Haven't be getting notifications on your thread red for some reason. Caught up now. Starting to look like a winter wonderland in your tent mate:greenthumb:
I think we all suffer from not getting notifications Ducks,i look in watched threads to check.
Aye,shes frosting up like nothing ive seen before,should be good for oil making,yeah?
Thaks for your time.
Is that what you do with ure harvest red
Ive just started making oil to vape in e liquid as i need to cut down on smoking backy,ive cut down by half already.
I will be making a lot more oil in future mainly for medicinal purpose,to be taken by oral ingestion even though it tastes like shit.
I still enjoy a spliff though so got to keep some buds back for that.
Shrek is 70 days old.
Buds are still swelling and getting frostier with about another 3 weeks to go im guessing.Didnt see any probs with missing out GH micro last week,so left it out again and used the canna mono micro nutes.
She needs a good clip out but it not only sticks my fingers together but kills my bad back also.I hate those surgical gloves too.

Thats it for this weeks episode folks,thanks for dropping in and happy growing.
Ive just started making oil to vape in e liquid as i need to cut down on smoking backy,ive cut down by half already.
I will be making a lot more oil in future mainly for medicinal purpose,to be taken by oral ingestion even though it tastes like shit.
I still enjoy a spliff though so got to keep some buds back for that.
Aw cool would you be so kind to let @XxxAuto my good friend how to make the oil for his aunt he's been trying to find out