New Grower NugNoob's - First Grow Adventure! AK-47's

just bring down rh...plants can take it, don´t worry...because of the weather here in my country i started my actual grow with rh 40-50 and had no problems, get this yellow sticky sheets...everything that is flying in your garden will be stick on it and you can classify it...
Hey man,

just to say here first, your pride here on AFN will be a milestone for many other new growers entering on AFN in the future reading this journal !!!!

Yeah, NugNoob's complete guide of 'What Not To Do' lol... Thanks though

Also, yeah Saturn had to go...if you saw all the shit growing in there...ugh gross. Just thought this would be easier/better in the long run. Less plants to worry about what's growing under there, less chance of spreading more gnats/hatching, etc. The other 2 with very minimal digging around the far reaches don't seem to have that same shrooms or w/e fungus crap. So they stay, for now.
Hey I saw this post and read through it all seeing as we started our grows around the same time. Sucks to see your grow take a wrong turn, even with all the planning. Sending positive vibes to you and your plants. Gonna follow along and see how it goes.
I never tried to Captain Jacks so I'm not really sure about that but I do like using different oils. I always use coriander oil in my nutrient mix it's found in SM 90 and it really helps accelerate plant growth.

Your environment seems a little bit wet right now it would be okay to let your pots go without water for probably up to a week.

Trying things out is also important when you're fighting fungus gnats the last I had gnats I had to let my Coco dry a little bit too much and ended up losing one of my smaller plants but oh well.

Because my last experience getting gnats was such a blow to my pride I now practice a new method of introducing my Pebbles.

I used to wait until the seedling was at least two inches tall and they stretch pretty quick and then I put in two inches of Pebbles. But now what I do is I put a little plastic cup over the seedling before it sprouts and I put my Pebbles straight on top of the pot. Then as the seedling grows I lift up the plastic cup and a few Pebbles fall underneath and help keep the pot up to where it gets good ventilation through the Pebbles, within a few days I'm able to remove the plastic cup all together and then I have a medium that the gnats can't get through.


That is a plastic freezer jam cup that's what I used to put my cannabutter in and I also use it for a cover for my seedlings.
No, I killed 1 of them. Saturn because of bugs and mushrooms/fungus growing. The others don't seem to have fungus as far as I can tell from poking around, but still a few gnats in the tent which would mean A LOT more to come soon. Hopefully this slow them down or just stops them entirely. They really don't seem to be doing well growing wise. Sure they haven't wilted, but I mean how long have those lil grubs been digging in there and eating away. Probably as long as I first mentioned that they suddenly seem stunted. So I mean, it's anything goes now IMO. Thanks.

you killed 2 plants because of mushrooms ? sorry if i read that wrong,i know you got bug problems.
good luck.

@jelly0 Oh yeah, I just read yours. All grow vibes accepted, thank you.

@jingo Yeah, I never realized the clay pebbles were also good for anti-bugs before. I had only read they were good for aeration, drainage and they hold some moisture etc... Definitely going to give them a go next grow. Or if these 2 survive the next week and actually start growing maybe I'll try and remove the sand and pop washed, pH'd pebbles on top. Somebody (in this journal in fact) said keeping a dome on the seedling area could harm/kill a seedling. So I waited 2 more days and then, only used it twice for 6-12 hours each time when they were really small and opening up their first set.

I will try your method of pebbles all around the top with a small patch where the seedling is protected by a cup/dome and after a few days remove the cup and move the pebbles in it's place around the stem (If that sounds correct). Will try Coco w/ pebbles next, May even try out Mephisto's GBD super soil additive. Will also bake the coco I get @ 200 degrees for 1.5 hours while getting things ready to ensure no eggs are in here. I don't think these gnats came from outside as it's wicked cold, snowy still. No other house plants or anything in the house. There were no sign of bugs ever, literally unzipped it this morning and boom, gnats.

Thanks for all your advice and help guys, it means a lot.
@NugNoob Damn bro, sorry to see this. If you saw a couple flying around it's likely they came in your soil in larvae stage. The adults, flying gnats, are just annoying not to harmful. But the larvae is in the soil nibbling your babies roots. The advice I got from all these great growers is a 2 prong approach to kill their life cycle. Yellow sticky traps for the adults and mesquito dunks for the soil. You can brew a "tea" with the mesquito dunks ( I used the bits, consistency of rice) or just sprinkle it on the top soil and water it in. This will take care of the adults and larvae cutting off their life cycle.
When I got the bad bag of soil my growth looked almost identical to yours. After 20ish days I tossed everything and completely cleaned my tent and airports. I'm now on day 9 after restarting with fresh soil and they're 3 times the size and a beautiful vibrant green. on the positive side I learned how to deal with gnats and what soil I will not be using again.
Best of luck with whatever you choose! Good vibes heading your way. :vibes: