New Grower OGbaby - The Second Genesis

This is what separates the Men from the Boys: I managed to catch a deficiency fast enough to act upon it. Only I got one problem, I don't have the experience to make my next move.

Grape - Week 2[FONT=&quot] ½[/FONT]
Ghaze x C99 x C99 - Week 2

Soil: Fox Farm Ocean Forest (FFOF) + Fox Farm Happy Frog (FFHF/HF) *Light Warrior was out of stock so they sent me Plant Success (mycorrhizae) for my inconvenience.
pH: 6.5 - 6.6pH water going in, 4.6pH runoff coming out. The RO went up +0.3, last tested around 4.3pH.
Nutes: FF Trio (Big Bloom, Grow Big, Tiger Bloom)
Lights: 26W - 27k CFL (4x), 26W - 65k CFL (4x)[FONT=&quot] = 8 CFL bulbs, 2 plants.
[/FONT]Feed History:

Water History -

  • Oct 31st - 7.3 pH, runoff 4.3 pH
  • Nov 2nd - 6.5 pH, RO 4.3 pH
  • Nov 5th – 6.7 pH, RO n/a
  • Nov 9th – n/a pH, RO n/a (1st Half feed, AM)
Nute History -

  • Nov 9th – n/a npH, n/a pH+npH, RO n/a (2nd Half Feed, PM - ½ tsp. Big Bloom
  • Nov 12th – n/a npH, n/a pH+npH, RO n/a (½ tsp. Grow Big and ½ tsp. Big Bloom)
  • Nov 15th – n/a nPH, 6.5 ph + npH. RO 4.6 pH (1/4 tsp. Grow Big)
(BTW, the feed history is just cut & pasted from my notes, npH means nute pH before added so ph + npH is the pH reading of the water + nute(s). RO just means RunOff)

Problem: Late yesterday and early this morning, I found yellowing of the plant leaf tips as well as the tips of the serrated edges. As of this moment, it is only apparent on one plant. The first one, Grape Pat Med (OR HighRise Auto Mix; could be either), is the plant showing signs of a possible deficiency which weren't visible early yesterday.

Suspected self diagnoses: After looking into my notes, and going over a few threads just now, I'm suspecting the issue(s) might be either a Potassium Def., Nute burn, or Higly Acidic Grow medium (LOW soil pH)/nute lockout. *I have also taken into consideration, that they might have just been hungry.

Suspected self solution: (A list of other solutions would be highly appreciated)

  • Dolomite Lime - If due to low soil pH
  • Pure pH flush - If due to nute burn
  • Grow Big - If due in need of Potassium, etc. (On hand solution, btw)
Best to mention:

  • The soil pH has been low since the start of this grow, for reasons unknown. Maybe Fox Farm quality issues.
  • I don't have dolomite lime on hand, and may not be able to for a short time. (what's my best course of action?)
  • Since today was feeding day (Nov 15th) I chose to water with Grow Big for Potass. but 1/4 instead of 1/2 tsp just in case of nute burn.
  • I always water until runoff. Measurable by 3 full water bottles (16.9 FL OZ - 500mL)
  • Obviously, they share a pot (unintentional) - but can't hurt to mention anyway lol...
  • My first grow; I don't know shit about shit but I'm like a sponge, so enlighten me!
*There not as pale as they appear here, they're a healthy green but the yellow tips are becoming visible up close. You can see the difference in 24hrs. Any Thoughts?

Today (Nov 15th)

Yesterday (Nov 14th)



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Man, I wish I knew!
They look darn good with the exception of the yellowing. Sure someone will chime in with some good advice!
AFN, I have good news & bad news. I'm asking for guidance - Good news is the yellowing of the tips have stopped/slowed. Bad news is the plant has completely contorted on itself. Curled upwards but still soft to the touch. HELP is needed ASAP! If your reading this, feel free to drop your 2 cents. I may need it - no, I definitely need it.

Grape - Week 2[FONT=&quot] ½[/FONT]
Ghaze x C99 x C99 - Week 2

What I have done so far:

  • Fed w/ Grow Big (for Potassium, 1/4 tsp)
  • Checked RO pH (4.6pH), Water pH (6.5pH)
  • Raised the lights (Just now, 2:20am)
Pics: (The C99 seems to be untouched...but I'm worried this is contagious.:help:)


@WWWillie, Thx for the support bro, hopefully someone can help me learn from all this. Overcoming this defines a learning experience. I'm all game, just rather not have her die on me tho.
flush with PH'd water.. You really want to focus on Nitrogen in veg stage..

From what i see reading soil grows on here is auto's do not like much if any feed early on..

Correct me if im wrong fam.
what are temps at the plant? Ph sounds like it isn't stable. Dolomite lime or garden lime for ph. Over kill on the nutes in my opinion. FF Ocean Forrest has enough crap in it, you shouldn't have to use nutes until the 3rd. or 4th week!!! More feed does not equal bigger plants. It just burns the piss out of em. I would flush with plain ph water going in at 6.5 with a bit of lime top dressed on the soil and then give em a few days to acclimate, and dont give em anymore nutes for a week or two.
Also, when we use the RO, folks are going to think you mean reverse osmosis as in filtered water and just use ph in and out. You will confuse folks that are going to try and help mate!!:peace:

You can do this, and we all want to help you save your grow. CONTROLABLES!! What are your temps?? It could be why your leaf tips are curling.
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Too much feed I think bro, whats the temps and humididty, leaf curling can be caused by too high RH, its the plants way of trying to retain the water in the leaves...Sending :karma Cloud:
I also notice that the first node is VERY TIGHT, how close is the light? Maybe raise a little.. Just my :2cents: also all that was posted above, water with ph'ed 6.5 when plant is thirsty again (feel the weight) no nutes for a while, you will pull threw this! :karma Cloud:
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