Indoor Nectar for the gods

Thanks! Looks like I've got some reading to do!
Do like I did, breeze through and then use as a reference. I have a copy on damn near everything I own so I can look up stuff when I think of it.
Hey now! Friendly bumpski. Just wanted to say I enjoyed reading this thread. Still on the fence on whether or not I want to use this line for my next grow. Since I'm still a noob. Has anyone's opinions changed since last year? I've been watching all the videos on YouTube that I can find the last few days and briefly have gone through the pdf file that you were so nice to link.


My opinion. Great line, still running. If you can't diagnose issues on your own, probably best to stick with an N-P-K line until you've got your feet under you. With all the names, and the difference in run style required, it'll make interaction with the community easier as you'll be using vocabulary that all know. We speak a slightly different language, and many times translation from NPK grower to nectar talk doesn't work.
I appreciate you taking your time to give me your thoughts! And completely understand what you're saying. I'm not even finished with my first auto grow yet. I've been pretty bored with what I'm currently using. (Kind soil and coco loco) all I really need to do is just water few times a week. I figured it be a great way to start out. But now after over a month I'm kinda meh, bored lol

I guess I'll save the NFTG for a future run when I'm ready. But in the mean time, I guess it wouldn't hurt to keep learning about their line and style of growing.
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Learning is what it's all about! It'll make it easier if you run into a problems, as anyone in the infirmary can help, or on a different site, or grow shops... when your running NFTG, your always mentally translating, and problems likely require NFTG peeps.

And don't get me started on running nectar in coco.... your out there... all alone...even the beard shrugs when you have a problem... your 2/3s thru a run and everything is coming apart...
Hey Now,
I say go for it. Get a sample box if they still shipping them. The only thing I can think of is to be sure you have enough stash on hand to last through if it goes tits up on you. I also use the NTFG [HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG] soil. Mixing is a real pain in the but especially when you use all 14 bottles and and a half dozen other things. @Arthur ’s advice is spot on as well, you need to learn how your plants respond and react to effectively use this stuff. I would add though that that if you dive into the deep end with this you will learn quickly. You must have a reliable pH and EC meter or meters. That is critical to using. This stuff mixes up incredibly low pH and needs adjustment. The Olympus up is made just for that, you will also be doing slurry tests.
So. . . I say go for it, you will want to buy more and it does get expensive but I think it’s worth it.
BTW, it is the main line of nutrients I run when I’m not testing someone else’s.
Hey @wwwillie would this be a good starting point? Anything else you would add for a beginner run with NFTG?

SLF100 is almost necessary to keep things broke down and moving, I use 5ml every gallon. The cultured line of microbes work well, so does the microbe life and bigfoot, but they are mostly redundant line to line minus a couple, the photo plus has something extra, I run that, and Recharge for microbes.
@DarkStarMagnolia yes. It would be a great place to start. I don’t use as much AA as that describes but I think I’ll look into it. And yes the SLF100 is absolutely necessary, photosynthesis plus, well I don’t grow without it but it’s not a necessity. Recharge too, a good set of benes there. And your meters, get them if you don’t have them and get to know them well. Get some calibration and some storage solutions for the pH meter. Calibrate every few weeks or so until you know how it handles.