Cobs are the shit! Takes a couple days for the plants to adjust and then they have taken off. With reflectors I have them set between 28"-32" and that has got the ladies praying to the white lights
50 gal tub [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] under the autocobs, all Skylar Whites
The largest plant is 28ish days I believe? other 2 are at 15 days
50 gal tub [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] under hps
all plants are just about 3 weeks in this tub. One each Skylar White, 3BOG, Sour Stomper
for being the smallest plant the SS def smells strongest--- of nice fruity sweetness

This tub took a beating early on. They were literally smashed by the cat and also dealt with some heat issues before the ac install
Made a tea three days ago with the Bu's Compost Tea and a few added ingredients. Some kelp meal and a handful of ewc, and a little fish hydrolysate.
Plants responded well so far to the foliar which did have me worried. Sprayed at a 4:1 water to tea and right before lights out.
Will be doing an IPM spray tomorrow which I will implement every 3 days or so as long as plants respond well. Got some gnats that need to die before they get out of control