somewhat known member
Thx GmGeoff, nice plant by the way! I'm cool now, you just don't expect this kinda thing to happen, with the time, money and effort spent on your project.
Yeah I don't think I'll be going back to Heavyweight anytime soon. I'll go with a more proven strain.
I was attracted to them as I followed a grow online and the harvest seemed pretty generous.
I have lights set on a timer, my HPS duel spec and I have a blue spec T5 just off to the side for a bit of extra light. When I come home from work, I'll knock the HPS off to water the plants, but leave the T5 on, do you think that would've had an effect on them?? As they like the red spec when flowering?
Also, what about this reverse spray I've been reading about?
I'm not qualified to answer that, But the mistakes I made prior to hermies were:
. Transplanting. (the survivor had the least disruptive transplant)
. too much water in the germ stage.
.Fert. too soon along with nitrogen burn
. excessive temp. swings ...........70 -95 deg.
. and probably one or two I have forgotten.
I haven't heard of reverse spray
now my 3 1/2 gal pot is totally solid root (bound) and I'm not sure what this will create, although I just read an article that pot bound in flowering stage will stress/shock the plant and make it flower sooner and with bigger heavier buds. Hope they're correct.