New Grower NugNoob's - First Grow Adventure! AK-47's

Here is my plan for the next grow as regards prevention of pests. Some of it mentioned previously but this should make it neater...

1. Dispose of old soil and grow bags

2. Wipe down the grow tent walls and liners with insectiside spray I've been using and then hydrogen peroxcide + water solution 1-part 3% h202 3- part h20 ratio

3. Roots Organic soil I wish to try, available from a new local hydro shop has told me specifically when they get their bags delivered they immediately take them and store them indoors.

4. Additionally I plan to pre-wet the soil with the same 3% h202 to water ratio.

5. Will put a bit of DE as a coat in the middle just above the super soil.

6. Will top coat the soil with DE, some mosquito bits and clay pebbles.

Hopefully this will be enough to ensure no pests in the soil from the store and should prevent any from getting in down the road.

Thanks all!

I've been doing some reading and came across this study:

From what I got out of that study it seems that DE doesn't work too well when it's wet. Top coating it should be effective, but I am not sure if you have to keep reapplying it or not. Best of luck at figuring it out as now I seem to be seeing a couple of these gnats flying around my tent at the moment...
I've been doing some reading and came across this study:

From what I got out of that study it seems that DE doesn't work too well when it's wet. Top coating it should be effective, but I am not sure if you have to keep reapplying it or not. Best of luck at figuring it out as now I seem to be seeing a couple of these gnats flying around my tent at the moment...

Very smooth @jelly0 ! I will give this a read and thanks for sharing!
Day 20 (3-24-17) ...posting this late though, going into 3-25-17!

Temp: 78
RH: 55%
pH: 6.8 avg. (yeah even after that mini flush with 5.8 and 6.5 ...probe is still reading about 6.8!)

A tiny, tiny brownish spot appeared on Mercury yesterday morning and has gotten a lot bigger. This morning Jupiter had the same thing and now, quite a few hours later (tonight) Jupiter has a few more spots. Initially I gave a few sprays of Overgrow and then I gave a couple of sprays with CalMag in 6.0 water (spot looked kinda rusty). Not sure if this is actually the issue, if it's the lack of actual nutrients since I skipped their first big feed since this gnat issue and having to give them extra water alongside the pH issue. Could also be the insecticides used a few days back, just not sure at this point. The leaves are looking maybe a little lighter green (paler)? In either case, we'll see tomorrow how it looks. Should be able to offer them their first feed within another 48 hours (soil is wet about 1-2 inches down still). I also picked up a "baby syringe" that holds 60ml so I can do light doses (2-3) right by the stem area directly of feed if the soil is still quite saturated by end of tomorrow or the following morning.

# 1 Jupiter

# 2 Mercury


Found a few more gnats, this time they did stick to the yellow traps. Before I'd find them just chilling around the runoff tray or elsewhere, ignoring the traps. Apparently this family was into the yellow so they all followed each other to retirement, happy to see them all relaxing with their 401k's and all, just wish they could get high on their own supply and leave my weed in peace!

That's all, thanks everyone!
Day 20 (3-24-17) ...posting this late though, going into 3-25-17!

Temp: 78
RH: 55%
pH: 6.8 avg. (yeah even after that mini flush with 5.8 and 6.5 ...probe is still reading about 6.8!)

A tiny, tiny brownish spot appeared on Mercury yesterday morning and has gotten a lot bigger. This morning Jupiter had the same thing and now, quite a few hours later (tonight) Jupiter has a few more spots. Initially I gave a few sprays of Overgrow and then I gave a couple of sprays with CalMag in 6.0 water (spot looked kinda rusty). Not sure if this is actually the issue, if it's the lack of actual nutrients since I skipped their first big feed since this gnat issue and having to give them extra water alongside the pH issue. Could also be the insecticides used a few days back, just not sure at this point. The leaves are looking maybe a little lighter green (paler)? In either case, we'll see tomorrow how it looks. Should be able to offer them their first feed within another 48 hours (soil is wet about 1-2 inches down still). I also picked up a "baby syringe" that holds 60ml so I can do light doses (2-3) right by the stem area directly of feed if the soil is still quite saturated by end of tomorrow or the following morning.

# 1 Jupiter
View attachment 721764
# 2 Mercury

View attachment 721763

Found a few more gnats, this time they did stick to the yellow traps. Before I'd find them just chilling around the runoff tray or elsewhere, ignoring the traps. Apparently this family was into the yellow so they all followed each other to retirement, happy to see them all relaxing with their 401k's and all, just wish they could get high on their own supply and leave my weed in peace!
View attachment 721765

That's all, thanks everyone!

Hm,.....really glad to see something new, but don´t know what happens into your tent making the leaves of the girls a bit paler and what these tiny brown spots are from, hm...
Hey guys

On the diatomaceous earth if you're going to use that make sure you get food grade de. You also need to understand those tiny particles get aerosolized real easy and they will shred your alveoli in your lungs the same way they shred the carapace on a bug. So what you want to do is wear a mask if you get any of that up in the air while you're putting it on the top your soil.

And you definitely need to put it on while the top of your soil is dry and make sure it's dry when it goes on it is not effective once it's wet.
Hey guys

On the diatomaceous earth if you're going to use that make sure you get food grade de. You also need to understand those tiny particles get aerosolized real easy and they will shred your alveoli in your lungs the same way they shred the carapace on a bug. So what you want to do is wear a mask if you get any of that up in the air while you're putting it on the top your soil.

And you definitely need to put it on while the top of your soil is dry and make sure it's dry when it goes on it is not effective once it's wet.

Roger that, I got food grade DE (apparently people will straight up eat this stuff mixed in with water and such as a cleanse!) and thanks for the tip on the mask will definitely use one. Thanks!
Lol my wife named them after Sailor Moon (from when she was a kid) ...I know, so it's gotta be girly enough!
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Anyways, thanks for the response @budelee ...this cold spike in New England the past couple days is screwing with my room, trying to dial in the heater all over again to get it just right. It wasn't in that 86 range for more than an hour I'd say... Probably around 77-82 throughout the day.
Why is the blonde on the far right holding anal beads?? [emoji121] [emoji53]

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Complete newbie, but doubt the temp did much. Read somewhere that auto flowers actually like temp to be a little higher than photos, meaning 86 won't hurt them. Will see if I can find source. The thing about the time lapse is that you don't see what is happening under the soil. Some wise people taught me that if you see no growth above, it is because they are growing down below. [emoji14] Your plants look great! Excited for the rest of this grow!

On a side note I deff suggest adding calmag rather early. I waited till day 21 and my more developed plant was hurting because of it. Stupid LED lights.
Of course, if you're growing in hydro, you can just lift the lid and look at the roots...just saying. *shrugs*

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Hey guys

On the diatomaceous earth if you're going to use that make sure you get food grade de. You also need to understand those tiny particles get aerosolized real easy and they will shred your alveoli in your lungs the same way they shred the carapace on a bug. So what you want to do is wear a mask if you get any of that up in the air while you're putting it on the top your soil.

And you definitely need to put it on while the top of your soil is dry and make sure it's dry when it goes on it is not effective once it's wet.
Yeah I have a few friends who drink the stuff daily. I think in small doses the silica isn't too dangerous. You're making me think twice about how I apply it though. I would just scoop it up and slap it on my dog lol maybe I should get one of those fine dusters to get a nice thin coat for top dressing