Grow Mediums No growth after germination in coco coir?

Jul 5, 2017
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Currently Smoking
Lemon haze, blue cheese
Strain: Royal cookies RQS
Media: Coco coir 65% Perlite 35%
Nutrients: Advanced nutrients coco grow A+B
Additives: Advanced nutrients B52, Voodoo juice
Light: 600w super T MH , 200w Helios COB
Timer: on 20-4 off
Temp: day 25c, night 20c
Humidity: 65%
Ventilation: rhyno extractor + 2 fans for circulation
Grow tent: 1.5x1.5m

Soaking the seeds in water 8hours, put in paper towels over night tap root appeared after 2 days. Pre washed the coco coir and prepared the pots, planted and put in the propagator for 1-2 weeks. Up potted to 8litre fabric pots, further 10 days have passed with no sign of growth?
Being watered every other day with nutrients, A 0.6ml B 0.6, Voodoo 2ml, B52 2ml per litre.
I have no idea what is going wrong with these seedlings well they should be growing fast! I’ve grew quite a lot of plants now in all different ways! But now using only coco I can’t get them to grow? Is it the free RQS seeds? Is it the coco coir because it’s compacted into bricks?
I’ve bought canna’s coco coir pro plus and I’ve ordered new seeds fem’s and auto’s!
This keeps on going and I’ll have wasted a lot of money. Any help thanks
Strain: Royal cookies RQS
Media: Coco coir 65% Perlite 35%
Nutrients: Advanced nutrients coco grow A+B
Additives: Advanced nutrients B52, Voodoo juice
Light: 600w super T MH , 200w Helios COB
Timer: on 20-4 off
Temp: day 25c, night 20c
Humidity: 65%
Ventilation: rhyno extractor + 2 fans for circulation
Grow tent: 1.5x1.5m

Soaking the seeds in water 8hours, put in paper towels over night tap root appeared after 2 days. Pre washed the coco coir and prepared the pots, planted and put in the propagator for 1-2 weeks. Up potted to 8litre fabric pots, further 10 days have passed with no sign of growth?
Being watered every other day with nutrients, A 0.6ml B 0.6, Voodoo 2ml, B52 2ml per litre.
I have no idea what is going wrong with these seedlings well they should be growing fast! I’ve grew quite a lot of plants now in all different ways! But now using only coco I can’t get them to grow? Is it the free RQS seeds? Is it the coco coir because it’s compacted into bricks?
I’ve bought canna’s coco coir pro plus and I’ve ordered new seeds fem’s and auto’s!
This keeps on going and I’ll have wasted a lot of money. Any help thanks
I'm afraid you may have killed it..(over-dosed). they shouldn't of been getting nutrients every other day before they even have any green on them... coco you usually pre-charge... then wait for growth(no nutrients during this time)..In start you put cracked seedling(tail) into coco(in dark place)till breaks ground. then put under led or MH really shouldn't of needed to water for well over a week...after it broke ground, but never feed something that isn't growing..
auto's need wet/dry cycle you either drowned them or over-dosed by sounds of it...they do not like wet feet in early stages at all...
Hi There, here's some information you may find handy for when you recieve your Canna Coco Pro Plus
It's all taken from the canna infopages - quoting directly from them (no opinions ... just the facts laid out by Canna).

Hope this helps!

And here's a comprehensive germination guide which also may help!

All the best
blue am not sure that fit's that every situation, by sounds of it that plant had never gotten to 1st set true leaves... so for sure no nutrients should be used & every 2 days? I don't feed that often at 6th node.. I agree with only couple of them things on there, not part about pre-rinsing coco, I read & heard from some with premium coco you don't have do that, but GH still recommends it on their coco... I feel that is just being proactive...Plus it mentions there about "not" flushing...rule number one when an issue happens is to flush, not just treat the problem. but other then that I guess it gives a guideline...
blue am not sure that fit's that every situation, by sounds of it that plant had never gotten to 1st set true leaves... so for sure no nutrients should be used & every 2 days? I don't feed that often at 6th node.. I agree with only couple of them things on there, not part about pre-rinsing coco, I read & heard from some with premium coco you don't have do that, but GH still recommends it on their coco... I feel that is just being proactive...Plus it mentions there about "not" flushing...rule number one when an issue happens is to flush, not just treat the problem. but other then that I guess it gives a guideline...

Thanks Unique, but I can't take any credit for the advice - it is the advice from the manufacturers of Canna Coco Pro Plus. There's a section on the CAnna website where you can become a member and gain access to the more indepth canna infopages which is where most of the quotes come from.

I'd strongly advise if using the lineup as suggested by canna, that a struggling new coco grower sticks firmly to what they say.
Although it's always fun to experiment! :D

Thanks Unique, but I can't take any credit for the advice - it is the advice from the manufacturers of Canna Coco Pro Plus. There's a section on the CAnna website where you can become a member and gain access to the more indepth canna infopages which is where most of the quotes come from.

