Mephisto Genetics Nebula Grow Journal - an 8x4 full of Mephistos

Cobs putting in some more work! No more reflectors, this gal decided to jump up 4 inches the last 2 days
Gonna go out and grab some bamboo stakes tomorrow, start to try and train some of these branches. May try to get a trellis in there before it's too late!

Skylar White [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG], 33 days. 22 1/2"
Not sure if you can see in pic, but skylar has a lovely blueish hue to the edges of her leaves. Is this typical of Skylar White @mephisto ? Really enjoying this plant so far :d5:

The Skylar 3
33 days, and 21 days for the smaller 2
Skylar 2 has some light green leaves. I am still thinking about an epsom salt foliar but she has started to green up a little. Monitoring the situation for now

Tub [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] under the hps
from left to right - Skylar White, 3BOG, Sour Stomper

Sour Stomper already throwing out some trichs

Skylar White [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG]
These branches are bending up toward the cobs. The other lights in the tent are not getting this kind of action! :smoking:

Thanks bushmaster! :pighug: The room is starting to smell a little nicer every time I go in there :eyebrows: :headbang: starting to get excited about all this mephisto variety. Hope I can have a little patience and let them go til they are ready, but it's been a long time since I've smoked my own grown herb :smokeit:
Looking awesome NN :worship:

The difference between cob pics and hps pics is mental! :yoinks:

Thanks mate! Learning from the best here at AFN :pighug:

I really don't think I can allow myself to continue running anything other than Cobs. The difference has been amazing in 3 short weeks. The plants under cobs are turning into bushes and have incredibly thick branches. Unfortunately the plants under hps did need more veg time but I had no other options than to put em under the hps. I almost think 4 cobs spread out in an 8x4 would do better than the 2 hid lights.

10 cobs in an 8x4, 550 watts. That would really be all that is needed to run the 8x4 efficiently. So if my maths correct, I take out 915 watts of HID, replace with 330 watts of cob light and come out ahead in every way possible. Has me thinking.....sell the two hid setups and buy 6 cobs. Now if only my girl would let me break out the plastic, I'd have cobs lining my hallways and kitchen as well! :rofl: