New Grower New grow, some feedback is greatly appreciated

Outdoor girls also got fed their first taste of sensi cal/mag with a full strength feeding on Friday. They have had a tough life so far with an over abundance of rain and cold. The last week and a half we have had major forest fires. The smoke has created overcast type conditions and has been too heavy to let the sun shine through. Last night it got very cold overnight. Close to 10 degrees cooler than normal for this time of year. Amazing they still show growth with what they have been up against. First day of real sunshine in a while today.
The grassy spot they are sitting on is not their regular home. I put them in the shed overnight to protect from the cold. It went down to +7 Celsius (44 F) for those who prefer imperial
Wow buddy it really does dip down at night for you, were getting 23-25 in the day and 15-18 at night, but I do live pretty far south (for Canada lol)
Hey Happy,
Just to set the record straight, I am not American, I am Canadian, we have our own beer, we play hockey better than the Americans, and we are overall nicer eh!! LOL Now about EC. I am very happy to learn all about it. I am willing to invest in a decent meter. I am sure they are available here.

I said 'America guys' and you guys are North America so technically I was right. But you're right, you are typically a bit more friendly, definitely more polite (sorry) and in general have better beer and definitely you're better at hockey. However all that matters naught.. because you use the METRIC system...! You guys could be killer psychopaths, as long as you don't use the arcane imperial measurement system of 3 / 25th inch drill bit size etc, then you're OKAY by me! :)

How are your girls going today? Glad to see they're getting some cal/mag now with that RO water. Have you tried increasing the base nutrient feed as well like I suggested? They're still looking fairly light green there. Not terribly so though a little more dark green and they'll be loving it. I find it's best to gradually increase the strength of the feed with each watering. Say an increase of 0.1ml or 0.2ml per liter to keep them nice and dark green.
They were very dark green right after first feeding of CAL-MAG and I had also increased the micro 2 mls from my 3 part nutrients as it had the highest N at 5%. CAL-MAG was also at 4%. Almost over did it as they turned quite dark but have been doing well. One was showing mild N toxicity but doing fine. I cut back on the nutrients a bit for their last feed a couple days ago. The first pick are my 39 day old girls.
These five are the 22 day old girls. See the one on the left has a bit of claw to the leaves? That one was showing mild N toxicity
and the one in the background is one of the 40 day old girls