At the very least, I've run 20 or more strains in auto pots so far. I don't care how hungry some plants are supposedly, they all do well at the same ppm level in auto pots. Why, because the solution is ALWAYS at the same ppm level, it doesn't change like it does in DWC or in hand watered plants. They have a constant supply that remains at a consistent ppm, this is one of the reasons auto pots work so well.
And if you time the start of the res properly, you don't need to mess with the solution level. I do not run air domes, and I use no pebbles, etc, in the bottom of the pot. I've never, in three years of running auto pots, ever had a root or growth issue. In fact, I've had a few runts that exploded with growth and caught up to and one exceeded, the other plants. If it ain't broke, don't fix it! The key to timing the start up of the res, is hand water LIGHTLY until the canopy is as wide as the pot. that's the time to start the res. If the water level in the base was a problem, auto pots wouldn't be the success they are. I think people are mistaking that the water level remains at the full depth constantly. it does not. the base will get almost completely dry before the valve opens again, that's how its designed to work
I've even built my own self watering pots, and that system never let the base dry out. Made no difference, in fact, I grew my largest indoor plant to date with it, a 3/4 pound Auto Ultimate.
So relax, let your auto pots do their job and enjoy the grow!