New Grower New grow, some feedback is greatly appreciated

I had some lower leaves on my blueberry look like thaT a lil espsom salt fixed it fast u looking the soils true potential
Hey Oldschool. I'm here finally. Sorry to take this long to notice your thread. I'm gonna give it to you straight. The RO water situation has really slowed down their progress. I think next time you grow with the right amount of nutrients (better nutrients) they'll be twice or even triple that size.

I'd recommend this
to take your RO water up to 0.4 EC which is probably 2ml per litre of water.

I would then add this Sensi Grow Amazon product ASIN B00CFQ4PYOStarting at 1ml per litre of water and increasing that incrementally every time you feed. So 1.0ml per litre first feed, then 1.1ml per litre second feed (feed each time you water). The reason behind this is it increases omsotic pressure on the root system kinda 'forcing' nutrients up into the roots. Like body builder getting incrementally stronger and able to handle heavier weights each session. You want to get that up to 2ml per litre by the time it's just starting to flower. Then from flower switch from Sensi Grow to Sensi Bloom and work your way up to 3ml per litre. When it the plant has small pistal balls add Advanced Nutrients - Big Bud at 2ml per litre.

The other nutrients I would recommend would be Dutch Pro range or if you're on a budget the Plagron range and the BioBizz range are decent too especially paired with their soils.

Right now though you gotta get some cal/mag into the equation ASAP. What RR was saying about spraying them EOD (every other day) with Epsom salts foliar solution and EOD with plain water is bang on. Make sure to drench the plant on top and under the leaves. Add some epsom salts to the water too. I can't remember how much it is, but the container should tell you. Don't over do it though as you will literally be 'salting the earth'.

Also however much of the base nutrient 'Holland Secret' you are using increasing it by a bit right now. Then each time you feed increase it incrementally similarlly to how I described pushing the feed with Sensi.

Finally I never was too keen on that brand of nutrients... I went to check their website to see which bottle of the 3 part had the most magnesium and calcium, so I could tell you, bro add more of that bottle... and this is what their site says..

The secondary elements are equally as important but are only required in smaller quantities. These include:
  • potassium (Mg)
  • sulphur (S)
  • calcium (Ca)

No lie... the dudes can't even suss out that potassium isn't a secondary elements and it's periodic code isnt (Mg)
Anyway if you can figure out which of the three part bottles has the most Mg and Calcium in it (hopefully it's the same bottle) then give it a little extra of that for a wee while. I'd ditch the 3 part though, going on experience I had no better harvests than the two part. Advanced Nutrients Sensi Grow (two part) gave me the best results of anything I've used. Hope all of that helps. I'll be watching :)
sensi cal.JPG
Thanks Happy,
Unfortunately I am stuck with what I have for now but have heard great things about the 2 part AN.

Here are pictures from my bottles. first pic is the sensi cal mag xtra, then other pics are in order micro, grow, and bloom.
Maybe we can come up with the best mixture I can produce with what I have.
(I have 4 litre bottles of the HS) and shelling out for brand new will mean grief or death from my wife. LOL

I will be going to the lake for the weekend so they won't get a feeding again until at least Monday.
If you have some time maybe you could suggest how you might use what I have (if you had to)

Have a fantastic weekend bro
Hey oldschool did you get my msgs in your inbox, I replied about your fert question, I'm sure you can get one of those, ill send ya some pics of mine
Hey at least your Cal/Mag X-tra is here now! :)

Do you have an EC meter? If yes, my advice would be to add enough Cal/Mag to bring the RO water EC up to 0.4EC.
Although for the first few waters I might even bring it up to 0.5EC until their problem signs go away because they are starving for it. Also foliar feed them cal/mag too. I'm not sure what the proper dose is but probably 1ml per liter, but check that first. At least once a week foliar feed them with plain water to wash the salts off the leaves, so the salts don't accumulate and block the stomata.
Hey happy,

I don't have an EC meter. I do have a TDS meter just like most in North Americans we didn't adopt the original method of reading EC. We have to be difficult and use the more primitive TDS. LOL
I have been reading about EC and understand that both EC and TD meters actually measure EC but a TDS meter has a built in converter to tell us ppm instead of EC. Anyway, I am not working right now so I will have to figure out conversions at some point. If knowing EC is simple such as 200ppm = 0.4 EC then I would be able to use ppm to achieve the EC goal. Correct?

Leaving for the lake in an hour.
Im going to try and relax and turn the brain off for a couple days.

Talk to you soon and thanks for being such a great support!
I'm curious as to why everyone seems so concerned with Cal/Mg here. I just read the whole thread, and I don't see a single sign of calcium or magnesium issues in these plants. They do look a little hungry, but my last grow looked that way for pretty much the whole grow, and I got over a QP off of two plants. I have not yet figured out how to really get that dark green color.. But your plants look healthy to me. Just a little hungry.

Magnesium deficiency:

Calcium deficiency:
Really the magnesium deficiency pic above is a little drastic compared to what I have normally seen. It looks to me to possibly even be a Zinc deficiency It was listed as mag, but whatever.. They seem to more often look less pronounced and more yellow, rather than really pronounced and almost white like the one in my first post.. like this: