Seedsman one.

Last up, the 24C x PK cross:

Maybe my least productive solo yet... In my defense, I was distracted by the need to get plants out of the drobe, so she may have been a bit of an early chop. Most likely, earlier screwups on my part. The good news is that the bud is really nice. Very pleasant flavor even before the cure has done much, and a real serious indica with potential for sleep affect.

I also pulled 40g and 20g off the failed reversals of DG and WDA, but no pics. Still not sure about what I will do with the bud.

So, on to the current gang of girls. The 'drobe in total (minus the CQ solo, about which more later):


Front left, WDA at Day 58; front right, DG at Day 58; middle, BMxSH full sized pot at Day 46 ; rear left, Stone's Dragon three-pot at Day 53; rear center, BMxSH solo at Day 46; and last, rear right, Anvil at Day 59.

And some overhead shots of the 'drobe queens:


This girl is on track to be my most productive single plant yet. Not likely a pounder, but the jury is out. She is still stretching and packing on the bud.


She is actually getting pretty close. I haven't done a trich check yet, but I can tell... I think... Also, she is only two days short of Mephisto's estimated time.

BMxSH large pot:

This is a single plant, and will also be a nice producer if I manage to keep things on track.

Stone's Dragon three pot:

In theory, there are some seeds in there, 24Cx Stone's Dragon #6 Auto Fem, as well as Stone's Dragon #6 Auto Reg. If I get seeds from the 24C cross, that will be from pollen stored frozen for a year.
BMxSH solo:

She ain't big, but there will be bud. :biggrin:

Miss Anvil is the slowest of the bunch, still stretching and pouring on the pistils. She might be a pretty big girl yet.

Now then, I did mention the CQ solo earlier. It was missing from the 'drobe because she was being photoed for trich check. Here she is at 69, about a week past the Mephisto timing estimate:
cq solo jan 7.jpg

She is going to be one of the better solos I have harvested. Did I mention harvest? Well peeps, its complicated, but I think she is done:
cq cola2 jan 7.jpg

The damndest combination of clear, heavy amber, cloudy, white pistils, shrivelled brown pistils. Anyway, I need space and methinks the chop is imminent. Maybe tonite. I'll think on it while I eat.

Speaking of which, dinner is calling.

Happy growing peeps. :pighug::biggrin:
Fertigation lessons learned this grow, pollen collection complete
In my big pots, my irrigation rings did not produce sufficiently even distribution of nutrient mix. As a result, in most pots symptoms like clawing and tip burn were inconsistent even within a single plant, and one of the SD1 three pot showed significant yellowing only on one side of the pot. When I watched a fertigation cycle, I noticed that for unknown reasons, one side of the ring was emitting little water, so that side of the pot had been operating mostly on horizontal wicking, which is not as effective. I have been flushing with extra top watering once a day or so to deal with that for the rest of the grow, but will be going to a Floraflex Matrix setup next grow. Cocoforcannabis recommends HydroHalos, but I don't like them because the holes can plug, and in any case I can't find them for a decent price in the size I would need. If the Floraflex Matrix system works as intended, it will have better nute distribution than the halo anyway.

Some of my solos, once again, suffered from root compaction which slowed down penetration of nutes so much that it was hard to apply enough to get runoff but not overflow the solo cup. I have tried various ways of dealing with this, but my most recent will be my tool of choice for the next grow:

The white cap is made from standard pvc pipe fittings and glue. It works by sitting directly on top of the medium, with a fitted piece of cotton cloth beneath it to prevent dirt from entering the holes from below. The photo shows my initial design with 4 of 1/16" holes. Those holes turned out to be too small and for some reason emission through them was painfully slow. So, I redrilled the holes to ~1/8 or so, I can't recall, and added three more holes. The new setup works perfectly. The cap has enough capacity to store an entire nute charge of ~100mls, and infiltration of the nutes goes right into the medium with no buildup or overflow. I originally put a couple layers of paper towel under the cap, but that rotted away so quickly, I replaced it with cotton rag. If the cotton rots away before the end, I'll use Floraflex Matrix felt instead.

Here is what the test Mephisto Fugue State looks like today:

I'm not sure what day she is at, I haven't been keeping track.

I finished collecting reversed flowers from the solo BMxSH, and binned the plant. Here is what is left:

The blue stuff is silica gel which dries the flowers out. The picture is looking inside the wide mouthed jar used as a drying chamber. Once the flowers are dry, I will cap the small jar, cap it inside the big jar, and freeze it until next grow, just for giggles. I already applied pollen to the non-reversed BMxSH solo, so if I was not too late, I should have seeds. I'll try applying some next year just to check whether my approach keeps pollen alive that long. My attempt with 24C pollen this time around will be the first time I try pollen ~a year old.

That will do for now peeps, happy growing all. :pighug:
Now then, I did mention the CQ solo earlier. Here she is at 69, about a week past the Mephisto timing estimate:

The damndest combination of clear, heavy amber, cloudy, white pistils, shrivelled brown pistils.
I had a similar thing happen to a Roc Bud Vanilla Scoops in my last grow, almost equal parts clear/cloudy/amber, not a 'normal' finish. I had added some UVA supplemental lighting to that last grow, and I wondered if it was responsible for what I considered "early onset amber" -- although out of six plants in that tent, only one other seemed to have trichomes go from clear straight to amber, the others finished as they usually would.

Are you using UV by any chance? Could just be an anomaly, they happen frequently enough.
I had a similar thing happen to a Roc Bud Vanilla Scoops in my last grow, almost equal parts clear/cloudy/amber, not a 'normal' finish. I had added some UVA supplemental lighting to that last grow, and I wondered if it was responsible for what I considered "early onset amber" -- although out of six plants in that tent, only one other seemed to have trichomes go from clear straight to amber, the others finished as they usually would.

Are you using UV by any chance? Could just be an anomaly, they happen frequently enough.
Nope, no UV. I have used screwin UV bulbs in late flower, but didn't see any benefit. LED UV bulbs are really weak though, so that may have been the problem, not to mention that my other screwups might have masked differences, and being a noob, perhaps I can't detect them. Who know eh? At any rate, I saw no indication of quality increase in my feeble attempt, and am not interested in buying florescent fixtures to chase small differences, so now I just concentrate on giving them enough light. One adjustment for next grow will be shifting more bulbs to 2700K to reduce blue and increase red to get a bit more stretch in my girls. I like them bushy and short-ish, but they might be a bit easier to manage if a bit more open.

If you have not seen the latest youtube blurb on led lighting by the Cocoforcannabis guru, it is worth a peek:
The Science of Horticultural LEDs - YouTube

I think the summary at the end says most of what a grower needs to know. Photons are photons, period. While the wavelength influences plant morphology, for the most part what we need to do is concentrate on the amount of light the plants get. The fellow in the video claims that UV does little or no good, @Mañ'O'Green says it does. Y'all gets to choose yer guidance. :pighug:
Nope, no UV. I have used screwin UV bulbs in late flower, but didn't see any benefit. LED UV bulbs are really weak though, so that may have been the problem, not to mention that my other screwups might have masked differences, and being a noob, perhaps I can't detect them. Who know eh? At any rate, I saw no indication of quality increase in my feeble attempt, and am not interested in buying florescent fixtures to chase small differences, so now I just concentrate on giving them enough light. One adjustment for next grow will be shifting more bulbs to 2700K to reduce blue and increase red to get a bit more stretch in my girls. I like them bushy and short-ish, but they might be a bit easier to manage if a bit more open.

If you have not seen the latest youtube blurb on led lighting by the Cocoforcannabis guru, it is worth a peek:
The Science of Horticultural LEDs - YouTube

I think the summary at the end says most of what a grower needs to know. Photons are photons, period. While the wavelength influences plant morphology, for the most part what we need to do is concentrate on the amount of light the plants get. The fellow in the video claims that UV does little or no good, @Mañ'O'Green says it does. Y'all gets to choose yer guidance. :pighug:
Thanks for that link, lots of good info there. I'll admit, bottom line is that I got the supplemental UVA because I was bored. I built my COB lights years ago, they've done their job, I was just looking for something new so in the vein of 'confirmation bias' I justified the change by leaning into the reports that they make a positive contribution. At this point, I can't say that's been my experience.