Indoor Nectar for the gods

@wwwillie the sampler pack from NFTG contained a bottle of Microbe Organics Photosynthesis Plus in it. I will def look into the rest of the line. Thanks!

I can’t wait to use this!! I’m super excited about testing it out.
I used NFTG for 2 runs of Sour orange livers and Sour alien livers with far better results than I had using AN. The 3rd run I used NFTG at 1/4 to half strength with the mephisto super soil amendment in the bottom half of my pots just to see the results. Combining the 2 definitely boosted my final harvest. all 3 plants were over 2.5 oz dried , with the 3rd being 3.25 oz. I used the whole sample line with names that began with M.G.A.D.H.Z. Sorry I'm at work but I remember the acronym in my head I used for the mixing order lol. I like this line a lot.
Running it now, and dealing with the afore mentioned issue of ppms... was running full strength.. ppms shot up to over 2K, and the girls were not happy. Flush on Thursday, and cut that in half, HH and mag/sulfide yesterday, and am seeing recovery. Some ucky lookin leaves here and there, but the girls posture has changed drastically. All praying hard again. Will resume with the "mid flower" next feed, and 25%.
My results are similar.
What surprises me most is the difference in the final buds in the jar. The NFTG is solid little rocks, the other stuff is quite "fluffy" for lack of a better term.
How do youlike the smoke from the NTFG grown product?
My results are similar.
What surprises me most is the difference in the final buds in the jar. The NFTG is solid little rocks, the other stuff is quite "fluffy" for lack of a better term.
How do youlike the smoke from the NTFG grown product?
Will tell ya in about 6 weeks but definitely like the line, just need to watch it a little more than advertized. That might be an auto thing, but I don't think so.
Running it now, and dealing with the afore mentioned issue of ppms... was running full strength.. ppms shot up to over 2K, and the girls were not happy. Flush on Thursday, and cut that in half, HH and mag/sulfide yesterday, and am seeing recovery. Some ucky lookin leaves here and there, but the girls posture has changed drastically. All praying hard again. Will resume with the "mid flower" next feed, and 25%.

What is your medium? If it's soil, how are you measuring PPM? What did you flush with?
Will add, the four assed monkey didn't seem to mind the overdose as much as the others, she has the look of other plants that I've run on the razors edge, a little tip burn, and explosive growth. Fast and furious bud production, she'll finish first without a doubt.
What is your medium? If it's soil, how are you measuring PPM? What did you flush with?
Am running Dr earth soil, everything going in is measured, and now, runoff is checked as well, both ph and ppm, and flush initially was ph'd water, followed by Herculean Harvest, after the initial drop in the ppms. Have slurry tested as well, but in 3L pots, with the massive root production, I ain't digging down 2 inches to see what's what.
My results are similar.
What surprises me most is the difference in the final buds in the jar. The NFTG is solid little rocks, the other stuff is quite "fluffy" for lack of a better term.
How do youlike the smoke from the NTFG grown product?
I enjoy the smoke tremendously! It seems like the flavors come out a bit more in the Sour orange livers grown in nftg vs the AN ones I grew. I don't usually notice tastes much but I do this time. Curious to see how the double grapes flavor is when they're ready.
Am running Dr earth soil, everything going in is measured, and now, runoff is checked as well, both ph and ppm, and flush initially was ph'd water, followed by Herculean Harvest, after the initial drop in the ppms. Have slurry tested as well, but in 3L pots, with the massive root production, I ain't digging down 2 inches to see what's what.

Ya, that is one of the big reasons I switched to 5 Gal. pots. he slurry tests were rough with that small amount. But they are critical. Me, I have been using full strength throughout, both photo and auto. I only flush with HH these days. Do you use SLF-100? You should when running this line.