Hi Oldschool- Ahh, 3 part system--good! ...have the little auto's been outside, full time, including night? Full power sun is prone to paling them out some, until they get a few well developed sets of leaves on them, and are solidly established,... I put mine under window screening material for a couple weeks, which cuts intensity down about 15%,... night temps, if outside, might be too cool, messing with nutrient transport and slowing down the soil herd,... Are you planning to move them back indoors full time now?
...Okay, that's the info on fert's we need! Odd, micro is the stronger N source, but whatever- LOL! I agree with Chester, you need to up to full strength, to boost the N in there,...and follow the full blending in the chart; P is needed for several things, not just blooming, and the grow/micro combo alone isn't giving quite enough, IMO... What dilution for the epsoms are you using? As a normal supplement, 1 tsp/gal is fine,...to treat a defc., 1tsp/qt, a couple times, is what's recommended... you don't have a Mg issue though, so no sense in going too heavy and regular with a salt like epsoms...Chester made a good call, treat a couple times with them, and then quit for a few days to let things get in there and working,... by then, your dedicated Ca-Mg supp. should be here,... ...Foliar is a great method to learn! It's the fastest way into the plant, and bypasses the roots/medium if there's trouble down there; Do you have a wetting agent/water spreader? This is essential to proper foliar spraying, for whatever to spray,... it takes the surface tension out of the soln., allowing the spray to coat and stick more evenly, instead of just beading up and rolling off,... more surface area covered=more absorbed! This also why you spray tops and bottoms of leaves... Stuff only gets into the plant when in liquid suspension, via the opened stomata... I usually let leaves dry part way, then spray with pure wate lightly to redissolve stuff again, and allow a second helping, of sorts!... When you do it, don't place them in direct light-- it risks potential lensing burn (droplets focusing light too intensely like a lens), and dries too fast... Day/early is best, when stomas are open,.... avoid foliar at night/lights out; that risks possible invitation for mold, etc. to get foothold, and stomata tend to close up then,... In a pinch, you can use a few drops of a mild soap (like hand) as a water spreader...avoid using powerful detergents like dish soap-- too gnarly!
.... you can feed the Micro at half str. as a foliar, maybe add a few drops/L of bloom to get a little P in there too,... I don't know the why behind this, but I've read that K is not good to feed by foliar, and the Grow is the strong source of that, so don't use that in the foliar just to be safe,... :smoking: