New Grower New grow, some feedback is greatly appreciated

Man it is so incredible to know you have such great people on here that have your back. These grows are a serious investment in time and money so you want to have the best chance to succeed. I am willing to take the risk but it sure is great to have experience watching over you. Thanks so much for the help. I do a ton of reading too and try to find answers. People mentioning cal-mag early on in the thread put me on alert because I didn't know about RO water needing minerals added and I wasn't liking how my plants seem to be getting too pale. I am confident it is a mag issue because I double checked ppm of water/nutes and also the runoff and they were very stable. at around 6.3 and 6.4 so I shouldn't have any root or nutrient uptake issues. I will do the foliar with Epsom today and add to the mix when I feed them next.
2 questions: How often should I foliar feed and do I stop once I receive and start using cal-mag?
Aloha oldschool, yes this is a fantastic site due to the calibre of admin we are blessed with here. Their dedication and consistent vigilance makes things run smoothly with that extra bit of tlc that encourages the rest of us to be mindful we are family.
I am a rookie grower with both autos and photos. I use 5 ml of cal/mag per gallon for both autos and photos and I have zero issues with cal/mag deficiencies. I have to preference that info with the fact that my autos failed to bloom without switching to 12/12 light. I have gotten no posts that would indicate this failure to flower is a result of the cal/mag I feed my girls.
That's what makes AFN so great, oldschool, we all try to help each other. And there's not a single person here that hasn't run into trouble (not me, though, no way :rofl:).
2 questions: How often should I foliar feed and do I stop once I receive and start using cal-mag?
I'll let more experienced folks answer that, Brother, I've done a lot of foliar but never for a Mg def like that. My gut tells me to dose one day, mist heavy with plain water the next (that will give your gal a chance to absorb any dried Mg, and wash excess salt off the leaves), then spray Epsom the following day, etc until she looks recovered.
Or if you can use the foliar Epsom in the morning and mist with plain water in the afternoon, you can make it a daily thing and see how she's responding.
Once the roots are taking up enough Mg and Ca, you should be golden. I'll ask the gurus, and get back to you.
One thing to watch, and that's the analysis on your CaMg. Make sure it's an 0-0-0, otherwise you'll have to take the extra nitrogen into account when you feed.
:toke: :pass:..Hi guys!
... Oldschool, the nute's are really mild, especially the N value,...(is this a multi-part feed system? 2-1-7 is weird, at least for a stand alone fert.),... if so, what else is being added, and the NPK values on them?)...Full strength is likely called for,.... I think this is largely what's up with the color--N defc.,... it's good your adding epsoms (MgSO4) too, because S defc. can also look like this (overall pale color), just to cover that base! The micro formula has Fe in it as well? ... All this said, I think a richer source of N and maybe P is called for....overkill on the K; this is why I'm asking about the multi-part feed regime, to get total NPK numbers and see exactly what's going in, and how much relative to each other,... I don't see a Ca or Mg defc. issue, but it could be masked behind the others...that Micro formula should have some of each as well, so between the epsoms and this, that's covered for now... looks like the pH's are okay, since Promix is "soilless", and works better run at slightly lower pH's vs. true soil, but not a low as Hydro'; also, Promix is only very lightly charged with nutrients, so more input is needed, and sooner, than would be in soil; for Ca, eggshells take too long to get in there, so don't bother with that,... RO water has the pH buffering minerals removed-- CaCO3, a little MgCO3; the carbonates (CO3 portion) is what does the buffering; without them in there, or at low levels, pH is very unstable, and can swing wildly from even small inputs,...that's why the Ca-Mg supplement is recommended, not just for the nutritional Ca/Mg, but for the buffering capacity increase as well! ........Anyway, post up the full data on the Holland nute's, and we'll see about dialing things in better,... I still think you'll need a better source of N and P, unless other parts of that brand are covering it,.. do they have a feeding chart listed?
Hey oldschool, for my outdoor autos I use a feet that's 12-4-8 in soilless and have never burnt them and they seem to thrive with it, I find with the amount of rain we get outdoors its kinda like getting a mini flush here and there imo. Good luck! I'm sure there gonna turn out great!