New Grower Natures Living Soil first Grow.

It doesn't take much for me to say I'm done with something. With my poor experiences as well as seeing Big Sul and xena499's same issues, I will be trying something different the next time around. I already have some soil cooking for an outdoor and an indoor grow. Probably be starting them next week. Depending on how they turn out I will be ordering some BAS 3.0 and Craft Amendment pak for some future grows. Keep going with it Big Sul. I think you will make it to the finish line.
It doesn't take much for me to say I'm done with something. With my poor experiences as well as seeing Big Sul and xena499's same issues, I will be trying something different the next time around. I already have some soil cooking for an outdoor and an indoor grow. Probably be starting them next week. Depending on how they turn out I will be ordering some BAS 3.0 and Craft Amendment pak for some future grows. Keep going with it Big Sul. I think you will make it to the finish line.
You will like the results.
Which nature's living soil additive did you use? The original? The Auto mix?
I've actually had pretty good luck with the stuff so far.
Auto mix. Plants were going great until Flower. Then, (as proph likes to say) Boom goes the dynamite.
I've got the green planet nutrient line and remember having to supplement the soil in later flowering. This round im using the original formula of NLS. But assuming I'll have to do same thing again.
I think the 2 main issues with the NLS is that we don't know what's in it or how much of each ingredient/nutrient..., and that it's a time release/slow release product like miracle grow..

I think I posted this on another thread somewhere.. they list their ingredients, but not the ratio..

'The base ingredients for our living soils are Organic Earthworm Castings, High Quality Bat Guano, Blood Meal, Bone Meal, Fish Bone Meal, Neem Meal, Humic Acid, Rock Phosphate, Dolomite Lime, Azomite, Alfalfa Meal, Kelp Meal, Coco Coir, Crushed Oyster Shell, Humic Acid, Epsom Salt, Coconut Water Powder and Aloe Vera. You can find all of these ingredients in our concentrates, in some cases in several forms such as the humic acid which we have in granular and soluble forms.'


Seems like a decent list aside from a couple things like the bone meal and blood meal... IME they just dont let it age long enough. If it was slow release it wouldnt be hard on the plants. Ive had plants shoot up and then poop out and yellow early using the layering technique with this stuff. Alot of those items need quit a bit of time to become available to the plants. Raw organic ingredients are virtually useless to plant roots and that is what usually caused issues in the past for me at least. I dont really see how NLS is similar to miracle grow soils, how do you see that being the case? Miracle grow soil uses inorganic fertilizer pellets filled with liquid that release fertilizer over time via what I would describe as some type of osmosis with each watering whereas NLS uses organic amendments that rely on bacteria to make the amendments available to the plants?

I think I already posted this somewhere recently as well
I let these pots sit for over a month and watered them with aact weekly before I put plants in them. If I recall I made the mistake of layering the soil since I had done several super soil grows with photos with super soil I made myself prior to messing with autos and had some pretty good results.. The big one top left ran out of steam and yellowed way too early. The soil pooped out and I ended up having to feed compost/nutrient teas every other watering to slow down the deficiencies from lack of available nutrients. The smaller ones just had the tell tale necrotic spots and some pretty evident p deficiency.. The nothern lights in the bottom left did ok, but the buds were pretty airy. It was pretty stressful actually lol. The plants look ok in the photo, but they all had one issue or another.
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I think I posted this on another thread somewhere.. they list their ingredients, but not the ratio..

'The base ingredients for our living soils are Organic Earthworm Castings, High Quality Bat Guano, Blood Meal, Bone Meal, Fish Bone Meal, Neem Meal, Humic Acid, Rock Phosphate, Dolomite Lime, Azomite, Alfalfa Meal, Kelp Meal, Coco Coir, Crushed Oyster Shell, Humic Acid, Epsom Salt, Coconut Water Powder and Aloe Vera. You can find all of these ingredients in our concentrates, in some cases in several forms such as the humic acid which we have in granular and soluble forms.'


Seems like a decent list aside from a couple things like the bone meal and blood meal... IME they just dont let it age long enough. If it was slow release it wouldnt be hard on the plants. Ive had plants shoot up and then poop out and yellow early using the layering technique with this stuff. Alot of those items need quit a bit of time to become available to the plants. Raw organic ingredients are virtually useless to plant roots and that is what usually caused issues in the past for me at least. I dont really see how NLS is similar to miracle grow soils, how do you see that being the case? Miracle grow soil uses inorganic fertilizer pellets filled with liquid that release fertilizer over time via what I would describe as some type of osmosis with each watering whereas NLS uses organic amendments that rely on bacteria to make the amendments available to the plants?

