New Grower NugNoob's - First Grow Adventure! AK-47's

No, I don't plan to kill. I honestly never did. I did say I would chop them (kill) AFTER say like 5-7 days of no change or growth. So they've still got 4-5 days left to get into shape. But, what I would really do/mean, is take them outside and plant them near my shed. Though it's really cold, so they probably wouldn't make it (I guess that's kinda killing them lol). But it's the nicest thing I can do for them if they just don't start growing or get worse... gotta move on to grow 2 eventually and try again until I get it right.
Noo..cannot take guys all take care of my MOTHER-FUCKING-PROBLEMS-BEING-IN HERE-ON-AFN-USING-MY-DIC...just throw myself off the chair..I was sitting on:::no@l0wbob2017...@Yeatster....just having FUN
I didn't get a chance to see some of your first grows and trials you faced, but I got the sense right away as I have been following your latest journal since you started it and you kinda hinted at struggling but I also got the sense that you were ready now, like you'd been through hell and knew exactly what you were gonna do. Determined.

I feel the same and I'm still watching over this sloppy 1st grow I've got lol, but I'm even more excited for the next. The reason I am excited for the next grow; It's not about giving up (not having to deal with the trial) and moving on to the next one as much as I'm excited to try new things on it. To improve and hopefully be much more successful where I may have failed previously. I feel what you are saying, completely. Along with a lot of others around these parts, a lot of love and support here on AFN! Thanks for sharing.

Very true Mongol! It's nice that we can take even the bad parts and make it into a good time, no matter what.

Well if u would like to take a look at my first grow.

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Will do, thanks

I'm reading it now want 2 see something funny but not?[emoji652]️

My first harvest was a pound, or being new I thought I can grow one . This is some of what I got.

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Well man, first of all rest in peperonies for the fallen ladies.

in my opinion you didnt do anything wrong except giving up to early. I think if u had let them stand there for 2 more weeks ( it doesnt matter if u would chop them down anyway ) u may would have seen something changing.

But thats normal on the first grow. Everybody needs to learn to be cool, give them their time to grow, dont look to often just chill.

Some thing that also happened to @TheMongol is that if u look to often at ur plants it gets hard to see any difference.
I think u read that thread from him and know that his girls stopped doing anything for a quiet long time but everytime i visited i saw a difference and told him to chill. Now everything works better than he could every imagine.

Keep your planning up.

Maybe some checkpoints:

- Air ( ofc filtering outgoing air, but maybe filtering the intake too? or at least block anything but air? some air-moving inside? temp ok?huminity ok? is the air fresh?)
- Water ( PH, temp, EC / ppm )
- Soil ( PH, is there any fertilizer in the soil? maybe try one with no or at least low amount of premixed fertilizers )
- Light ( try to make best use of coverage, dont be too close / much away)
- make a list what u do when u do
- chill and give them time :D
Well man, first of all rest in peperonies for the fallen ladies.

in my opinion you didnt do anything wrong except giving up to early. I think if u had let them stand there for 2 more weeks ( it doesnt matter if u would chop them down anyway ) u may would have seen something changing.

But thats normal on the first grow. Everybody needs to learn to be cool, give them their time to grow, dont look to often just chill.

Some thing that also happened to @TheMongol is that if u look to often at ur plants it gets hard to see any difference.
I think u read that thread from him and know that his girls stopped doing anything for a quiet long time but everytime i visited i saw a difference and told him to chill. Now everything works better than he could every imagine.

Keep your planning up.

Maybe some checkpoints:

- Air ( ofc filtering outgoing air, but maybe filtering the intake too? or at least block anything but air? some air-moving inside? temp ok?huminity ok? is the air fresh?)
- Water ( PH, temp, EC / ppm )
- Soil ( PH, is there any fertilizer in the soil? maybe try one with no or at least low amount of premixed fertilizers )
- Light ( try to make best use of coverage, dont be too close / much away)
- make a list what u do when u do
- chill and give them time :D
great man..but HE will do...
Well man, first of all rest in peperonies for the fallen ladies.

in my opinion you didnt do anything wrong except giving up to early. I think if u had let them stand there for 2 more weeks ( it doesnt matter if u would chop them down anyway ) u may would have seen something changing.

But thats normal on the first grow. Everybody needs to learn to be cool, give them their time to grow, dont look to often just chill.

Some thing that also happened to @TheMongol is that if u look to often at ur plants it gets hard to see any difference.
I think u read that thread from him and know that his girls stopped doing anything for a quiet long time but everytime i visited i saw a difference and told him to chill. Now everything works better than he could every imagine.

Keep your planning up.

Maybe some checkpoints:

- Air ( ofc filtering outgoing air, but maybe filtering the intake too? or at least block anything but air? some air-moving inside? temp ok?huminity ok? is the air fresh?)
- Water ( PH, temp, EC / ppm )
- Soil ( PH, is there any fertilizer in the soil? maybe try one with no or at least low amount of premixed fertilizers )
- Light ( try to make best use of coverage, dont be too close / much away)
- make a list what u do when u do
- chill and give them time :D

Appreciate the advice and information you've provided, along with many, many others. It's been really awesome and I feel the love and the AFN vibe... but this needs to be said here again...because it keeps coming up. Please don't take this wrong, I am not mad or anything, but I do feel it needs to be said again.

I NEVER SAID I AM GIVING UP OR THAT I KILLED MY PLANTS. 2 are still alive, just seemingly stunted (for 10-12 days now, because...gnats/larva?) and definitely gave me negative vibes but I thought I was keeping the general mood positive with thanking everyone and keeping it light. But still, that's not to say I gave up or killed them.

Here are a few quick quotes/notes to remind anyone or catch people up to speed. Also to show that I have not given up on this grow. Put simply, I just don't have the highest of hope for this grow now given it's current state the past 10 days or so. I've taken the liberty of highlighting in bold some of my previous statements.

...hopefully this kills the gnat larvae, helps or fixes the pH and get these poor stunted ladies on the go again. As you can see, I also put about 1" thick top coat of fine "please play anywhere else gnats" sand to hopefully prevent any more hatching. Haven't seen any other gnats flying around. Bought some of those stick traps off Amazon, should be here Tuesday just in case.

That's it for now, it is a sad day indeed. Though I am a noob, I have done a decent amount of research and thought I had prepared and provided everything just right. Needless to say my pride is wounded just a little. I expect the worst, but I hope for the best. Most importantly, live, learn, improve and move on. Thank you all for your help thus far!

Yeah, NugNoob's complete guide of 'What Not To Do' lol... Thanks though

Also, yeah Saturn had to go...if you saw all the shit growing in there...ugh gross. Just thought this would be easier/better in the long run. Less plants to worry about what's growing under there, less chance of spreading more gnats/hatching, etc. The other 2 with very minimal digging around the far reaches don't seem to have that same shrooms or w/e fungus crap. So they stay, for now.

No, I killed 1 of them. Saturn because of bugs and mushrooms/fungus growing. The others don't seem to have fungus as far as I can tell from poking around, but still a few gnats in the tent which would mean A LOT more to come soon. Hopefully this slow them down or just stops them entirely.
Thanks for all your advice and help guys, it means a lot.

He killed only one, saturn.

Not sure how I missed this yesterday. Thanks Yeats for the support man. Been feeling a little blue because of this turn out. But what can ya do. Same to @TheMongol thanks and everyone really. Jingo's been a huge help as well but really all of AFN.

Its been a few days and I've still spoted a few gnats each day. Tiniest bit of growth but nothing to be happy about. So like I suspected earlier, this grow may be coming to a close.

Thanks all for your support its been invaluable, truly. Probably wont be any updates here anymore, depends if they start growing again. Once I get my next grow going will start what I think will be called grow 1.5. Will likely wait until they are two weeks and look healthy before creating the coming journal this time.

I'm giving them some more time. It just sucks cause they definitely been stunted hard I assume because of this. So once the gnats are gone hopefully in a few days, and hopefully a few days after that any remaining hatched larva that is in the soil dies off...

Assuming these 2 are still alive...How much more can these AK's go from where they are at 3-3.5 weeks at that point? Probably still looking like their 10 days old. By that time it seems I could restart the grow with tried and true genetics, with grow improvements, will probably grow quicker and know for sure that something is going to come to fruition.

Thats all I'm saying, weighing the options. I definitely don't want to just kill them. They're my babies, they have names and feelings! Thanks

I guess I was hasty with the fungi mushroom thing, but my thought was this is probably where the fungus gnats are working out of as this was the only grow bag that had fungus growing all over suddenly. My thought too was if this is the only one or the worst one with active gnat larvae then I should get rid of it, as an effort to help the other two along. ...yet the fact that fungus gnats are starting to pop out of a grow bag that has fungus popping out of it too isn't reassuring to me that this is to my benefit when they haven't grown at all for over a week. I've spent $40 buying 2 different organic safe insecticides and simple play sand, sticky traps and hydrogen peroxide in my local area trying to save these two. So far all I can say is, not a whole lot of gnats. Hopefully eventually none.

I have logged just about everything I did or noticed in this excel sheet I created if you or anyone wants to take a look. Link is from my Google Drive below...

AK-47 1st Grow Log (Excel Spreadsheet)

Want to make it clear, again I am not simply giving up on this grow, I am giving it a realistic time frame for it to start growing again. While Ruderalis genes are strong, I can't say anything about these particular seeds as that information wasn't available from where I got them and elsewhere on AFN these beans are looking to well. Also, a seedling can only take so much before it just won't recover and Autos are on a time crunch as it stands. While I want the best for them, I just don't have high hopes for these 2 at this point, sorry but that's how I feel about it.

Thanks all for your help!

:thumbsup: It's all good man. No please, I'm really glad you and other share so much info and continue to share in the future as well! AFN isn't the reason this happened some shitty storage of soil or w.e else I may have overlooked and got flipping gnats, or maybe something different entirely and I'll never know. There's a bunch of variables to it.

I'm still excited about growing, I'm prepping for a new and improved one aren't i !? I may be a bit blue that this one went kinda south all of a sudden but I ain't quitting. I will let these ones live out at least another 5-7 days see if there is any positive change or what. I feel like I've done what I can, that's all. Like I said, hope for the best but ready for the worst, let's see.

Sorry just had to go into a meeting for work @budelee thanks you for your kind words, specific advice and always your encouragement. I never planned on giving up and never will. I will continue with my plan of seeing what happens in the next week with these last 2 plants and see what I can learn like you said. Hopefully I can at least be successful at getting rid of them! Thank you for talking to my pussy. Especially since you are so busy with work, trust me I know a bit about that.
@archie gemmill @Yeatster @TheMongol Thanks again and everyone else too, I wont let ya down in this grow if not the next one.

The reason I am excited for the next grow; It's not about giving up (not having to deal with the trial) and moving on to the next one as much as I'm excited to try new things on it. To improve and hopefully be much more successful where I may have failed previously.

I'll post a mini update tonight or tomorrow at some point. Not a whole lot of change. Only positive thing I can say is I haven't seen any gnats flying around, none stuck to the yellow sticky pads or anything for over a day now I think. Hopefully the larvae are dead inside the soil and none can hatch or come back again on this grow. The damage may have been too great for Jupiter and Mercury, only time will tell. Thanks!

No, I don't plan to kill. I honestly never did. I did say I would chop them (kill) AFTER say like 5-7 days of no change or growth. So they've still got 4-5 days left to get into shape. But, what I would really do/mean, is take them outside and plant them near my shed. Though it's really cold, so they probably wouldn't make it (I guess that's kinda killing them lol). But it's the nicest thing I can do for them if they just don't start growing or get worse... gotta move on to grow 2 eventually and try again until I get it right.

Again, 2 of the AK's are alive, just haven't changed much. My point was really this, they don't seem to be moving forward. Gnats (which mean root eating larva) appear and now I have a source or possible cause of the stunt. Mind you this is at a very young seedling stage, fragile. Here we are 10 days after I notice the stunted growth, still the same. Just not looking good, that's all. If I've thrown anyone off by what I said, I am sorry. But no, I have no stopped the grow. I have kept the environment as best as I can for seedlings even still. It requires a lot of work and attention as you probably know. I don't simply roll over and give up, but I still maintain a sense of logic and have to weigh all options and odds. Though I said this grow may come to a close that's different from, I GIVE UP OR IT'S OVER.

Again, I am still giving them time and again thank you all so much for your support here. It's incredible big hug to AFN.
Tips. The friends here are very very passionate about letting plants finish. Me, I don't care. If I don't like a plant it's takes everything in me not to start over. Read my haze grow . They seemed pissed but it's all love. Do you, whatever it is.

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