New Grower New grower vast and vast auto

Ok I have a problem coming up in about two weeks. I’m going to be on vacation in another state for about 5 to 6 days. Anyone have any advise? I can have someone heck in on them but they won’t really know what to looks for. I can always premix nuits up for them to add. Just don’t want the water getting to low while I’m gone.
Your still in 1 gallon pots? in supersoil
For your dwc mix up nutrients for the person looking out when your gone, Mark level on side of bucket for them to fill to.
Yea for the photo weed I’m in 1 gallon pots with super soil. Should I mix it at full strength or less for dwc? Just worried that there might be nuit issue while I’m gone and I won’t be there to correct it. I figured I’ll do a rez change the day before I leave which should give it about two or three days tell they have to add anything.
Are your deep water culture bucket single contained buckets? Or are you recirculating through a reservoir? The reason I ask, is there is a method of linking two buckets together and going twice as long between res changes. It's kind of a hybrid of a recirculating system.

Since I'm in Cocoa, I just use a big Reservoir and halo rings and pump over the top of my Coco. Then my plants sit on a drain table that collects 15 gallons of water under the table and every once in awhile as sump pump pumps that out into a drain tile outside.

If you decide to go double buckets on your deep water culture I can give you some ideas on how to do that. I did it in the past and it worked okay for extending my time away.

Ideally before you go on vacation you would have your plant set up for a week or two on your new system to make sure things were stabilized.
I’m just running contained units no extra rez. Didn’t have the extra money to shell out for anything else beside what I got lol. I was just trying to be a cheep ass tell I get a grow or two under my belt. I would love to learn your set up but Idk if I’ll have the time or money to set anything new up with what I have already
Day 24. Btw here are som pics before I do the rez change a little later. I’ll take picture then also. Should I be defoliating some of the leafs or does that come later?


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