New Grower NL autos

Hi Kyote,

Hey, your girls are trucking along. They should respond to the Megacrop once you get your mitts on it.

I have to ask as well, who says that NL is easy? No brand new setup indoors is easy the first time around, not as far as I can tell anyway. The one good/bad thing about NL is that it is a long winded bugger. More room for screwups, but more time to recover. Your ladies have some time yet to suck up some megacrop and put their dancing shoes back on.

When do the new nutes arrive?

Good luck with it. :goodluck:

Mega Crop came so i can start with it today. Might be too late to do anything for these girls. Will give it a go and see what happens.
Mega Crop came so i can start with it today. Might be too late to do anything for these girls. Will give it a go and see what happens.

hey, mc brought me own NL girlz back from the literal dead & took em to the finish line, so it'z gotta be worth sumthin at least, haha :coffee: ppp
Mega Crop came so i can start with it today. Might be too late to do anything for these girls. Will give it a go and see what happens.
If you have a ppm meter, use it to mix the mc to the same ppm reading that you have been using. Don't change the ppm reading more than 100 or so - the roots don't like major changes in osmotic pressure. If you want to shift the nute mix, do it slowly in increments of 100ppm or so, an increment every couple days or so. Unless someone here who knows more than I do chimes in otherwise. :biggrin: The idea here is that the plants are already a bit pissed about something, so let's not add an additional stress if avoidable.

Good luck Kyote, I hope the MC makes your girls lots happier. :goodluck:
NL autos day 63 nine weeks
Have had the gurlz on GLN for 2 feedings now. Raised the lights to 24'' and some recovery is showing in them. Growth in the buds is a good green. All 3 are in different stages of finishing. Grace is the closest, Janis 2nd and Joan looks like she will be the 3rd to finish. Due to my screw ups, Joan has been mostly defoliated. See how she does. Reminds me of one of them poodle dogs that get shaved except for big puff on the tail and around the ankles. Grace is in the back, Joan in the front, Janis to the right. Ya there is a lot of damage to them but they keep on keeping on. Sorta like me.:yay:

Happy Solstice to all. The sun will soon be coming back!:jump:

day 63.jpg
Hey @Kyote, How are the girls doing a few more days on MC?

They are limping along. Looks like one will be finishing up in the next couple weeks, and the other two in 3 to 4 weeks. A slight success that has a lot of room for improvement, and I'm good with that.