No problem bro il be sticking around if you don't mind I would like to keep following ure grows especially with that led and the frosty goodness it helps produce
Hey Bailey,im happy you will be hanging around mate,my vipar 300 is 2 year old now so im after replacing that with another Hanns panel or one of these;
or maybe the 300 model next year,not sure yet.
Hanppy growing mate.
Hey Bailey,im happy you will be hanging around mate,my vipar 300 is 2 year old now so im after replacing that with another Hanns panel or one of these;
or maybe the 300 model next year,not sure yet.
Hanppy growing mate.
Iv been looking up ure hanns panel from the link you posted bro they look like no nonsense lights I seen they do trimming machine ect aswell pretty cool were did you here about this company
Iv been looking up ure hanns panel from the link you posted bro they look like no nonsense lights I seen they do trimming machine ect aswell pretty cool were did you here about this company
I saw them mentioned on afn,or Rollitup,i cant remember which.I ordered the light on a thursday evening and it arrived on the saturday morning,good service with delivery anyway.Ive read that he can be a bit slower if anything goes wrong,but all is well so far.This is my first full grow using the Hans panel so a bit soon to give a total recommendation but so far so good.
I saw them mentioned on afn,or Rollitup,i cant remember which.I ordered the light on a thursday evening and it arrived on the saturday morning,good service with delivery anyway.Ive read that he can be a bit slower if anything goes wrong,but all is well so far.This is my first full grow using the Hans panel so a bit soon to give a total recommendation but so far so good.
They certainly look great and the plants seem to love them so as a loyal bud warrior iv hit him up for a live interview to help build recognition
Haven't be getting notifications on your thread red for some reason. Caught up now. Starting to look like a winter wonderland in your tent mate:greenthumb: