The BAM was chopped today,took me under an hour to rough trim her,a bit of leaf gives it a bit of flavour.Heres four of her better branches,im pleased with the size of buds,
probably the best ive grew.Dry weight to follow........
BAM buds 003.JPG

The Ogre is doing great for 28 days,shes loving the bucket and growing about an inch a day,shes 12" tall presently.
I use 10litres in my res. which i changed today,made up of silica 0.5ml/l,cal/mag 1ml/l,SM90 0.5ml/l,carboload & B52 0.8ml/l,GH3 gmb 0.4ml/l.Im also using Drip Clean to lessen salt build up in the coco.
This all comes to 500ppm phd to 5.8 and trying to keep res just below 70f.
Usually when i clean out a changed bucket,it feels slimey but there was no slimey feeling when i sterilised my bucket today.That must be down to the SM90,i like it.
No dramas yet.
Heres some pics



Roots are coming on now.Bloody awkward taking a pic of roots while holding plant in one hand and camera in the other haha.
Thanks for popping in dudes and dudesses.
The BAM was chopped today,took me under an hour to rough trim her,a bit of leaf gives it a bit of flavour.Heres four of her better branches,im pleased with the size of buds,
probably the best ive grew.Dry weight to follow........
View attachment 604567

The Ogre is doing great for 28 days,shes loving the bucket and growing about an inch a day,shes 12" tall presently.
I use 10litres in my res. which i changed today,made up of silica 0.5ml/l,cal/mag 1ml/l,SM90 0.5ml/l,carboload & B52 0.8ml/l,GH3 gmb 0.4ml/l.Im also using Drip Clean to lessen salt build up in the coco.
This all comes to 500ppm phd to 5.8 and trying to keep res just below 70f.
Usually when i clean out a changed bucket,it feels slimey but there was no slimey feeling when i sterilised my bucket today.That must be down to the SM90,i like it.
No dramas yet.
Heres some pics
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Roots are coming on now.Bloody awkward taking a pic of roots while holding plant in one hand and camera in the other haha.
Thanks for popping in dudes and dudesses.
Nice tangle of roots you've got there dude the more in the res the faster she will grow [emoji106]

Sent from my D6503 using Tapatalk
Nice tangle of roots you've got there dude the more in the res the faster she will grow [emoji106]

Sent from my D6503 using Tapatalk
Shes starting to drink more now so i was going to top her up every day to about 10litres which takes nute level to about 1.5-2 inches below the base in the airpot.
What strength do you add top up nutes mate.I read somewhere that if i was topping up a res of 10l with 1 litre to make it back up to 10l that i would add back whatever fraction of the original res. i am adding to top up.1litre would be a tenth so if original strength was 500ppm i would also a tenth of 500ppm so i would add 1litre at 50ppm.
How do you top up your res. Wile?
Well done on another great harvest mate.
The ogre is coming along great now too. Yea those root shots are hard to get
Cheers Sang and thanks for the rep dude,as always very welcome.Not as welcome as the harvest though,i need to fill my jars up.Im gonna be making some oil soon and i need some decent
harvests to cover making oil and smoking needs.Although im hoping to cut down on smoking using a vapouriser once i get the oil made.
Shes starting to drink more now so i was going to top her up every day to about 10litres which takes nute level to about 1.5-2 inches below the base in the airpot.
What strength do you add top up nutes mate.I read somewhere that if i was topping up a res of 10l with 1 litre to make it back up to 10l that i would add back whatever fraction of the original res. i am adding to top up.1litre would be a tenth so if original strength was 500ppm i would also a tenth of 500ppm so i would add 1litre at 50ppm.
How do you top up your res. Wile?
ooo shit red you got me ive just been adding back the same nute strength as my bucket mix but that bit me on the arse over this heatwave she has been drinking more water than food had to do a bucket change when her ec went from 1.2 to 2.0 as she drinks the bucket in two days so its not really a problem she doesn't seem to mind but just to be on the safe side ive dropped my base nutes by 0.25 of a ml to see if that helps :smoking:
ooo shit red you got me ive just been adding back the same nute strength as my bucket mix but that bit me on the arse over this heatwave she has been drinking more water than food had to do a bucket change when her ec went from 1.2 to 2.0 as she drinks the bucket in two days so its not really a problem she doesn't seem to mind but just to be on the safe side ive dropped my base nutes by 0.25 of a ml to see if that helps :smoking:
I would have thought keeping the ppms the same strength when topping up would be the way to go or you would get ph swings.
I will be keeping the same ppm when topping up,see how it goes.If it works for you mate.....
I would have thought keeping the ppms the same strength when topping up would be the way to go or you would get ph swings.
I will be keeping the same ppm when topping up,see how it goes.If it works for you mate.....
Should work red unless they need more calmag the ppms just tell you there's particles in your water not what they are just keep an eye out for any defs things change fast in hydro even faster than coco [emoji106]

Sent from my D6503 using Tapatalk
I know a man who will know the answer better than me dude @derek420colorado hes the go to hydro dude would like to know the answer to this as I'm just winging it :smoking:got my buckets today red there big buggers look bigger than the one I'm using now looks like it will be finger slicing time this weekend :pass: