New Grower New grow, some feedback is greatly appreciated

Really the magnesium deficiency pic above is a little drastic compared to what I have normally seen. It looks to me to possibly even be a Zinc deficiency It was listed as mag, but whatever.. They seem to more often look less pronounced and more yellow, rather than really pronounced and almost white like the one in my first post.. like this:

Correct Greejeans.

You're right in saying the plant isn't displaying any acute signs of Mg deficiency as the lower leaves aren't getting the yellow stripes on them.

The main issue to me looks like the base nutrients need to ne increase. Hence both RR and I have said the base nutrient needs to be increased.

I have also said though that using RO water you need to supplement the secondary and micronutrients using something like Magnecal+ Since elements interact with each other and not enough of one elements means the ability to use another element that's in abundance is deminished, or the fact that if one element is extremely high it's actually toxic and makes the plant unable to take up another element that is in abundance making it look like a deficiency. So the smart thing to do is deal with the problem of this grow definitely having less calcium magnesium and iron in it due to the RO water and avoid any issues now. Plus increase or change the base nutrients as they're either not working very well, or aren't being administered properly.

So in summary both things needs to be dealt with here.
Hey happy,

I don't have an EC meter. I do have a TDS meter just like most in North Americans we didn't adopt the original method of reading EC. We have to be difficult and use the more primitive TDS. LOL
I have been reading about EC and understand that both EC and TD meters actually measure EC but a TDS meter has a built in converter to tell us ppm instead of EC. Anyway, I am not working right now so I will have to figure out conversions at some point. If knowing EC is simple such as 200ppm = 0.4 EC then I would be able to use ppm to achieve the EC goal. Correct?

Leaving for the lake in an hour.
Im going to try and relax and turn the brain off for a couple days.

Talk to you soon and thanks for being such a great support!

Hey Oldschool. Don't get me started on PPM. I wrote a long article on the old site explaining exactly why PPM sucks and why EC is the ONLY way to measure nutrients (unless you're a chemist in which case PPM is useful but not for botany)

Here's the main reason why PPM sucks. Check this image.

Since PPM has not one, not two, but three different conversion rates, depending on what part of the world you are. One person could be saying 1000 PPM but that converts to 1400 PPM for another person. So the two people think they're talking about the same thing ... PPM .... but nooo they're talking about 400 PPM different! 400PPM is a LOT of margin or error. That's the difference between make or break a grow.

However if you notice EC... always stays the same. EC is universal! ... and much easier. Dunno why you America guys always gotta go make things difficult on the rest of the world :P
My point was that everyone seems to constantly beat the cal mag drum, even when someone's plants show no need for it. Not just here, but everywhere. I just don't see the point in raising the ppms with calmag if it isn't really necessary yet. It just seems like a waste of money. It seems kinda like having a 1 gallon bucket that is 3/4 of the way full and needs more water, but instead recommending that someone fill it the rest of the way up with sand on principle.

I wasn't pointing at anyone in particular, just pointing out a trend I see that seemed to be showing itself here.
Yea I would agree with you... if in this instance the OP was not using RO water. Since the OP is using RO water it would be very unwise not to supplement with at least calcium / magnesium / iron. I would also considering adding a touch of micronutrients solution (say the Cana Mono Nutrients range) or make sure and use a good quality base nutrient which has lots of micronutrients like Advanced Nutrients. I believe the OPs plants right now are small and pale because of a lack of nutrients across the board. Mostly a nitrogen deficiency but I wouldn't be surprised if there were a dozen deficiencies there.
I learned the importance of cal/mag by watching a guy grow dwc on YouTube, he ran 600ppm (I know ppm sucks lol) but 300 of it was cal/mag, the other 300 was a mix of nutes, guy cropped 1.5lbs a 600w! 1 plant 5x5 ft scrog
Friday was the first feeding that included sensi cal-mag xtra added at 1m per litre prior to a batch of full strength feeding of veg nutrients. Third picture shows some deficiency from early on from when they were only a few days old. I just returned from the lake today and took these pictures. These plants are 18 days old. Jack Herrer crop king seeds.
Hey Oldschool. Don't get me started on PPM. I wrote a long article on the old site explaining exactly why PPM sucks and why EC is the ONLY way to measure nutrients (unless you're a chemist in which case PPM is useful but not for botany)

Here's the main reason why PPM sucks. Check this image.

Since PPM has not one, not two, but three different conversion rates, depending on what part of the world you are. One person could be saying 1000 PPM but that converts to 1400 PPM for another person. So the two people think they're talking about the same thing ... PPM .... but nooo they're talking about 400 PPM different! 400PPM is a LOT of margin or error. That's the difference between make or break a grow.

However if you notice EC... always stays the same. EC is universal! ... and much easier. Dunno why you America guys always gotta go make things difficult on the rest of the world :p
It sure looks like the girls are starting to feel all better. :headbang:
Hey Happy,
Just to set the record straight, I am not American, I am Canadian, we have our own beer, we play hockey better than the Americans, and we are overall nicer eh!! LOL Now about EC. I am very happy to learn all about it. I am willing to invest in a decent meter. I am sure they are available here.