Indoor Ripper's DIY Citizen COB build and grow featuring Dinafem auto fruit

Week 5 day 35 update.. they are getting thick and smelly


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Wow I am excited to get this going. I have finished building my light. I elected to build my own frame as I wanted a linear frame and the one being designed by northern grow lights is not completed yet.

Here is my parts list

4 SST 120 pin heatsinks $14.75 each

4 LEDil reflectors $6.00 each

4 citizen CLU 048 80 CRI COB with ideal holder $19.00 each

1 SST junction box $30.00

Various Wago connectors


1 HLG-320H-C1400B Meanwell driver $107.00 shipped to my door

16 gauge solid core wire $4.99

2 4 foot pieces of 1/8 inch thick angle aluminum $6.00 each

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I was excited once I had everything so I started building my light. Only tools I used were a hacksaw, pliers and a Phillips screwdriver.

First thing I did was mark my holes on the Angle aluminum and drill them ( I spaced each pin heatsink out 12 inches). I then took the second piece of angle aluminum and a marked the holes using the first piece I already drilled as a guide.

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After all of the holes were drilled I attached the pin heat sink with the already drilled and taped holes.

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The next thing I did was cut off the excess and sized it to fit both ends of the frame I drilled holes and attached those pieces.

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I then attached the driver. I did this with two 1/4 inch pieces of aluminum that I cut and drilled holes I attached it to the frame first and then attached the driver I used nuts and bolts for this.

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I then attached the SST Junction box.. I simply drilled 4 holes and used zip ties to attach this.

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Next I wired everything up. I would give what color goes where but each driver could have different colors so read the driver and it will tell you what goes where.

Working was a snap with the SST junction box and the supplied Wago connectors. On the Wago connectors you just pull that orange tab up and insert your wire then close it. Then open the other one and insert the wire and close it and those two wires are now connected.. Simple and easy. The picture below is all the wiring except for the wires the run to the holders.

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The COB's are run in series so you just run one wire to each from pos to neg then keep doing so till you connect it to the driver. I started with red and ran it to positive then just went neg to pos till the last wire ran to the driver neg.. Easy job.

Here is the finished light running at 10% as I have a b version driver and it is dimable. The SST junction box has a built in potentiometer.

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Last thing I built was the cable holders.

I used 2 24 inch pieces of cable

4 eye bolts that were attached to the frame

And 4 cable locks ..

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Fisrt things first I am sorry for coming in so late on this build. That being said this is one of the most confidence inspiring Threads I have seen to date in doing up a DIY COB grow light I mean that.