New Grower New grower vast and vast auto

@archie gemmill I agree I don't buy whole flushing but I do agree with just feeding water last week or so not a flush just a decent drink til shes done. Looks like you have thus one about wrapped up bub. I don't taste difference from flushes. I do see swelling from just water towards the end but then again I water as if she's extra thirsty not to flush all her life lines out she will still swell and provide you with better fruit. I also have let them sit in complete darkness for last 2-4 days and had some success with it.
it looks like its had enough nutes :thumbsup: a flush as in 3 times the pot volume,or just a drink of water ?
i dont buy into the flushing way of thinking,a couple of drinks of plain water is good enough in my book.
I don’t buy into the flushing method ether. I was thinking a few days of just plain water or very very little nutes. Waiting on my magnifier to get here so I can check the trihcoms to see when it’s ready to harvest
plants tend to take a lil longer than what most breeders state.if medical or going for a more body stone,an extra week or so to amber up is a kinda normal.
but im 97% recreational eejit and 6% cat i like an uppy head stone.
good luck n keep er lit.
@archie gemmill I agree I don't buy whole flushing but I do agree with just feeding water last week or so not a flush just a decent drink til shes done. Looks like you have thus one about wrapped up bub. I don't taste difference from flushes. I do see swelling from just water towards the end but then again I water as if she's extra thirsty not to flush all her life lines out she will still swell and provide you with better fruit. I also have let them sit in complete darkness for last 2-4 days and had some success with it.
What does giving them dark time at the end do? Never heard that before.
plants tend to take a lil longer than what most breeders state.if medical or going for a more body stone,an extra week or so to amber up is a kinda normal.
but im 97% recreational eejit and 6% cat i like an uppy head stone.
good luck n keep er lit.
It’s for my girl and she likes the head high more so probably once they clear up I’ll harvest it. Moving to a new house in a month That I’m buying so I’ll start my next grow then
What does giving them dark time at the end do? Never heard that before.
I have found that they will go on the defensive and fatten up more and clear trichs go full cloudy and forces more in to amber mood. Imo I've done it on few autos now and lots of photos with success. My royal Queen quick one that's in the review section on main page she swelled all her little bottom buds to tight little rocks and put one a extra nice glaze of trichs. Believe a few others on here have done it also. I'll find thier threads and post to u if u wanted.
I have found that they will go on the defensive and fatten up more and clear trichs go full cloudy and forces more in to amber mood. Imo I've done it on few autos now and lots of photos with success. My royal Queen quick one that's in the review section on main page she swelled all her little bottom buds to tight little rocks and put one a extra nice glaze of trichs. Believe a few others on here have done it also. I'll find thier threads and post to u if u wanted.
Yea please that would be good to see if it works for me I’ll try it ether way just would like to see how it worked for others
Day 73. Starting her on nutes that are only 1/16 of the normal so it’s mostly just water now. My jewelers loop will be here in two days and I’ll check the trichomes and see where we are with that. If it’s close to harvest I’ll go straight water and give her a few days of dark time before chopping her down. It’s been a great experience and can’t wait to start my next grow in my new house which I’ll have a 10 x 10 room to grow in so I’ll probably do hydro and soil on the next grow. Thank you everyone for guiding me and keeping me informed. I’ll keep posting tell I know the weight dried and once my girl smokes it to let me know how it is.


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Ok so my jewelers loop came but still can’t get that close of a look at the trichomes. I can see them better but some people on here get like right on them with there pictures. Mine is a 30x so what does everyone use to look at there trichomes?
Ok so my jewelers loop came but still can’t get that close of a look at the trichomes. I can see them better but some people on here get like right on them with there pictures. Mine is a 30x so what does everyone use to look at there trichomes?
I've quit looking at the trichomes on Autos, but my favorite Loop is one that has a 30 x and a 60 x magnification. I mainly stopped because I can't see them clear enough unless I take a bud right off the plant and set it down on a table. I guess my eyes are just getting too old.

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