Live Stoners Newbie First ever indoor grow - Auto Brooklyn Sunrise (+Pics)

We are on the 3rd day of Water only (Final Flush) for my 3 Auto Indoor Girls...

Looking good (albeit a little short, but that's my fault, as I stunned them early on with flower nutrients too soon).

Buds looking good, sticky and smelly. Tric production is insane... Trics are dripping from everywhere...

I estimate the trics average between 40% to 50% milky / cloudy In general (calculated over all 3 plants) starting to turn darker now. They should just about be perfect with just 10 Days to go - getting excited now.

Plants are showing signs of using up their reserves in the leaves as some start to turn and fade with crispy edges (expected, as I am running low humidity in the final weeks).

I read a tip somewhere on here, that you should always lower humidity to -40%RH if possible during the last weeks - it doesn't help the leaves, but supposedly helps the density and strength of the buds - and the added bonus of reducing the chance of mildew or budrot.

Nothing excessively wrong, in fact... it's all going as expected, so I am keeping to my flush schedule (for now).

Todays pics... What do you think peeps?

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from that last pic bro i would say you have at least 3 weeks still to go alot of those trichs have not even matured yet,they all need to have the mushroom head on the top.i know its hard to wait if this is your first grow but its worth it.
Great growing bro keep it up
6th Day of flush and the girls are fattening up and eating their leaves nicely. When I chop next week, I don't think there will be a lot of trimming to do.

Had a little accident when watering today, I sort of missed with the spout and broke a small 4" bud from the lower third of the plant, so I used it for a closer look under the microscope (and put it to dry - another early taste tester on it's way).

Even the lower buds are bursting with trics and are turning, should be really good in another weeks time.

The mid and top buds are more developed and are just awaiting the axe (another week will do no harm - only good). Very little popcorn, all nice full, dense buds.

I will grab some full shots tomorrow if I can..... But for now..... Close up time.... I.M.H.O. I think some of these would look good as wall art.

Comments welcomed, good or bad.... all helps.

Trics Test Bud 1.jpg
Trics Test Bud 2.jpg
Trics Test Bud 3.jpg
We are on the 3rd day of Water only (Final Flush) for my 3 Auto Indoor Girls...

Looking good (albeit a little short, but that's my fault, as I stunned them early on with flower nutrients too soon).

Buds looking good, sticky and smelly. Tric production is insane... Trics are dripping from everywhere...

I estimate the trics average between 40% to 50% milky / cloudy In general (calculated over all 3 plants) starting to turn darker now. They should just about be perfect with just 10 Days to go - getting excited now.

Plants are showing signs of using up their reserves in the leaves as some start to turn and fade with crispy edges (expected, as I am running low humidity in the final weeks).

I read a tip somewhere on here, that you should always lower humidity to -40%RH if possible during the last weeks - it doesn't help the leaves, but supposedly helps the density and strength of the buds - and the added bonus of reducing the chance of mildew or budrot.

Nothing excessively wrong, in fact... it's all going as expected, so I am keeping to my flush schedule (for now).

Todays pics... What do you think peeps?

View attachment 597324 View attachment 597325 View attachment 597323
Just wow *.*

Poslano z mojega LG-H815 z uporabo Tapatalk
Morning everyone.... ( think I have 2 new badges :smoking:Thank you ).

Well the day has come...... 10 weeks of love....Cutting the final two Auto Brooklyn Sunrise down in about an hours time.... (cut the first yesterday).

The end of the first indoor grow.... 3 seeds sown, 3 plants grown, 3 plants reach harvest, all looking good.

Round two will be underway shortly.
What started as an introduction has ended in almost a grow journal of sorts...

This is almost the end of my first indoor Grow, also my first Auto plant grow... and if I say so myself I don't think I have done that bad.

Plant 3 was cut and wet trimmed today, and has joined her sisters in the drying room (rearranged tent) and are all currently drying.

I will update final dry weight, once done.

Here are a couple of pics of Plant 3.... for your enjoyment.... :pass:

ABS Plant Cut 3b.jpg
ABS Plant Cut 3a.jpg
Just an update on the drying Buds.... all looking good, checked a bud under the microscope... no mold and curing well (trics looking as I would expect for 2 days drying).

Drying in sealed Tent, with some gentle airflow via in/out extraction fan & De-humidifier. Temp 20 Deg, 50% RH with slight fluctuation / drifting over 2 days of 5% RH and 3 deg Temp.

Will drop RH again for final dry before cure.

Drying Bud.jpg

KilmaLog TFA records the Temp & RH every 1 min. (12 Hour chart below).
Hey Sq

Looks like you've done good so far! I used to do dwc, but switched to Coco because of the heat issue.

I didn't see any where that you're using anything to help protect your roots from high temps. Real important in the summer. Many people use 30% food grade h2o2, I use sm90 and there are other brands and types like res clear. You should get something ASAP. It also doesn't hurt to have some half litre water bottles in the freezer for extra hot days, just drop one in each bucket. For future grows look into silica in your nutrient line.

I like the liquid koolbloom up until about the last 10 days of flower and then I switch to the dry koolbloom for 7 days and then a three day flush. I think the three-day flush is all your really need with General Hydroponics Flora series.

If you go with SM 90 go with 2 mil per gallon. It will protect the res from buildup of anaerobic bacteria a big threat during hot Temps. It will also help the plant uptake nutrients better. You'll find all your plants look better within two or three days of beginning it. It's also a good wetting agent and can be used as a foliar feed. It will stop powdery mildew if caught early and sprayed directly on the leaves in a dilute solution. They actually used to call it spider mite 90 because it is a bit of an insecticide. Anyway I guess I promoted that enough for now.

Hope you don't mind all the advice I think I'll sub up if that's okay?
Hey Sq

Looks like you've done good so far! I used to do dwc, but switched to Coco because of the heat issue.

@jingo I think this reply maybe for someone else... I grew in soil - and it all turned out fine.