Mephisto Genetics Nebula Grow Journal - an 8x4 full of Mephistos

Making progress. Second grow space is in use. Making space in the 8x4 to allow for some room to breathe. 13 autos and 2 photos may be too much for the space.

Did some lawn mowing today. Cut down some clover, gave some to worm bin and some to mulch layer which also has a bunch of black lava and EWC mixed with some composted mulch I have.

A few photos of the ladies as of just a few minutes ago

Skylar White [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]

Skylar White [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]


Sour Stomper [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] welcome to the party :bighug:
The autocobs have arrived. I feel like an alien spaceship is coming down for landing in the tent :yoinks:

cobshop and BigSm0 did me right. Fast shipping and also hooked me up with the reflectors. Love the bright white light of the ceramic metal halide and cob combo :headbang:
The hps spectrum makes me sad but the white light is taking over

So far the temps are at 78-79 with the cobs. Came down two degrees and also turned down the ac from high to medium. AC has been able to take a break now and then which is nice. Still have the 8" ducting and fan in use, running constantly at about half speed. Should save a deal of money on the electric bill already. if I can swap out that hps for more cobs or even another 315w cmh I will be a happy camper.

You can see the ducting in the way already. May have to rearrange some things. Skylar in the corner has big plans and will not take kindly to 8" duct. It's keeping the cob from being placed directly above her.

Started lights off at 26"-30" above most plants. 4x4 of tent has 4 autocobs and the 315w cmh. Does surprisingly well to cover that area for only 515 watts. The 600w hps is alone on the other 4x4 of tent with only 5 plants. That side needs some cob lovin :eyebrows:

Going to go to a 19/5 schedule now with the cobs and plans for more cob lighting. Save some more money on elec by keeping lights off for hottest part of the day.
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Good luck, be careful with those reflectors and distance...Don't get closer than 24" IMO. Stress will happen if too close and get your Calmag ready.

Started them off at 30" and the next day went with the reflectors at same distance. Established plants seemed to adjust fine to the reflectors but the plants 7-10 days old were a little shocked at first. I have the lights at 24-26" right now and all seem to be doing well.

CalMag? Not sure it is necessary. If I was running all cobs maybe, but the tent has a 600w hps and a 315cmh. From what I understand there shouldn't be much of a difference in evaporation leading to less cal uptake. With a good dose of oyster shell flour in my soil I hope to avoid any cal issues. I will be keeping an eye on it for sure :thumbsup:
Started them off at 30" and the next day went with the reflectors at same distance. Established plants seemed to adjust fine to the reflectors but the plants 7-10 days old were a little shocked at first. I have the lights at 24-26" right now and all seem to be doing well.

CalMag? Not sure it is necessary. If I was running all cobs maybe, but the tent has a 600w hps and a 315cmh. From what I understand there shouldn't be much of a difference in evaporation leading to less cal uptake. With a good dose of oyster shell flour in my soil I hope to avoid any cal issues. I will be keeping an eye on it for sure :thumbsup:

I asked @Evil-Mobo about the cal mag issues with cob he said we shouldn't have any since everything's in the soil but if there is a issues just a kelp tea should help I think
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Started them off at 30" and the next day went with the reflectors at same distance. Established plants seemed to adjust fine to the reflectors but the plants 7-10 days old were a little shocked at first. I have the lights at 24-26" right now and all seem to be doing well.

CalMag? Not sure it is necessary. If I was running all cobs maybe, but the tent has a 600w hps and a 315cmh. From what I understand there shouldn't be much of a difference in evaporation leading to less cal uptake. With a good dose of oyster shell flour in my soil I hope to avoid any cal issues. I will be keeping an eye on it for sure :thumbsup:
Just be aware of the increased intensity when using the reflectors at all stages. If your plants get tall, you may have to remove them. I took some of mine off because of height, wound up taking all of them off. I had some light stress on a couple plants, they look better with the reflectors off now. Good luck
Just be aware of the increased intensity when using the reflectors at all stages. If your plants get tall, you may have to remove them. I took some of mine off because of height, wound up taking all of them off. I had some light stress on a couple plants, they look better with the reflectors off now. Good luck

I don't have any reflectors is it a must have ?