New Grower NugNoob's - First Grow Adventure! AK-47's

Mate you are going through exactly the same process as I did on my first grow. I did a few things wrong (not saying you have) and made some bad choices (won't specify but same as you basically) but got through it and grew some buds.

Second grow I got much better environment sorted, better light source and kinda found "my style" (TaNg's lol) and it's gone sooooo much better. As has already been said here just relax man :pimp: :jointman:

I literally sat in my bedroom with the tent for 10 weeks on my first one and nearly sent myself mental! I have learned to chill out a lot more (not completely!) and just watch them do what they do when conditions are good.

It will all sort itself out brother and before you know it you will be holding a big glass jar full of bud that YOU produced!

You're doing awesome mate and all the real good growers (not me) will always be there to help and guide you.

:biggrin: :d5: :cheers: :smoking: :hookah: :vibe::chimp:

Yeah I'm starting to ween off the going mental thing (definitely have) as of late... :tongue: It's really awesome to hear from the experienced growers such as yourself, specially on their early days/past growing experiences and then now. Thankfully a chunk of it is logged in journals so we can refer to them and learn!

Thanks for the encouragement and yeah AFN has been good to me! (way too good to me)
Yeah I'm starting to ween off the going mental thing (definitely have) as of late... :tongue: It's really awesome to hear from the experienced growers such as yourself, specially on their early days/past growing experiences and then now. Thankfully a chunk of it is logged in journals so we can refer to them and learn!

Thanks for the encouragement and yeah AFN has been good to me! (way too good to me)

Mate I'm not experienced! This is my second grow. All the knowledge gained on here has made a world of difference bro :woohoo1:
Red Alert, I FOUND A GNAT (just one, which I killed once it landed on one of the trays) F*ck! What do I do!? Is it too late, is this grow done? @Seabass

Also what the hell is this!? Some kind of fungus/spore thing!? So maybe fungus Gnats!? Was not here yesterday I can assure you, only on this one plant.. This like Stranger Things in real life. Help!

@jingo @budelee
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Hi NugNoob. I've just caught up here and subbed in. I'm only a couple of weeks ahead of you on my first-ever MJ grow. I've also researched the heck out of the equipment set-up, and now am deep into the journals here on AFN. I'm in the Northeast, and have been wrestling with temps and RH being too low - and feeling frustrated 'cause I think the growth was stunted and too slow. Gradually getting it dialed in though, with some suggestions from @jingo and @Burr_nit . Great community, eh? Good luck, but I know you'll do great.
Red Alert, I FOUND A GNAT (just one, which I killed once it landed on one of the trays) F*ck! What do I do!? Is it too late, is this grow done? @Seabass

Also what the hell is this!? Some kind of fungus/spore thing!? So maybe fungus Gnats!? Was not here yesterday I can assure you, only on this one plant.. This like Stranger Things in real life. Help!
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@jingo @budelee

What the fuck is this ....? My dic says..a gnat is a mosquito?
What the fuck is this ....? My dic says..a gnat is a mosquito?
I don't remember what country you're in so you may not be able to find this product. But I used it successfully for my infestation recently.

I would buy concentrated spinosad not a pre-mixed spray just the product Montgomery spinosad.

You can mix the stuff in solution with a wetting agent and spray your plants and even the outside of your bags you can then put it in your nutrient mix and feed it every time you feed your plants.

If you have any open reservoirs, like I have a waste Resevoir that's open throw mosquito bits in them and that'll keep them from growing in there.
I don't remember what country you're in so you may not be able to find this product. But I used it successfully for my infestation recently.

I would buy concentrated spinosad not a pre-mixed spray just the product Montgomery spinosad.

You can mix the stuff in solution with a wetting agent and spray your plants and even the outside of your bags you can then put it in your nutrient mix and feed it every time you feed your plants.

If you have any open reservoirs, like I have a waste Resevoir that's open throw mosquito bits in them and that'll keep them from growing in there.

Thanks @jingo for your reply. I'm in the US, I'll see if I can get that from a garden center or HD.

Have you tried putting an inch or so layer of play sand on top of the soil, some say this stops new gnats, but I don't think it would stop the little larvae grubs from feasting on the roots?

Also have you heard of cooking your soil mix at around 200f in an oven for an hour or two prior to planting to sterilize soil from bugs? This is a new thought to me but I'm thinking the only way gnats grew up in here was from the soil I bought, so that would almost guarantee no gnats next grow.

Ill certainly try what you suggested and maybe add a bit of sand on top. Just thinking ahead for the next grow in how to improve. This sucks.