Thank you all

I'm heading to Texas to spend Thanksgiving with family, I'll try to answer everyone specifically when I get back.
Thanks to being corrupted by my Roo, pot products should be waiting for me when I land

I thought he was crazy vacuum sealing with rubber gloves on

He loved you all, and regretted not staying in touch. At the end it was tough for him to type. What he DIDN'T want was a funeral, he wanted a good old Irish wake

(omg you have a smilie for that!).
He liked the fact that finally he could smoke his own weed, and he loved the fact that he kicked cancers ass.
You knew him, imagine the daily "kicked it's ass" conversation.
Two replies, then I have to run:
I think he got that from a movie, but he only said it to people he really liked. He said you were there for him when things got hectic. Thank you
Michael had a lot to say about you. Said you were an amazing artist, incredibly brave and took poo from no one.

I have to go, I'll leave you all with this (God that man left lists!). I will quote:
" No sad crap. Play fun songs. No Irish dirges, it ain't my fault they decided to worship a f***ing potato."
He did request Primus.
I'll be in as I can. a tune for
View attachment 976357 

I'll never get your music....