Do you use tap water? I've noticed that tap water ph seems to take sudden ph shifts during the winter, reason unknown, but I check things like that. It looks to me like you had a ph issue briefly as most of the spots and yellowing are low on the plant and a bit at the top, classic deficit caused by ph IMO.

I have to say, I have toyed with the notion of throwing in the towel for this grow so as I can buy the two of three things I need to amend my soil so now yellow will occur as easily. they got patched and splotched early on from this COB light well under full power too. still hasnt come back from it. so thats not cool at all. I MISS using T5's. far superior looking plants ime actually. but we'll see. If I continue to have issues,ill just push it back a few weeks till harvest and then I can do a more proper trial with this light.i KNOW it'll produce I just am a bit of a perfectionist in that I really cant stand eye sores cuz quite honestly Im not used to them..AT ALL! I hate em. LOL! Im not used to it at ALL with good ole T5's. LOL! but again,we'll see. and Thanks. ALSO< I stuck the new knob on too. LOOKS awesome! Thank you broseph.I really appreciate ya sending me the knob n plate :) looks special now :D

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Harvested two of my plants the dinafem CBD and the sweet seeds devil cream still have 6 left and they are doing quit well
Here is mine.. there getting big.. each plants under a cob plus getting over lap!! :pass:

I new that Chrome paint would pay off!!!! just look how sexy!!! :headbang:

No issues to report. the fastbuds will get boosters when i raise the lamp!!! :headbang:

this is the other fruit you can see the cob over her.. sexy!! :eyebrows:


ya know thats funny since I tossed that around for a spell but if that IS the case. tlosoils has messed with the recipe. guaranteed!! been using it from the original when the rev made it and never even had shifts and lush green. and I dont add enough to mess with it that much and if I do its thinned lightly. so its been slow from the discoloration to come back. but why on some that were under the light and the others are fine?! they've all been treated almost literally the same exact way. so its a little tough to figure out where its at and the winter/summer PH swing shift have never ever ever been an issue. ever LOL! but we'll see. Im doing a few things at the moment,so we'll see. thanks bro!
ya another thing, if it was a PH swing its gotta be from one of three things. I dont believe its the water. if it was ALL others would be exhibiting stressers like the few problem plants. I think its the products I was hitting them with more than last grow. so Im going to back off that and brewing a flower tea and gonna hit with a 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda to swing it normal'ish but I tested with litmus strips for quick PH testing and I was maybe 7. mid 7.. not out of the normal for me. low 7 to low mid 8's. to date havent had really any regular PH issues. so Im real curious which product I chose to use is causing to problem in the few. I only have I think three maybe four out of 12 or more plants. so not terrible. Christ this has been a lotta work for me man. I got cats with surgery and new cats being intro'D into the house sister is down n out so Im left to pick up what mom cant do. so needless to say Im out of smoke and meds other than rub so Im kind overwhelmed. so thats the only real reason I wanna just re do it but thats not cool. so ill go take some pics then I can go another frigin week. Thanks @pop22 I appreciate your Opinion broseph :)
here is most of my plants including the problem children. since all of the plants are getting this light i figured,well why not show em. Im only using smaller T5 n thing(CC-100 too) to get corners as well. not a big fan thus far. I wanna go buy a really nice disco light as some call it LMFAO! anyways,here they are. cant wait till this test is over to be truthful. after this and the Biotab test are am I. I will not be testing any more stuff for anyone. sorry its just too much for me with helping people and trying to have a life. sorry guys n girls.just how its gotta be for the time being. prolly for a year or so. if not ever.. I very serious btw. LOL!

COB is at 50% 30-35" respectively between the height differences in the plant canopies. :)
