New Grower NugNoob's - First Grow Adventure! AK-47's

Get the nematodes bro, they'll live in the medium and take out the gnats like the mini terminator worms they are!

But everything else you say is best practice, so either way get them things done once this concludes, you won't let this happen again and that's the key lesson here. Growing is a trial and error hobby, I wouldn't be where I am today without a load of screw ups, and there will be more in the future! Gotta roll with the punches bruh.
I didn't have this experience but I have been fighting for over a year. I did learn from my battles and face things head on now.
My first grow I lost everything over 4 onions to mold. A fan feel on my favorite haze plant. Gnats 3 times. Environment problems.
1 dark purple auto , I really wanted gave me a half of blunt. Today I'm more comfortable with the plants. My point is YOU are a winner of experience, use it and completely rock the house.

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I didn't have this experience but I have been fighting for over a year. I did learn from my battles and face things head on now.
My first grow I lost everything over 4 onions to mold. A fan feel on my favorite haze plant. Gnats 3 times. Environment problems.
1 dark purple auto , I really wanted gave me a half of blunt. Today I'm more comfortable with the plants. My point is YOU are a winner of experience, use it and completely rock the house.

I didn't get a chance to see some of your first grows and trials you faced, but I got the sense right away as I have been following your latest journal since you started it and you kinda hinted at struggling but I also got the sense that you were ready now, like you'd been through hell and knew exactly what you were gonna do. Determined.

I feel the same and I'm still watching over this sloppy 1st grow I've got lol, but I'm even more excited for the next. The reason I am excited for the next grow; It's not about giving up (not having to deal with the trial) and moving on to the next one as much as I'm excited to try new things on it. To improve and hopefully be much more successful where I may have failed previously. I feel what you are saying, completely. Along with a lot of others around these parts, a lot of love and support here on AFN! Thanks for sharing.

Havin fun..makes live much more easyer....:pass:

Very true Mongol! It's nice that we can take even the bad parts and make it into a good time, no matter what.
Saw that you´re back are you doing, mate? Maybe pic´s..?

I'm fine, got a lot of new stuff in the mail today for grow [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]. Gotta go to my post office tomorrow to sign and pick up my Dutch Passion and freebie seeds ^.^

I'll post a mini update tonight or tomorrow at some point. Not a whole lot of change. Only positive thing I can say is I haven't seen any gnats flying around, none stuck to the yellow sticky pads or anything for over a day now I think. Hopefully the larvae are dead inside the soil and none can hatch or come back again on this grow. The damage may have been too great for Jupiter and Mercury, only time will tell.

I didn't get a chance to see some of your first grows and trials you faced, but I got the sense right away as I have been following your latest journal since you started it and you kinda hinted at struggling but I also got the sense that you were ready now, like you'd been through hell and knew exactly what you were gonna do. Determined.

I feel the same and I'm still watching over this sloppy 1st grow I've got lol, but I'm even more excited for the next. The reason I am excited for the next grow; It's not about giving up (not having to deal with the trial) and moving on to the next one as much as I'm excited to try new things on it. To improve and hopefully be much more successful where I may have failed previously. I feel what you are saying, completely. Along with a lot of others around these parts, a lot of love and support here on AFN! Thanks for sharing.

Very true Mongol! It's nice that we can take even the bad parts and make it into a good time, no matter what.

Did i understood killed,or what..?
Did i understood killed,or what..?

No, I don't plan to kill. I honestly never did. I did say I would chop them (kill) AFTER say like 5-7 days of no change or growth. So they've still got 4-5 days left to get into shape. But, what I would really do/mean, is take them outside and plant them near my shed. Though it's really cold, so they probably wouldn't make it (I guess that's kinda killing them lol). But it's the nicest thing I can do for them if they just don't start growing or get worse... gotta move on to grow 2 eventually and try again until I get it right.