Thanks for the reps @Dale's Proper Bud and @Dankerson, much appreciated. Taking photos of the girls is a fun way to fill a couple hours that otherwise might have been spent outside. -30 out there this morning. Maybe more photos today. :biggrin:
No problem what you use for pics camera and tripod? I just my iPhone but seeing some pics that are much better then mine :bow::clapper:
No problem what you use for pics camera and tripod? I just my iPhone but seeing some pics that are much better then mine :bow::clapper:
I use a micro four thirds digital camera with a macro lens, mounted on a cheap macro rail on a tripod. I also use image stacking software to increase the depth of field. That's why so much is in focus at the same time, and also why if you search closely enough, you may find image artifacts that can happen from combining so many images. The camera automatically takes a bunch of photos, gradually adjusting the focus with each shot, and software later combines the focused portions of all the shots into a single image. Works slick, as you can see.

Iphones can take pretty nice pics too, but if lenses are used to increase the magnification, some sort of support to reduce movement can help a lot. As far as I know, none have been programmed to take a series of shots to do depth of focus, although I would not be surprised at all that it will happen if it hasn't already. After all, I think that automated high dynamic range photography might have started with phone cameras. Now all digital cameras have it. Doing depth of field series requires a tripod though, and the Iphone market is not oriented in that direction.

Thanks for your interest in this stuff. :cheers:
One of the solos is getting close Dec 21, could be a pre-Christmas choppity chop. :)
Here is my Mephisto 24 Carat x Oasis genetics auto PK at Day 52:

She is short, but those colas are dense, she will produce a couple ounces or so. She is not quite ready yet, but getting closer. I think the cross will produce well in a full sized pot. She threw some nanners, but not lately. I'll assume for now that I stressed her too much with the combination of solo pot and other mistakes. I'll try a full sized girl next grow if the bud turns out ok.

Here are some trich shots:
24CxPK cola.jpg
24CxPK cola2.jpg

This cross is mainly of interest for sleep, so I'll let her try for more amber, but not for much more than a week, maybe less.

The Seedsman Auto CBD Kush solo is a bit later than this one, plus the three pot DMK is also getting close. In a week or so, the girls in the 'drobe will have a bit more elbow room. It is getting a bit tight in there at the moment. I'll do another full update once the 'drobe is thinned out a bit.

Happy growing peeps, and happy solstice. :pighug:
belated thanks for the rep @Badfinger, I hope this weather isn't causing you too much grief. :bighug: :cheers:
Boxing day in more ways than one. :)
Time for an update. First, the drobe in its thinned out glory:

Front left Anvil at Day 47, front center Blue Microverse x Sour hound solo at Day 34 , front right Stone's Dragon Pheno#1 multi-pot at Day 41, center BMxSH large pot at Day 34, rear left Mephisto Double Grape at Day 46, rear center Mephisto Cosmic Queen solo at Day 55, and rear right Witch Doctor x Anvil at Day 46. A much happier drobe now that the big DMK multipot, SDS 30:1 solo, and 24CxPK are outa there. :biggrin:

And, you might ask, where did the missing girls go:

That pile of DMK bud is bigger than it looks. Should be a nice harvest total when dry.

Here is a closer shot of the stumps:

The three plants differed slightly in final size, but not by a lot, and all three were productive and healthy. With this compact strain, there is little chance that I could have yielded as well with a single plant.

And this is where DMK and her other harvested sisters are hanging now:

Leaving the fans on is new for me, but it is a tad dry these days here, so I'll give them a while in the box, then do a partially dry trim to buds in brown bags. Starting at the front, the first four rows are all DMK. Row 5 is the Seedsman Auto Kush CBD 30:1, and the clothes pegged branches in row 6 is the 24 Carat x Auto PK cross I made last year. The two whole plants hanging in the corner are the two failed CS reversals of DG and WDA. I will dry them out and sort for seeds just in case a few happened. I don't plan on using the bud. CS and all that, but I may do some thinking on the actual risks before throwing the bud out.

