Restart, new seeds bought and germed.
Young plants looking nice.
One has really fat blades and another decided to be a two top plant straight out of the bean.
Looking nice bro!! yeah man, Im sure I will. got a few more things to do today to a few of them but they"re looking alright. I need to let them correct themselves but need to give them a hand. but either one or a series of these products have accumulated and potentially caused a slight issue. OR the tlosoils guy named "D" LOL! he has cut serious corners lately been thinking of going elsewhere honestly since his quality control and customer service leaves a little to be desired yet LOL! Thanks again guys! also didnt mean to come off like an asshole this is just been WAY stressful(not just the light honestly but that too),soooo much work in the house,mom n sis are down now n pops dont live here during the week so its my broke ass...uhhh ASS LOL! so trying to fix problem plants while doing sooo much other stuff. this is the reason I got into organics in the first place. but alas over the years I have deviated from my set it and forget it system. i need to get back to that instead of tinkering yet again LOL! thats all but it need to slow or stop for me personally after these couple of tests for sometime. need to catxh up and re do some stuff. thats all. noooo I dont have the winter blue either. lol not yet anyways LOL!
Here's what I fished out of the back of the! 41" tall, in a one gallon pot! She stretched because she was 1/2 as tall as the big Blue Dragon and had to catch up.....and she did! But what surprised me most was the branching looked this good! And I believe this is one of my Azure Duck, note the thin branches, a Ducksfoot trait.

Blue Dragon in 1 gallon pot pic1 -2-5-2017.jpg
Blue Dragon in 1 gallon pot pic2 -2-5-2017.jpg
Looking good what are they like 3 weeks old ?
Yeah just coming up to that Ripper.
I took that last picture at about 2 am this morning before I went to bed, I just went and had a look at them and in 15 hours they have grown quiet a bit.
Now i am just deciding what to do with them, ie weather to transplant them now or in a day or two.
A close up inspection will tell me!
When I do transplant them, it will be into 8.5 liter autopot pots, with cana coco pro+ with 20% perlite and some mychorrhizae innoculant.
I'll keep feeding them veg nutes for a week then start bumping up the EC and add some Density calmag pro, which also has aminos to help up take P&K.
In the mean time I am giving them a foliar spray with epsome salts to fend of and mag def, week 3 is where it often shows up and foliar spray get to where it is needed faster than root uptake and distribution to the leaves.
For the last 4 weeks I'll add some coco PK boost and back of the base nutes.
I started at EC of 1.1 and a Ph of 5.5 for young plants.
I am currently at EC of 1.3 and a Ph of 5.6.
In flower the EC may go up to 1.6 - 1.7 depending how hungry or sensitive they are.
I'll watch and see and adjust my nutes accordingly.
By the time the last week of flowering comes around the Ph will be at around 6.0 Ph.
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