New Grower NugNoob's - First Grow Adventure! AK-47's

Hey mate,

just checked out the MH, but didn´t found technical instructions of the light....I know that you did lots of research before starting your first grow....and I´m for sure you really checked up all about your grow, but i carefully mean that distance at 28`` for your seedlings might be to close, for to much PAR hitting the surface of this little leaves....?

Look at the instructions of my lights...
View attachment 713706 View attachment 713707

By experience of my first Autogrow i learned, that if you are going to fast down/close the lights to the seedlings, also later in vegetative grow the tips of the leaves arrange up, which means to much lightinput......determined from my grows plants are ready to get closer slightly to the lights after showing 1-2 real 5-leaves, my plants really are ready for full PAR-strength in 1-2 weeks of bloom.....looking on the photos you posted it seems that first seedling-leaves curve and undulate a little bit...its like my seedlings did it in the past going to fast down the LED` best case I´m wrong and for sure you check up your little ladys seriosly....

Hey mate, what do you mean?:pass:

It´s so difficult for me to find right words in english telling what i mean, hope you understand it.-)

I totally hear ya and hey man, I appreciate your reply and all that info! I'm pretty certain your Platinum LED is way more powerful and probably penetrating than my little Mars Hydro :biggrin:

I started at 28" then heard from AFN to move to 30" then took it upon myself once they started to shoot up a little bit to bring her down 2" to where she's been for 36 hours (28") The actual recommended height from MARS is 24" for seedling! So I am surprised they haven't hit a spurt yet and stretched more. I just measured each one this morning with a ruler. Will check each day and see how they do. The time lapse helps see the growth in action but only on big girl Jupiter.

(Mini Update 3-10-17)
  • Held off on watering past 30-36 hours. Only spraying 5-6 times with pH'd mister throughout the day.
  • Gave them some water around the base of stem only by squeezing soaked paper towel lightly.
  • Trying hard not to over water, checking very regularly if the soil is damp/dry. Was starting to feel pretty dry even 5 or 6 inches down, so I caved and gave them that mini watering and sprayed 10 times with misting sprayer.
  • Measured in CM each plant and took a pic close up, will compare over the next 24-48 hours and hopefully we see some growth, if not will raise the light 4 inches and maybe do extra watering.
Thanks all!
:coffee2: ...super sleepy this morning.
Hey bro,

thats what i was looking for in the net, but didn´t found, anyway I know you´ll watching your young ladys seriosly.... and be close to the leaves...look at my thread, i uploaded photos of my fav-lady...:dancer:
I totally hear ya and hey man, I appreciate your reply and all that info! I'm pretty certain your Platinum LED is way more powerful and probably penetrating than my little Mars Hydro :biggrin:

I started at 28" then heard from AFN to move to 30" then took it upon myself once they started to shoot up a little bit to bring her down 2" to where she's been for 36 hours (28") The actual recommended height from MARS is 24" for seedling! So I am surprised they haven't hit a spurt yet and stretched more. I just measured each one this morning with a ruler. Will check each day and see how they do. The time lapse helps see the growth in action but only on big girl Jupiter.
View attachment 713817

(Mini Update 3-10-17)
  • Held off on watering past 30-36 hours. Only spraying 5-6 times with pH'd mister throughout the day.
  • Gave them some water around the base of stem only by squeezing soaked paper towel lightly.
  • Trying hard not to over water, checking very regularly if the soil is damp/dry. Was starting to feel pretty dry even 5 or 6 inches down, so I caved and gave them that mini watering and sprayed 10 times with misting sprayer.
  • Measured in CM each plant and took a pic close up, will compare over the next 24-48 hours and hopefully we see some growth, if not will raise the light 4 inches and maybe do extra watering.
Thanks all!
:coffee2: ...super sleepy this morning.

You aree doing right... one big do you want your plants to be?
You aree doing right... one big do you want your plants to be?

You mean height wise? Idk, w.e they get to I suppose. I'm thinking I may try some LST if I work up the courage. I'm more afraid of just not tying off the areas right or something than anything else. This of course to try to get bigger buds by maximizing light exposure to the lower bud sites.

Also if all 3 start to grow pretty decent, and I get a little LST going, I may even try to FIM one of them, figure what have I got to lose? If I dont FIM right it'll probably be a topping instead and worse case I have 2 other plants to fall back on this round.

Idk, I'm so not a green thumb guy that reading about, watching pics/videos just isnt enough to give me the full confidence to do this stuff. Until I've just done it, ya know... Gotta get the feel for it. Like I said before, ill be happy if I grow even just a few decent buds. Not set on any size or quality. Just a little decent bud to say I did it!

You mean height wise? Idk, w.e they get to I suppose. I'm thinking I may try some LST if I work up the courage. I'm more afraid of just not tying off the areas right or something than anything else. This of course to try to get bigger buds by maximizing light exposure to the lower bud sites.

Also if all 3 start to grow pretty decent, and I get a little LST going, I may even try to FIM one of them, figure what have I got to lose? If I dont FIM right it'll probably be a topping instead and worse case I have 2 other plants to fall back on this round.

Idk, I'm so not a green thumb guy that reading about, watching pics/videos just isnt enough to give me the full confidence to do this stuff. Until I've just done it, ya know... Gotta get the feel for it. Like I said before, ill be happy if I grow even just a few decent buds. Not set on any size or quality. Just a little decent bud to say I did it!


Have you watched @budelee thread? He did some FIM on this thread, which is very long, and somebody posted this....

and this...


if you didn´t read this thread, take time and it will, because its very long, but also very interresting...

and man:growing:

I believe you´lll do more than " Like I said before, ill be happy if I grow even just a few decent buds. Not set on any size or quality. Just a little decent bud to say I did it!"

...... Only if you´re grabbing the stars, you´ll walking on the clouds in heaven.....:pass:
Very nice with studying comes nice plants,growing does require effort,you're doing excellent keep it up .

@dankstyle J

He´s right NugNoob...keep intouch with your plants, looking the leaves takes it time, I´m hours in my current garden stuying the plants.....and ascertain what plants are telling me, making feeding solution for every singel plant, how she needs it....keep going....:slap:
Have you watched @budelee thread? He did some FIM on this thread, which is very long, and somebody posted this....
View attachment 713911

and this...

View attachment 713912
if you didn´t read this thread, take time and it will, because its very long, but also very interresting... and man

I believe you´lll do more than " Like I said before, ill be happy if I grow even just a few decent buds. Not set on any size or quality. Just a little decent bud to say I did it!"

...... Only if you´re grabbing the stars, you´ll walking on the clouds in heaven.....:pass:

Oh yeah I have, I read all of @budelee posts. I have this one saved for when I might try it :thumbsup:


@dankstyle J
Thanks for stopping in man, appreciate the kind words. I won't let ya down!
:subbed... curious as to see how all this planning and studying pays off. looks like you have all the right tools man. looking real good from the beginning..

Thanks for joining the party, I'm very curious too lol!

My thought is, while I'm a complete noob to growing and tools and technology mean absolutely nothing in the hands of a novice...having the right tools and technology will better enable me to 1. Learn better/quicker and 2. Avoid mistakes by not having what I need. Probably most importantly, planning ahead and preparing the conditions as best as possible will always minimize any risks that could lead to bigger problems.
