Really the magnesium deficiency pic above is a little drastic compared to what I have normally seen. It looks to me to possibly even be a Zinc deficiency It was listed as mag, but whatever.. They seem to more often look less pronounced and more yellow, rather than really pronounced and almost white like the one in my first post.. like this:
Correct Greejeans.
You're right in saying the plant isn't displaying any acute signs of Mg deficiency as the lower leaves aren't getting the yellow stripes on them.
The main issue to me looks like the base nutrients need to ne increase. Hence both RR and I have said the base nutrient needs to be increased.
I have also said though that using RO water you need to supplement the secondary and micronutrients using something like Magnecal+ Since elements interact with each other and not enough of one elements means the ability to use another element that's in abundance is deminished, or the fact that if one element is extremely high it's actually toxic and makes the plant unable to take up another element that is in abundance making it look like a deficiency. So the smart thing to do is deal with the problem of this grow definitely having less calcium magnesium and iron in it due to the RO water and avoid any issues now. Plus increase or change the base nutrients as they're either not working very well, or aren't being administered properly.
So in summary both things needs to be dealt with here.