New Grower NugNoob's - First Grow Adventure! AK-47's

Day 10 (3-14)

Plants seem 'OK' healthy I think. Thanks all for your advice, encouragement and general awesomeness up to this point! You have no idea what it means to this noob :thumbsup:
Going to give them their first spray of the Optic Foliar Overgrow onto their leaves at some point today.

Current Temp: 78
Current RH: 65%
Current pH: Average of 6.4
Light Height: 30"

[HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] Jupiter - Still in the lead!

[HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] Saturn - Definitely second...

[HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] Mercury - Still a little runt, come on little one!


Now for boring details! Quick recap of what I've done since my last real journal update... back on Day 3 (3-9)

Days 1 to 7 For the first 2 days I put the humidity domes on for about 6 hours each day. This seemed to help with keeping the membrane of the shell that was stille attached wet and I think helped the cotyledons break free and open up.
Also, I would mist the plants and their surrounding area to keep humidity high, I had read from a few sources that they this was a good idea. Then I heard some conflicting ideas even here on AFN about doing this. So I eased them off it, less and less. By end of day 7, all mist spraying had stopped.

Day 8 (3-12) They got their first real big watering. The pots were pretty dry by this point as it had been about 9 days since they went into their pre-wet soil. I held off a little extra as I don't want to over water in the long run. I am a really new to watering plants and all that so I poured 1 liter of water in each pot slowly and waited 5 minutes. I poured another 1 liter and saw a little bit of runoff and waited 5 minutes. I poured 1 more liter on Jupiter's and saw within a few minutes a lot of run off (maybe 10-15%) which is probably way too much so on the two smaller plants # 2 Saturn and # 3 Mercury I poured another 400ml or so on each and the run off was probably only 5% I'd estimate.

So now I have a very basic idea of how much may be needed in another 4 days or so? One thing I really screwed up, I pH'd 2 gallons of distilled water to 6.5, then added the CalMag...and totally forgot to check and adjust the pH if needed so I have no idea what the exact pH was I watered with. I checked the soil with the Control Wizard Probe the next morning and it seemed ok though, pretty much any depth or area of soil was between 5.9 and 6.5.

Day 9 (3-13) Changed the exhaust fan timer so that instead of just going on for 2 minutes every hour it now goes on for 2 minutes every 35 minutes. Not other real changes.

Thanks again everyone for your help in this adventure, I am very excited and just want to make it clear that my goal here as a first time grower is to "get bud" idc if it's not a whole lot or the best quality I've had. It's simply to learn and get better. I appreciate any and all suggestions. One love.
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Hey man your plant looks fine. I think some phenotypes just start much slower. I seem to have two different ones growing right now. This is the slower one at day 9, View attachment 716000

And where she is at now 10 days later. I know it is hard to be patient, and that personally I wanted too and actually expected, to knock my first grow out of the park, but I have found this experience to be humbling. No one is perfect at the beginning. Heck no one is ever perfect. Just gotta be happy with what you got and keep learning, which you doubt will do/are doing. Your plants look great though and I'm sure in a week, you will be much happier with their progression.

Hope everyone in northeast is enjoying the snow and staying safe!

Snow is crazy here! Already got maybe 18 inches, guessing!? Still coming down heavy.

Thank you for the words of wisdom Tom's and that awesome comparison of growth!
slow and steady wins the race brotha.... looking good.. jus remember this time because before you know it... your gonna be thinking man i remember when they were just lil sprouts.. lol once the wheels gets turning... well just wait and see for yourself... its definitely rewarding.

Only speed I can go with these babies at this point lol. Thanks for the kind words and encouragement.

Hopefully I can look back and have such thoughts soon. It just can't happen fast enough!
looking you see at the leaves...they are absorbing the PAR´s your MarsHydro sends not rember, but do you use root-fertilizer/booster?

I have not used anything for feed except the CalMag on the last(first) watering, trying to keep it really simple and just be patient. Once I get the groove of this first grow down I can start to try other advanced nutes and such. Next grow which will be some Dutch Passion's I'll add in more nutes and enhancers early on such as a root booster. For this grow though just using the tried and true, simple Fox Farm Trio when they are ready (probably another 4-5 days) and Optic Foliar Overgrow spray (applying first time today) I also have a bottle of CalMag to add in a little each watering now.

Thanks all! :jointman:
Snow is crazy here! Already got maybe 18 inches, guessing!? Still coming down heavy.

Thank you for the words of wisdom Tom's and that awesome comparison of growth!

Only speed I can go with these babies at this point lol. Thanks for the kind words and encouragement.

Hopefully I can look back and have such thoughts soon. It just can't happen fast enough!

I have not used anything for feed except the CalMag on the last(first) watering, trying to keep it really simple and just be patient. Once I get the groove of this first grow down I can start to try other advanced nutes and such. Next grow which will be some Dutch Passion's I'll add in more nutes and enhancers early on such as a root booster. For this grow though just using the tried and true, simple Fox Farm Trio when they are ready (probably another 4-5 days) and Optic Foliar Overgrow spray (applying first time today) I also have a bottle of CalMag to add in a little each watering now.

