ok, just a quick update, I just checked the ph of my soil in my test pot again, only this time i lowered the ph in the water before using it. before i was using water straight out of the tap which comes out at 8.3. I FINALLY got it down to 6.4 after a few days. Well i ph'd the water to 6.8, and it came out at 6.4. Success! I just lime'd my final 3 plants today, becuz they needed a little watering, so in a few days, I should be straight. (fingers crossed). Also, 1000 watter seems to be doing ok, the temps are running at 79 right now, but my room temp seems to keep rising, i dont know how much longer thats gonna be able to offset the hps heat. I was hoping for the summer, but it is known to get up at and over 100 around here in july/august, so i doubt it. worst case, i may have to close shop after this harvest. I just hope i make it that far, i have to.