You us Double-N's gotta stick together. Serious, looking great dude! Love seeing the AutoCobs catching on around here. What a cool grow you've got going with a killer setup.
Right on NN !!!
Every day I check my plants since I put up the autocobs the grin on my face gets bigger :smoking:
I have read and researched how to grow this plant for years now. Hands on experience is where I fall short. I figured I would put myself on the fast track to learning organics with this first real attempt at an indoor grow. By trying a bunch of different methods. Through trial and error, recording and journaling and talking with the fine people here on afn, I am already learning a ton. Which is my only real goal here right now. The icing on the cake is the harvest that results from my efforts. I am in this for the long haul and not afraid to make a few mistakes along the way.
It's a little like weed college. Except the course is free here.AFN deserves some donations. @Rebel @912GreenSkell or any other mod, do you guys accept donations? If you do you should make it a little more known to the users. First time I thought about it and I wasn't sure where to go about sending a few greenbacks your way down the road
there was a paypal donation available around 6 months ago, but i seem to remember it was shut down for some reason. I have reported this post and we'll see what admin says about it. Thanks for the generous gesture bud!
I use the powder form from build a soil. If you do not watch the dose the plants can get burnt I usually start St half the recommended doses or a quarter if it's a known sensitive strain. Have not had any issue with thus far. This batch of soil is new for me so I'm in the fly with what was available. But all the girls seem happy and healthy so I am not complaining.Thanks for the input Mobo :smoking: Are you still using the Agsil?
Interesting that you note the agsil 16h giving issues. I think it is actually not an organic fert but synthetic. How it has become accepted as an organic source of si is beyond me. I have researched the agsil 16H before I decided to water some in and opted to not use it. May use it as a surfactant for foliar but undecided right now.
My thinking is that black lava sand, alfalfa meal , kelp meal, azomite and others in my soil all contain si. Over time they will become available, some taking longer than others to break down.
I have read about good results from veg to flower with the agsil so it seems to be beneficial. But Organic? it seems the most effective form of liquid silica is not organic. Potassium Silicate contains si in the non organic form of monosilicic acid. Diatomaceous Earth in food grade may be the way to go in the future for me. An Organic form of amorphous silica. Liquid though?
I just don't like the idea of watering in nutes/ferts for specific reasons at certain stages of growth. As far as a readily available form of silica in the liquid form? Not sure this vibes with what I want to accomplish. More research needs to be done before I come to the conclusion that agsil 16h is safe for my grow.
How does potassium silicate work with organics? Does it vibe well with the microbes and benes? Is it killing my soil life?
Looking really good in here as always brother
The babies will take a short while to adjust to the cobs as they're so young. But they will be good
Are you still using reflectors or did I miss you removing them?