I'd strongly advise if using the lineup as suggested by canna, that a struggling new coco grower sticks firmly to what they say.
Although it's always fun to experiment! :D

I personally haven't use canna products yet... I only have couple problems with some of their "recommendations" I was always taught & told to never try treat an issue, if ya do not know underlying issue and best course of action is a flush then re-introduce nutrients again, since usually ph is off and someone treating a def while ph being off will not correct issue only make matter's worse...When I read that it's telling me everything I ever been told is wrong, including washing of coco that part I not understand either, since coco doesn't contain anything but salts.. and by not washing your pretty dependent that the person who "was suppose to wash it" actually did it their job...I don't have that same faith in other's....So I like be proactive and wash mine & I use GH Cocotec and that is Premium coco and even they recommend to pre-wash... I just know people(new grower's) miss-interpret things, like feeding schedules etc... which can cause errors/ph out of whack and everything but for them say no flushing I think that's little crazy.....I just don't think that read , doesn't fit every situation and if they did follow exact, death would be unavoidable to me... that is my's all good though I guess, they hoping new grower can read between the lines... the problem is they new & can't yet...
I personally haven't use canna products yet... I only have couple problems with some of their "recommendations" I was always taught & told to never try treat an issue, if ya do not know underlying issue and best course of action is a flush then re-introduce nutrients again, since usually ph is off and someone treating a def while ph being off will not correct issue only make matter's worse...When I read that it's telling me everything I ever been told is wrong, including washing of coco that part I not understand either, since coco doesn't contain anything but salts.. and by not washing your pretty dependent that the person who "was suppose to wash it" actually did it their job...I don't have that same faith in other's....So I like be proactive and wash mine & I use GH Cocotec and that is Premium coco and even they recommend to pre-wash... I just know people(new grower's) miss-interpret things, like feeding schedules etc... which can cause errors/ph out of whack and everything but for them say no flushing I think that's little crazy.....I just don't think that read , doesn't fit every situation and if they did follow exact, death would be unavoidable to me... that is my's all good though I guess, they hoping new grower can read between the lines... the problem is they new & can't yet...

Hehe, I'm not disagreeing with you at all! I don't think canna are telling you you've been taught wrong either :rofl:

I think there's some rational in a lot of what they are saying as it is "Specifically" to their product "Canna Coco Pro Plus" - which as already been rinsed and buffered and free from salts that previously you wouldn't have been able to buy (when only coir bricks were available)

So i think that their recommendations are also in line with their testing on the product. For example they advise (if i recall) to water to 20% (or was 10) run off as drain to waste. This really should alleviate any need for flushing as your watering regime (to run off) should not allow any salt buildup.

As for their recommendation on watering with a minimum of 0.8ec - I believe the Canna Coco Pro Plus is already buffered to that and is not harmful to a sprouting seedling.

I definately agree with you that treating defs when there is most likely a PH problem is one of the most common causes of lack of success.

I used canna coco pro plus for about 2-3 years before recently swapping to Soil and organics to cut down my workload. :D I'm finding it less intensive lol but had great (so far better) results with coco.

It's all good! I still really do believe that if you have the right environment, & buy the CAnna lineup and follow their instructions (not feed schedule as they don't have one for autoflowers) to the note, you will definately reach harvest. It's been tested too many times for me not to believe it :D


So in summary - it's not advise for ALL coco and nutrient line ups - Just the canna one (which i only really brough up as he's ordered it :rofl:)

Hehe, I'm not disagreeing with you at all! I don't think canna are telling you you've been taught wrong either :rofl:

I think there's some rational in a lot of what they are saying as it is "Specifically" to their product "Canna Coco Pro Plus" - which as already been rinsed and buffered and free from salts that previously you wouldn't have been able to buy (when only coir bricks were available)

So i think that their recommendations are also in line with their testing on the product. For example they advise (if i recall) to water to 20% (or was 10) run off as drain to waste. This really should alleviate any need for flushing as your watering regime (to run off) should not allow any salt buildup.

As for their recommendation on watering with a minimum of 0.8ec - I believe the Canna Coco Pro Plus is already buffered to that and is not harmful to a sprouting seedling.

I definately agree with you that treating defs when there is most likely a PH problem is one of the most common causes of lack of success.

I used canna coco pro plus for about 2-3 years before recently swapping to Soil and organics to cut down my workload. :D I'm finding it less intensive lol but had great (so far better) results with coco.

It's all good! I still really do believe that if you have the right environment, & buy the CAnna lineup and follow their instructions (not feed schedule as they don't have one for autoflowers) to the note, you will definately reach harvest. It's been tested too many times for me not to believe it :D


So in summary - it's not advise for ALL coco and nutrient line ups - Just the canna one (which i only really brough up as he's ordered it :rofl:)

It's all good @blue maybe one day I''ll get to try their products and see for myself... I know I run into issue's sometime's and I know what I'm doing... But new grower's don't notice an issue until it's really out of control.. Even I am super anal about ph, I recently had mag def on this test grow i'm doing.. and like an idiot I tried "treating" problem even though I know better, well turn's out also had unknown ph issue for some reason, so had I not flushed the problem would be much worse now..I know point I was making about products I'm very familiar with, I'll never speak for something I haven't tried.. I just get "nervous" i guess ya can say when I see about not flushing...because issue's always happen as we both know... I wasn't aware they treated there coco either, personally I use GH coco, because there is nothing in there, except what I add...But I guess that's why they make different types, them of us who rather handle that ourselves or pre-treated stuff..:pass::bighug::pighug::smokeit::vibe:
I'm afraid you may have killed it..(over-dosed). they shouldn't of been getting nutrients every other day before they even have any green on them... coco you usually pre-charge... then wait for growth(no nutrients during this time)..In start you put cracked seedling(tail) into coco(in dark place)till breaks ground. then put under led or MH really shouldn't of needed to water for well over a week...after it broke ground, but never feed something that isn't growing..

I’ve been watering with nutrients since the up poting! First two weeks of germination and sprouting, all in a propagator. Coco was rinsed and watered with light nutrients EC 0.2 one week passed before I watered it again but just water to keep them moist. Then on the second week I watered with plain tap water to up pot to the 8 litre. (my tap water EC0.1<) very low ppm. After I up potted at this point the plant was on its second set of true leaves and a nice looking green colour. It may have been every 3 days I’ve been feeding them! And to mention during the up potting the roots were very healthy and white with plenty of little hairs :) thanks people.