New Grower NugNoob's - First Grow Adventure! AK-47's

Thanks man, im just nervous about screwing this grow up without even realizing it. That's what I was thinking with the CalMag.

Thanks all!

Lol I feel you brotha. Have a major freak out i'm fucking everything up at least once a day. Guess everyone has to go through their first grow...
Hey Nugnoob, how old are the babies? No growth in a coupme days? Two things come to mind.
1) I think you should give them a good squirt, 250ml, or so, straight down the base. I don't think squeezing a paper towel is enough to get that tap root to shoot down the pot.
2) You may be misting to much. I used to mist but found letting them stay dry was better. I believe misting to often, slows down transpiration, which in turn, would slow down growth.

I could be wrong. You have an abundance of growers here, far more experienced than I. Just my thoughts.
Complete newbie, but doubt the temp did much. Read somewhere that auto flowers actually like temp to be a little higher than photos, meaning 86 won't hurt them. Will see if I can find source. The thing about the time lapse is that you don't see what is happening under the soil. Some wise people taught me that if you see no growth above, it is because they are growing down below. :p Your plants look great! Excited for the rest of this grow!

On a side note I deff suggest adding calmag rather early. I waited till day 21 and my more developed plant was hurting because of it. Stupid LED lights.

I agree, its week 1 now? I did experienced that the little ladys are going down now inpot to prepare next growlevel....
Complete newbie, but doubt the temp did much. Read somewhere that auto flowers actually like temp to be a little higher than photos, meaning 86 won't hurt them. Will see if I can find source. The thing about the time lapse is that you don't see what is happening under the soil. Some wise people taught me that if you see no growth above, it is because they are growing down below. :p Your plants look great! Excited for the rest of this grow!

On a side note I deff suggest adding calmag rather early. I waited till day 21 and my more developed plant was hurting because of it. Stupid LED lights.
Yea i can attest to that... my plants are like steady at 86 with no co2... and no signs of heat stress... only signs of explosive growth... and another thing is that imo since their lifespan is so short and they are autos.. technically you can run them on a 24/0 light cycle... (which i am currently doing as well)

Thanks man, im just nervous about screwing this grow up without even realizing it. That's what I was thinking with the CalMag.

Thanks all!
Yea bro you shouldnt really trip... ur doing good. Once your past this seedling stage i found that the defficiencies and all of the other things arent as critical... as in if u see a nute burn you have time to fix. Not like they will die within a couple days(which me bieng a noob... i was super critical on it) but now that i think back about it i was too critical. I see something wrong and as long as i attempt to fix it within 7 days usually is good...may even have more time than that.. i just use 7 days as a rule of thumb... and not to mention im in a complete dwc system so supposidly that is when u run into problems and they happen fast... i culd be wrong tho.. this is my first one too so i wuldnt say follow all my advice all of this is jus my personal experience so far..

To show im not talkin out my ass... lol these are about 6 weeks in.... with the conditions i decribed... :smoking:
Hey Nugnoob, how old are the babies? No growth in a couple days? Two things come to mind.
1) I think you should give them a good squirt, 250ml, or so, straight down the base. I don't think squeezing a paper towel is enough to get that tap root to shoot down the pot.
2) You may be misting to much. I used to mist but found letting them stay dry was better. I believe misting to often, slows down transpiration, which in turn, would slow down growth.

Day 6 above soil. They were popped in paper towel method on 3-3 and 3-4, put into soil once they had a good size white tail coming out on 3-5 (but at like 12:30am at night/early morning). 3-7 their cotyledons opened up, so I counted that as Day 1

I think the soil may be dry enough now (haven't done a real watering since I pre-wet the grow bags) to do a full watering maybe later tonight or tomorrow morning if I wanna stretch it out. Figure I'll just pour maybe 500ml into each one gently around, wait 5 mins to let it soak in then another 500ml and see how much run off I get. It's been about 7-8 days since the pots were actually watered. Between that the few times I did the paper towel squeeze they'd get about 100-200ml a time, did this 4 times maybe (I'll have to check my grow journal excel) and between that did all the misting early on, which I did stop doing as of like 2-3 days ago, did it less and less over the past 4 days. So misting has basically just stopped.

Temp: 75-79
RH: 65%
Light 31"

Lol I feel you brotha. Have a major freak out i'm fucking everything up at least once a day. Guess everyone has to go through their first grow...

Amen to that brother... but you're looking great man!

Yea i can attest to that... my plants are like steady at 86 with no co2... and no signs of heat stress... only signs of explosive growth... and another thing is that imo since their lifespan is so short and they are autos.. technically you can run them on a 24/0 light cycle... (which i am currently doing as well)

Yea bro you shouldnt really trip... ur doing good. Once your past this seedling stage i found that the defficiencies and all of the other things arent as critical... as in if u see a nute burn you have time to fix. Not like they will die within a couple days(which me bieng a noob... i was super critical on it) but now that i think back about it i was too critical. I see something wrong and as long as i attempt to fix it within 7 days usually is good...may even have more time than that.. i just use 7 days as a rule of thumb... and not to mention im in a complete dwc system so supposidly that is when u run into problems and they happen fast... i culd be wrong tho.. this is my first one too so i wuldnt say follow all my advice all of this is jus my personal experience so far..

I've kept them on 24/0 with this Mars 600. I just think maybe the swings in temps could freak them out. But again, I just pay probably too much attention to them and freak out myself out. But I have been IMO been super careful not to over water, but I did mist a decent amount. Maybe 7-12 sprays a day, scattered throughout different periods, morning, afternoon, evening, late night.

Thanks guys! I guess I'll just wait and see, maybe do a full watering tonight with a bit of CalMag and maybe spray them once with the Optic Foliar Overgrow.
Oh. I hadn't realized you were giving them water, aside from a paper towel squeeze. I'll start paying attention

What I mean to say is, I would pour pH'd water into my measuring jug which holds up to 2 liters, and id filled it up like 1/4 of the way and from there, is spread that amount onto all 3 by soaking and squeezing the paper towel, just didn't want spill heavy water on them.

But yeah you're right maybe they grew deep enough where squeezing by the stem up top won't reach the bottom. But I hope that the pre-wet soil was still wet rowards the center, and bottom, think it is a little bit at least.

Thanks for your help @Yeatster