Status of the grow! OD plants first… green tote is Apple Bottom from 3thirteen seeds, pink tote is Citrus Milf from same breeder.

And OD autos are Gorilla seeds Frosty Gelato from growers choice.
All OD plants are in peat based with Dr earth tomato and flower (4-6-2) with EWC and composted cow manure and humus mix.
Now for indoor…
First are two Wild Thing photofem from JeanO’s test.

And the auto tent…
Right side and middle back are Frosty Gelato as well. Middle front is Autoseeds Mango Cookies and in same row mid spot is AutoSeeds White Widow. Other two pots may be Seedstockers ABC (Apollo black cherry) and Mac and crack…. If they ever show!
After looking over my shoulder for so many decades, it's hard to get used to the idea that 6 or 12 plants is legal, and 5 lb. of finished bud in the house, or 3 oz in the street. Feels good!
After looking over my shoulder for so many decades, it's hard to get used to the idea that 6 or 12 plants is legal, and 5 lb. of finished bud in the house, or 3 oz in the street. Feels good!
I know right? 52 here and the majority of my smoking life has been illegal. If I was an outlaw before… does that make me an inlaw now lol! Never had to “toss” bud but many a pipe got catapulted out the car window.
I’m nearing my limit, but room to spare. Ready to harvest first round within the next two weeks. Setting up my last outdoor round right now.
I’m nearing my limit, but room to spare. Ready to harvest first round within the next two weeks. Setting up my last outdoor round right now.
I was wondering if there's still time for an outdoor run. Fast strains only I suppose.