Thanks all! :jointman:
Sorry dude...i read that you did not use any feeds, without calmag like you have written...getting the grove its it...DP´s at it´s best!...just had thoughts about roots, doing my question about rootbooster.....forget it...keep on going...:hookah:
Sorry dude...i read that you did not use any feeds, without calmag like you have written...getting the grove its it...DP´s at it´s best!...just had thoughts about roots, doing my question about rootbooster.....forget it...keep on going...:hookah:

All good my man, thanks for the help. I have read a little bit about root boosters and am very interested in using them in my next grow for sure. And yes, very excited for DP seeds which have shipped and should be here soon. I'm no expert but I think these AK genetics from I<3Growing are just 'ok' nothing special. What's worse is one member here bought the same seeds from them (AK47 Auto's) that turned out to be photo type. Hope it doesn't happen to me!
So far so good, noob. You'll start seeing some major growth spurts real soon.

I think all 3 seedlings are equal in terms of development. Some leaves are bigger, some smaller. The beginning is no testament to what's to come.
Hey my friend, have to quit for a couple of wife is sick at home and i have to take care about her, son, usual business and garden...will do next update on Monday, 20...maybe for sure to read more about the the nutes you´re going to use foxfarm..never heard about it and have to do some reasearch about about NPK...go for it,will be very interresting about your be seen, just to be sure a little and more little advise..better to underfeed a bit, than to overfeed, but I´m save you know about all of feeds...hope to be back asap
So far so good, noob. You'll start seeing some major growth spurts real soon.

I think all 3 seedlings are equal in terms of development. Some leaves are bigger, some smaller. The beginning is no testament to what's to come.

Hey thanks for stopping in man. Appreciate the advice and heads up, I'm so new to this that, short of them wilting and dying I couldn't tell you if they were healthy or sick or what! So I really do appreciate having more experienced growers popping in and letting me know what's what. Please stop in again soon, as I'll have another update hopefully with another time lapse of the past few days. Thanks!

Hey my friend, have to quit for a couple of wife is sick at home and i have to take care about her, son, usual business and garden...will do next update on Monday, 20...maybe for sure to read more about the the nutes you´re going to use foxfarm..never heard about it and have to do some reasearch about about NPK...go for it,will be very interresting about your be seen, just to be sure a little and more little advise..better to underfeed a bit, than to overfeed, but I´m save you know about all of feeds...hope to be back asap

Sorry to hear man! Hope it's just a regular cold or w/e. The Fox Farm nutes or the "Trio" as it's dubbed is widely popular in the US. Not too expensive but not cheap either. I'm going to follow @FullDuplex feed schedule, should be starting the next day or two as they are about to hit 2 weeks old! His feed schedule with the FF Trio "Way of the Fox" can be found here.

Also, I will at some point link full Excel sheet that I update every day, every time I check on them or do something. Maybe at the end or near the end of the grow for those of you who like to see the details or wanna skim through for fun! I'm using it mostly to log what I did and figure out what I can do again or what didn't work and cut it out of the next grow.

Gave them a small 250ml watering each last night (3-15 Day 11). Checked on them this morning, checked pH and was stunned to find it right around 7 in each pot with my Accurate pH8 Control Wizard!? How the hell did this happen and when, it may have been like this for a few days now! I've been using pH water 6.5 every time.

Think I'll give them another 500ml tonight pH'd around 5.9 and then skip a day and if needed do that again or adjust higher or lower to get it back into the 6.5 range.

In theory, this may not have effected them too much yet since my understanding is that the only adverse effect of pH around 7 is the plant can't uptake nutrients. If I understand that correctly, that's nutrients from the soil. There aren't realy any nutrients yet as I have not done the first feed since they are day 12. So again, in theory they should be using their own internal sugars/nutes to spurt new growth and the pH 7 shouldn't matter at that much yet...but will soon. So I think I have a few days. Hopefully this isn't one of the contributing factors to why growth seems sooooo slow atm.

Any other suggestions? Thanks!
(3-16 Day 12)
Gave all 3 of the lil ladies 400ml of pH'd 5.95 water, will probably give them another 500ml tomorrow afternoon if the pH is still high (sure it will be). My next actual watering was supposed to be around Day 14 and was probably going to start light nutes, but I may push that back a few more days, and try to sort the pH out. Not decided if I will or should add the small amount of nutes (Grow Big) into one of these small waterings while trying to adjust the pH. I'm leaning towards no.

Nute far I've given them 2 waterings with a small amount of CalMag and last nights watering of 250ml had a 1/8tsp of Big Bloom (into gallon jug) as FD's schedule says you can use it pretty much throughout, as its good for roots and macros.

-Your Friendly Neighborhood Noob