Live Stoners Newbie First ever indoor grow - Auto Brooklyn Sunrise (+Pics)

Although my plan is for another two weeks growth before harvest, I took a very small sample bud from the mid/bottom section of a plant 2 days ago, for testing.... Been drying it to see what it will look/taste like.

Took a microscope pic this morning to see the tric's

Looks like Tric Heaven to me..... 2 weeks more should finish them well.

I will give it another day before the sample smoke test.


Also attached a couple of pics of my greenhouse Hollands Hope (moved outdoor for photograph).

She is 3.5 ft tall and 3.5ft wide.... nicely balanced, due a trim and some more LST, but looking fine, I think.

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Thanks...she pulled 3lbs 2oz and 2lbs of underformed bud.(was the lowest yield of the season in the full sun garden)
Wow no sh!t lol 5.2 lbs how old was she when you had to cut her down? And I take it that the under formed buds are not as strong? How long can you keep them growing if they where say inside in a perfect world? I'm a newbe that's why I ask
@Frogster - Looking amazing buddy!! Loving the most recent trich shot!! Very nice man!! HH is looking great and healthy too man!!

Wow no sh!t lol 5.2 lbs how old was she when you had to cut her down? And I take it that the under formed buds are not as strong? How long can you keep them growing if they where say inside in a perfect world? I'm a newbe that's why I ask
I start my summer plants on April the 1st. The hollands hope was harvested on Oct the 15th. The under formed buds could have went another 2 weeks if weather would have be able to grow out longer with a selective harvest(ie cut the upper buds and leave the underformed bud). The under formed bud has plenty of potency, just it is loose and not worth the effort of trimming so hash is made with it instead. If you check out the links in my signature, there is links to last years outdoor grow as well as my current grows.
@912GreenSkell Thanks, I have been doing a bit of light defoliation & LST on her today, nice weather planned over the next few days here... so I may even leave her outside for a while.

The breeze is fluttering her leaves nicely, and I think she is enjoying the change of scenery.

The result...
@Frogster - Looking amazing buddy!! Loving the most recent trich shot!! Very nice man!! HH is looking great and healthy too man!!

I start my summer plants on April the 1st. The hollands hope was harvested on Oct the 15th. The under formed buds could have went another 2 weeks if weather would have be able to grow out longer with a selective harvest(ie cut the upper buds and leave the underformed bud). The under formed bud has plenty of potency, just it is loose and not worth the effort of trimming so hash is made with it instead. If you check out the links in my signature, there is links to last years outdoor grow as well as my current grows.
912 so I did that and read your last year grow and all I can say is (oh my god) I have never seen that much A+++ bud in one place lol I had to wipe my face all the time from drooling WOW lol you are the "Man"
912 so I did that and read your last year grow and all I can say is (oh my god) I have never seen that much A+++ bud in one place lol I had to wipe my face all the time from drooling WOW lol you are the "Man"

Hey thanks for the compliments man! I have done a detailed outline of my techniques(everything from training to feeding), which is in my sig! I stepped out of the shadows and came online for a single reason, to teach what I know.
For not a weed free country or continent, but for a weed free world. Unite and grow for a better, kinder planet.
Little update...

The 3 Girls are doing well, buds looking fine, the plants are starting to show their age with some faded leaves as they start to use their reserves up.

They have had reducing amounts of nutrients for the past 4 days... and as of today are on a ph'd water only diet for the final period - somewhere between 8 to 14 days.... Then Chop!

I have now sampled the small bud pictured previously in this thread, and although it was 3 day rough dried, still raw(ish) and obviously a bit nuety, I can see the potential for some nice cured bud if we keep on track.

This grow is coming to its end. So, I would like to thank the much revered Canna Gods & Goddesses of AFN for the bountiful knowledge and tips I have managed to glean (although not all have been adopted as yet) along with the other contributors that share knowledge so freely and make our hobby - so interesting.

I will keep posting here till the chop & dry. (If that's not breaking any rules)?
We are on the 3rd day of Water only (Final Flush) for my 3 Auto Indoor Girls...

Looking good (albeit a little short, but that's my fault, as I stunned them early on with flower nutrients too soon).

Buds looking good, sticky and smelly. Tric production is insane... Trics are dripping from everywhere...

I estimate the trics average between 40% to 50% milky / cloudy In general (calculated over all 3 plants) starting to turn darker now. They should just about be perfect with just 10 Days to go - getting excited now.

Plants are showing signs of using up their reserves in the leaves as some start to turn and fade with crispy edges (expected, as I am running low humidity in the final weeks).

I read a tip somewhere on here, that you should always lower humidity to -40%RH if possible during the last weeks - it doesn't help the leaves, but supposedly helps the density and strength of the buds - and the added bonus of reducing the chance of mildew or budrot.

Nothing excessively wrong, in fact... it's all going as expected, so I am keeping to my flush schedule (for now).

Todays pics... What do you think peeps?

Day 3 Flush (2).jpg
Day 3 Flush (3).jpg
Day 3 Flush (1).jpg
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