New Grower New 2 growing. . I've chosen, fast & vast auto!!!


Any signs that they're female? They're half way thru week 5.
Hard to tell from the pictures mate. Cant see any pistils yet but should be soon. Keep an eye on the internodes
Plants look nice Hector. Hey, you might email one of the mods the link from your first thread you started, and then moved here. Ask to have your old one removed, since it's still up, and you just wanted it moved to here. I see it's still up.

Anyway, your setup looks sweet!
Plants look nice Hector. Hey, you might email one of the mods the link from your first thread you started, and then moved here. Ask to have your old one removed, since it's still up, and you just wanted it moved to here. I see it's still up.

Anyway, your setup looks sweet!

Hmmm, I already merged 2 threads, I see now that you started a 3rd back on 3-11. I will get it added to this.

Hector, keep off that Start New Thread button!! :rofl: As Mossy would say "bloody stoners!"
Crap, don't have permission to merge the one in Introductions.

Hector, you may want to post a link in your Introduction thread to this thread so everything stays in one place from here on. Have a good one
Yeah sorry guys ha!

I'd like to delete or merge the other thread. . Sorry to mess you guys around, was a ill' confused how to work it all when I first got here.
I think my biggest plant is starting to show the first sign of sex. . Looks like a lil' ball to me, damn it!

Will be keeping an eye on it the next day or so, been my favourite plant as well as it's the strongest looking.
Most of them showing that they're female. . Still waiting on a few.

Can't wait until they're in full flower!!!
So pissed!!!

One of my plants has clearly started flowering, but I'm starting to notice little pollen shells sprouting out on the rest of them! Some already had the white feminine hairs to!

How are they all turning?

I first noticed what I thought was one, left it a few days to be sure, then got rid of it today once I was 100% certain.

Gonna be pretty f#*ked off if I'm only left with the one! It's only this one which is showing flower heads on the bud sites!