This time around, the drying box is controlled by an Inkbird, so RH will be lowered by fan extraction whenever it gets too high:

At the moment, it is set to 50%, but that will get lifted to ~60% once I get the drying well started.

I had a look at the root structure I got in the DMK big pot. I had not used these pots before, and wondered how the plants would behave in them. They did rather well in my estimation. Here is the intact root mass of the three plants:

It seems to me that the side slots in the pot pretty much completely defeated pot circling of roots around the sides of the pots. The roots tangled densely in the very bottom of the pot, but not on the sides, so aeration of the medium continued nicely. I also checked inside the medium:

You can't see it in the photo, but the entire volume of medium top to bottom is infused with fine roots. Every cubic centimeter is tied together with them. You could shake these things, and not much would fall loose. I've never experienced equal root structure. I rate the pots as keepers for me. :biggrin:

And to close this off on a somewhat humorous note, this is one of the presents we unwrapped yesterday from the Dearest's American sister:


For the record, she sent it as a joke, but we will enjoy the coffee. :pighug::crying::bighug:
Time for an update. First, the drobe in its thinned out glory:View attachment 1550310
Front left Anvil at Day 47, front center Blue Microverse x Sour hound solo at Day 34 , front right Stone's Dragon Pheno#1 multi-pot at Day 41, center BMxSH large pot at Day 34, rear left Mephisto Double Grape at Day 46, rear center Mephisto Cosmic Queen solo at Day 55, and rear right Witch Doctor x Anvil at Day 46. A much happier drobe now that the big DMK multipot, SDS 30:1 solo, and 24CxPK are outa there. :biggrin:

And, you might ask, where did the missing girls go:
View attachment 1550313
That pile of DMK bud is bigger than it looks. Should be a nice harvest total when dry.

Here is a closer shot of the stumps:
View attachment 1550314
The three plants differed slightly in final size, but not by a lot, and all three were productive and healthy. With this compact strain, there is little chance that I could have yielded as well with a single plant.

And this is where DMK and her other harvested sisters are hanging now:View attachment 1550315
Leaving the fans on is new for me, but it is a tad dry these days here, so I'll give them a while in the box, then do a partially dry trim to buds in brown bags. Starting at the front, the first four rows are all DMK. Row 5 is the Seedsman Auto Kush CBD 30:1, and the clothes pegged branches in row 6 is the 24 Carat x Auto PK cross I made last year. The two whole plants hanging in the corner are the two failed CS reversals of DG and WDA. I will dry them out and sort for seeds just in case a few happened. I don't plan on using the bud. CS and all that, but I may do some thinking on the actual risks before throwing the bud out.

This time around, the drying box is controlled by an Inkbird, so RH will be lowered by fan extraction whenever it gets too high:
View attachment 1550316

At the moment, it is set to 50%, but that will get lifted to ~60% once I get the drying well started.

I had a look at the root structure I got in the DMK big pot. I had not used these pots before, and wondered how the plants would behave in them. They did rather well in my estimation. Here is the intact root mass of the three plants:
View attachment 1550317
It seems to me that the side slots in the pot pretty much completely defeated pot circling of roots around the sides of the pots. The roots tangled densely in the very bottom of the pot, but not on the sides, so aeration of the medium continued nicely. I also checked inside the medium:
View attachment 1550318
You can't see it in the photo, but the entire volume of medium top to bottom is infused with fine roots. Every cubic centimeter is tied together with them. You could shake these things, and not much would fall loose. I've never experienced equal root structure. I rate the pots as keepers for me. :biggrin:

And to close this off on a somewhat humorous note, this is one of the presents we unwrapped yesterday from the Dearest's American sister:

View attachment 1550312
For the record, she sent it as a joke, but we will enjoy the coffee. :pighug::crying::bighug:
Looking most excellent!! In awe of your solos.
what are the green shoots coming out of the bottom of that root pic. havent seen anything like that before. whatever, looks healthy as could be. beautiful plants, nice colors, great job sir!!!