New Grower NugNoob's - First Grow Adventure! AK-47's

Hey thanks for stopping in man. Appreciate the advice and heads up, I'm so new to this that, short of them wilting and dying I couldn't tell you if they were healthy or sick or what! So I really do appreciate having more experienced growers popping in and letting me know what's what. Please stop in again soon, as I'll have another update hopefully with another time lapse of the past few days. Thanks!

Sorry to hear man! Hope it's just a regular cold or w/e. The Fox Farm nutes or the "Trio" as it's dubbed is widely popular in the US. Not too expensive but not cheap either. I'm going to follow @FullDuplex feed schedule, should be starting the next day or two as they are about to hit 2 weeks old! His feed schedule with the FF Trio "Way of the Fox" can be found here.

Also, I will at some point link full Excel sheet that I update every day, every time I check on them or do something. Maybe at the end or near the end of the grow for those of you who like to see the details or wanna skim through for fun! I'm using it mostly to log what I did and figure out what I can do again or what didn't work and cut it out of the next grow.


Hey man,

yeah, it´s a heavy cold and both the´re now in bed, me making tea ,hot water bag, cooking strong soup and giving medicines like the doctor said, should be pass in a couple of days,will return here then...go for it NN!
@TheMongol Good man, take care of the ones you love! (plants included in there too lol) :clapper:

Hey mate,

always when my little boy is sick, normally he´s really such a " hey mom, hey dad...I´m ordering you both to do this and that..", but when he´s ill..LOL.. he is like Daddyyyyy, Momyyyyy, I´m so sick, I need full oversight..and it normally will take about 2-3 days, then I´m answering...hey you have to go through, guess on him: before you little mouthy, young and cheeky boy do open your mouth...first think, and think and then answer it´s really amusing and i love it.. my wife is doing pretty well..keep on rockin NN:pass:
Day 14 (3-18-17) Update
Been trying to combat this pH issue, problem is I don't want to over water since I noticed the pH issue like a day after they got their first big watering! :help:

What I've done...

3-16 watered 250ml 6.0 pH
3-17 watered 500ml 6.0 pH
3-18 (today) watered 750ml 5.8 pH

Temp: 81
RH: 60%
pH: 6.9! : |

TIME LAPSE TIME! (Sorry, grow has been slow so not as exciting as I'd hoped...) :baghead:

[HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] Jupiter - Still showing the most promise (for now) that a tiny third set leaf trying pop out? IDK looks kinda weird...
Jupiter 3-18.jpg

[HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] Saturn - Starting to see (barely) growth on the second set of leave, they even or past their cotyledons that's...something.
Saturn 3-18-17.jpg

[HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] Mercury - Same thing as Saturn, can barely see second set of leaves growing outwards a bit. Come on little one!
Mercury 3-18-17.jpg

Last but most certainly not least... 4x AutoCobs arrived today! @BigSm0 (thank you!)

(Before, Just MARS 600)
(After, 2 COBS + MARS 600 on)

These things are just crazy bright! Hung 2 so far so they can hopefully adapt a little bit (both COBS at 36"), may take out the MARS in the next 24-48 entirely for the other 2.

So hopefully I can sort through this pH issue soon, I really don't wanna do a flush so early but if I don't see it start to go down in the next few days I'm really gonna worry that it won't be able to suck up the nutes I plan to feed it for the first time in in the next 3-4 days... Guess we'll have to wait and see!
Big thanks to AFN, also @budelee @stepside @jingo @TheMongol and anyone and everyone else keeping the :vibe:strong and the extra love shown today (Saturday in Live Stoner!)

-NN Out!
I was struggling with my pH for a while.. no science behind this but I started shooting for 6.8 in promix and it seems to be helping me.

I hear ya man, I never thought pH would be so hard to get right since I watered the pots first so that it read about 6.5 with the probe and always watered with 6.5 the few times I have so far... Thanks for sharing!

@Creature I know dude, it's nuts...and that's just with 2 imagine 4!

...Gotta take the dog out, bbl friends!

You can help a container you feel you have over watered by tilting it up at an angle and chocking it there. Stick a rock or child's toy in time out or whatever up underneath, just not the dogs favorite toy. Soft pots wont work of course, but good luck overwatering one of them.

Angling the pot significantly decreases the supportable water column in the container and the rest breaks free and will run out the bottom. A couple of hours will usually get it done but over night during the sleep period would be fantastic.