New Grower New grow, some feedback is greatly appreciated

Its only day 3 outside for the younger ones and we are getting 31 to 35 Celsius right now so I have been keeping them covered with screens to cut down the intensity of the sun. I will remove the screen for morning sun and then cover for mid day. I almost lost my older girls from what was the beginning of a root problem. I used fabric shopping bags like smart pots but they were flimsy so I doubled them up. "NOT ENOUGH DRAINAGE" They had wilted so bad I thought they were done. It wasn't over watering or under watering so with the intense heat and being oxygen deprived it was a bad scene. I removed the outer bag so they drained better and were getting more oxygen. I flushed them completely, fed CAL-MAG with full strength and crossed my fingers. They have come back pretty good I think.
Lookin good bro! I suggest skipping to a 5gal next time, my ladies all punch through the bottom of the 5gal so even bigger wouldn't hurt at all.
I use the generic 5gal buckets with the handles and I drill them so there a homemade air pot, they seem to love it,
Some I've those lady's look like there gonna get pretty big for you! If you notice alot of root punching through the bottom, I dig a tiny hole and set the bucket in it and it seems to give it extra root space :)
Hey Oldschool.

The new feeding regime is going really well. You can see the tops of teh plants (new growth since addition of the added nutrients) are loving it! The idea of adding screens during the hottest hours of the day is a good idea as well.All in all I say finally now you're on the right track!

Pity about the wilting problem. In in intense heat I would make sure the buckets are always heavy. If you can't be there to water them consider setting up an automatic watering system. Perhaps a drip system or something like that.

Bigger pots will hold more water for longer. Perlite will help with drainage, as will Airpots for the next grow. Anyway you are living and learning for next time huh?! :)

I'll keep popping back but feel free to PM me any time if you need my urgent attention and use the 24/7 Help thread.