Indoor Nectar for the gods

These are my current feed levels in mid flower.
Running these levels you will need an additional qt of Ghia, Athenas, and an additional gallon of the herculean harvest to get 4 plants to finish.
I'm on a feed feed feed feed.... feed regimen... ppm never above 350 in the slurry tests.

(Amounts per gallon) 4 gallons every 2 days.
Medusa's magic 15ml
Ghia mania 15ml
Athenas 15ml
Demeters 15 ml
Herculean harvest 60ml
Zeus 10ml
Bloom Khaos 10 ml.

Oly up to 6.6 to .7

SLF100 15ml
Photosynthesis plus 1ml

Edit: I moved the order of the oly up. Ph then the bennies.
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This has been a fantastic resource.

I printed out the pdf.
If running the starter, something like this

And NECTAR #4 or SUNSHINE #4 soils, I'd follow the spartan schedule

Cut out seed and clone stage, your going to start feeding about 2 weeks in starting at mid veg feeds so
10ml Medusa's
15ml this
They call for 5ml of HH... I'd probably bump that to 10ml
5ml Zeus juice.

Oly to 6.5

Slf & photo+ once a week

(with autos I don't "start with a lower pH" there's not enough time to get it back to flowering pH if you've dropped it down. With photos you switch the feed and then flip the lights when the pH is corrected)

Start on something that works for you, feed water water feed... and watch the plants & the slurry results....
KEEP YOUR PH UP. This is critical in this line. And, if you start seeing what looks like tip burn, it's not, its hungry! One of the first signs of low feed looks very much like tip burn with salt lines.
If you run into issue yell out! PM or tag me, but I'll more than likely ask for your slurry results.

Bloom Khaos. This stuff needs to be treated like nitroglycerin when new to the line.... it is reactive and can go boom if you don't know what your doing. It can also increase the size and yeild of the plants significantly. I suggest getting a handle on running their line first, maybe 2 rounds, then start trying to blow yourself up!
Hers a good picture of Bloom Khaos out of control. I was rolling along nicely until I damaged myself to the point that I could not make it down to to my garden room to feed my poor babies. This happened just as they were starting to flower. I wasn’t using much of it either. Fortunately they are in autopots so I didn’t worry about watering. If you enlarge you can see classic Ca def in the leaves. Dayum it was a great grow too, now it’s only a good one. I’ve been trying to make it up to them but the damage is done . . .

Hers a good picture of Bloom Khaos out of control. I was rolling along nicely until I damaged myself to the point that I could not make it down to to my garden room to feed my poor babies. This happened just as they were starting to flower. I wasn’t using much of it either. Fortunately they are in autopots so I didn’t worry about watering. If you enlarge you can see classic Ca def in the leaves. Dayum it was a great grow too, now it’s only a good one. I’ve been trying to make it up to them but the damage is done . . .

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Been there! If you'd asked me after my first couple rounds, I'd have probably not been very kind... since then I've figured out it's a throttle, if your gonna push, make sure the tank is full! I had other things contributing as well. Nectar doesn't play well with pure RO or distilled. Seems to pull things out of your soils. They've been working on it up at the store, I just mix in 1 gallon of tap to 4 RO, seems the micronutrient issues have cleared up completely this round.
Ya, RO and distilled have NO buffering capability. It’s been stripped by distillation or filtration through the RO membrane. Tap, even filtered tap has minerals and the like that adds buffering capability to the water. Has to do with alkalinity which is different from pH alkaline somehow. Sorry I am great at understanding but piss poor at conveying it! But that’s it right there.

One of the best things about the NFTG line is that it is so compatible with beneficial microbes, mycorrhizae and the like. A big part of my nutrient plan involves benes and teas. Recharge, Mammoth P, Photosynthesis +, foop, to name drop some of the biggies along with humics and sugars to feed them.
These are my current feed levels in mid flower.
Running these levels you will need an additional qt of Ghia, Athenas, and an additional gallon of the herculean harvest to get 4 plants to finish.
I'm on a feed feed feed feed.... feed regimen... ppm never above 350 in the slurry tests.

(Amounts per gallon) 4 gallons every 2 days.
Medusa's magic 15ml
Ghia mania 15ml
Athenas 15ml
Demeters 15 ml
Herculean harvest 60ml
Zeus 10ml
Bloom Khaos 10 ml.

Oly up to 6.6 to .7

SLF100 15ml
Photosynthesis plus 1ml

Edit: I moved the order of the oly up. Ph then the bennies.
Bookmarked, thanks!

Just grabbed some BK as I'm already actively feeding my girls HH. Going to grab the rest of the list as well and give it a shot. Been a huge fan of HH since I started using it a couple years back in my regimen.

Been using synthetic nutrients up to this point on my first outdoor auto run so will make sure a solid flush is done prior to cutting over. Don't have any real goals for this run since I'm operating on a shorter days here in FL so this seems like a great opportunity to try the rest of the line.
Bookmarked, thanks!

Just grabbed some BK as I'm already actively feeding my girls HH. Going to grab the rest of the list as well and give it a shot. Been a huge fan of HH since I started using it a couple years back in my regimen.

Been using synthetic nutrients up to this point on my first outdoor auto run so will make sure a solid flush is done prior to cutting over. Don't have any real goals for this run since I'm operating on a shorter days here in FL so this seems like a great opportunity to try the rest of the line.
Nice to see another FL grower in here. Good Luck.
Hey Now,
Been awhile. Nice to see another fan!
Let me tell you what brought my game to a whole 'nother level. I bought a Stirricane!

This thing is worth its weight in gold. I can now mix 3 gallons at a time and know it's thoroughly mixed too. When you mix 13-18 things mixing becomes a real chore. Now if fill the bucket turn on the mixer, add stuff, Ph, and pour. Simple and sweet. If you use the entire NFTG line plus your arms will thank you.
Hey AFN fam! I have ran Nectar since I first started growing in Oct. 2019, and started out with their sample kit and have been adding more of their bottles since then. I'm running the Roman basically but minus a couple things. It is a lot of work, but the pay off has been fantastic! Check out Oregon Constant Gardener on YouTube. Scott the owner of Nectar is on there and there is a ton of valuable information. The most important thing I can think of is DO NOT WORRY ABOUT RUN OFF PPM. You want to do a slurry test by going down a couple inches in the soil and doing a 1:1 ratio of soil & water. I use a shot glass to measure mine. I shot glass of loosely packed soil to a shot glass full of water, mixing for a moment then stick your PPM meter in that solution. That is where you will get the most accurate results. Search Google for Nectar for the Gods Bible.

I just started running Cultured Biologix new EON organic dry fertilizer and I must say I am blown away and it is sooooo much easier to use and from visual inspection is very very similar to the Nectar girls in density, size, frost and aroma. I'm almost ready to taste my first nug from these nutes and I am soooooo damn excited. I believe I may be switching nute lines!

Nectar will always have a spot in my heart, but man mixing 11 bottles every other day is killing me. With Cultured there are 4 dry amendments & 1 liquid called PHlush. Check out my posts and see how my Nectar runs have turned out and in my newest thread will be the review of these 2 lines. I ran 3 plants with Nectar and 3 with Cultured. Just chopped 1 of the Cultured grown girls and is drying now. Here is a pic of one of those nugs and damn it is so insanely frosty and smells amazing! Can't wait to test soon!