I think I already posted this somewhere recently as well
I let these pots sit for over a month and watered them with aact weekly before I put plants in them. If I recall I made the mistake of layering the soil since I had done several super soil grows with photos with super soil I made myself prior to messing with autos and had some pretty good results.. The big1Q one top left ran out of steam and yellowed way too early. The soil pooped out and I ended up having to feed compost/nutrient teas every other watering to slow down the deficiencies from lack of available nutrients. The smaller ones just had the tell tale necrotic spots and some pretty evident p deficiency.. The nothern lights in the bottom left did ok, but the buds were pretty airy. It was pretty stressful actually lol. The plants look ok in the photo, but they all had one issue or another.
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No worries guys. Sorry for adding my two cents. Im completely done with this NLS thing as of today. I am not trying to convince anyone of anything or change anyones minds or trying to be right. That list of ingredients is useless (to me) unless we know how much of each ingredient was used and what's immediately available and what's not. I said it was like miracle grow because they are both time release products. But at least miracle grow tells you that it's high in nitrogen.. and that when the plant is in flower, high amounts of nitrogen are still being released.. Which is not good for flowering cannabis plants.. I wanna make sure I stress that to each his own guys! Try whatever your hearts desire. That's how most people learn. Everyone will figure things out, in their own way, in their own time. My views and comments are strictly my own based on my own knowledge and experiences.. If you feel like miracle grow isn't like NLS then it isn't. I won't try to change your mind or convince you it's not. Same with dry amendments. If you feel that some of those ingredients need time to become available (without knowing what form they are currently in), then they do. I won't try to change your mind. (And I'm not singling you out Tom, lol, Im just using your words an example. This applies to anyone :biggrin:).. I will only say that the company says in that same quote posted above, that "some" are in "several" forms.. So they aren't all raw.. and "some" of them are granular and water soluble.. Which ones? I have no clue, other than the humic acid they use as an example. How much of each is readily available? I have no clue.. I don't like guess work when I buy a product, lol. But I totally digress... Everyone in this thread, please accept my apologies side tracking it. I don't want to sound like I'm ever bashing a product or anyone using it. I hope that at some point I simply gave someone something to "think about".. That's my only goal... to get people to think these things out. Everyone here is more than intelligent enough to think things through when problems or questions arise! :pass:
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With the information shared here by more experienced growers, i.e., Tom Bombadil, Proph and others as well the grow experiences of Big Sul, xena499 and myself, it is “my observation” that there is a lot of truth to the issues with using NLS. Especially for newer growers such as myself. It only took two grows and seeing others having the same problems I experienced to convince me to use something else in future. Thanks for sharing some of your knowledge with us ‘newbies.
No worries guys. Sorry for adding my two cents. Im completely done with this NLS thing as of today. I am not trying to convince anyone of anything or change anyones minds or trying to be right. That list of ingredients is useless (to me) unless we know how much of each ingredient was used and what's immediately available and what's not. I said it was like miracle grow because they are both time release products. But at least miracle grow tells you that it's high in nitrogen.. and that when the plant is in flower, high amounts of nitrogen are still being released.. Which is not good for flowering cannabis plants.. I wanna make sure I stress that to each his own guys! Try whatever your hearts desire. That's how most people learn. Everyone will figure things out, in their own way, in their own time. My views and comments are strictly my own based on my own knowledge and experiences.. If you feel like miracle grow isn't like NLS then it isn't. I won't try to change your mind or convince you it's not. Same with dry amendments. If you feel that some of those ingredients need time to become available (without knowing what form they are currently in), then they do. I won't try to change your mind. (And I'm not singling you out Tom, lol, Im just using your words an example. This applies to anyone :biggrin:).. I will only say that the company says in that same quote posted above, that "some" are in "several" forms.. So they aren't all raw.. and "some" of them are granular and water soluble.. Which ones? I have no clue, other than the humic acid they use as an example. How much of each is readily available? I have no clue.. I don't like guess work when I buy a product, lol. But I totally digress... Everyone in this thread, please accept my apologies side tracking it. I don't want to sound like I'm ever bashing a product or anyone using it. I hope that at some point I simply gave someone something to "think about".. That's my only goal... to get people to think these things out. Everyone here is more than intelligent enough to think things through when problems or questions arise! :pass:

I agree! Just too many unknown things. It wouldn't even cross my mind if I was looking for a new product to use. I have to know everything about something when making choices. It's just waaaaaay too ingrained in me to-do otherwise.

Just an example that is far removed from growing canna as it can be. Several years ago, Edelbrock came out with a pretty radical supercharger design. It looked very promising in increased efficiency, increased velocity and lower final charge temps. I had several customers chomping at the bits to buy it. When I finally got some specific data from Edelbrock, I ran a bunch of fluid flow calculations. It just didn't match up with hard data I had pulled from other manufactures superchargers in several applications. I had a good friend that was one of the top tuners in the nation that got one of the first production models for a customer that just had to have the newest thing. I had already sent him my calculations and he offered for me to come up and watch. All the real world data we gathered backed up what I had calculated. He published his results on several automotive forums.
I just have to work "stuff" out in my head and try to make sense of it before I use it or put my seal of approval on it. LOL! I don't know how to be any other way! :biggrin:
No worries guys. Sorry for adding my two cents. Im completely done with this NLS thing as of today. I am not trying to convince anyone of anything or change anyones minds or trying to be right. That list of ingredients is useless (to me) unless we know how much of each ingredient was used and what's immediately available and what's not. I said it was like miracle grow because they are both time release products. But at least miracle grow tells you that it's high in nitrogen.. and that when the plant is in flower, high amounts of nitrogen are still being released.. Which is not good for flowering cannabis plants.. I wanna make sure I stress that to each his own guys! Try whatever your hearts desire. That's how most people learn. Everyone will figure things out, in their own way, in their own time. My views and comments are strictly my own based on my own knowledge and experiences.. If you feel like miracle grow isn't like NLS then it isn't. I won't try to change your mind or convince you it's not. Same with dry amendments. If you feel that some of those ingredients need time to become available (without knowing what form they are currently in), then they do. I won't try to change your mind. (And I'm not singling you out Tom, lol, Im just using your words an example. This applies to anyone :biggrin:).. I will only say that the company says in that same quote posted above, that "some" are in "several" forms.. So they aren't all raw.. and "some" of them are granular and water soluble.. Which ones? I have no clue, other than the humic acid they use as an example. How much of each is readily available? I have no clue.. I don't like guess work when I buy a product, lol. But I totally digress... Everyone in this thread, please accept my apologies side tracking it. I don't want to sound like I'm ever bashing a product or anyone using it. I hope that at some point I simply gave someone something to "think about".. That's my only goal... to get people to think these things out. Everyone here is more than intelligent enough to think things through when problems or questions arise! :pass:

No worries bro.. i see your point. makes total sense!
Not trying to be a richard.. dont bow out because of me!