She's a beauty but she looks a little hungry ... I'd feed her every watering since she seemed to respond well to that ...

UPDATE DAY 5O SOUR DIESEL. Well not to much difference except buds are forming nicely.I did screw up and added some 0-50-30 bloom boost and apparently it was too strong for her and made alot of foliage to turn a washed out green color that never happened before so all though it's growing ok this might effect the final yield but we shall see what happens and I'll not be using the bloom boost again.I flushed her and next watering I will give a light dose of flower nutes.
FINAL UPDATE CHOP DAY 64. Took her down today and as you see she is a fast grower.As I mentioned before I screwed up and gave her some 0-50-30 bloom boost and it was to strong for her so final size and yield would have been better.All in all she finished ahead of breeders finish days of 75 and this could be due to the light doing a great job.Buds are tight and have great trychome coverage.As far as the p300 platinum goes I'm very pleased with the way it performs and I'll be ordering another one to replace my other cheaper lights that I might use for vegging or side lighting.I think for the price and performance you'll be hard pressed to find a better light.So if your looking for a great light with a 5year warranty this is the one to get.
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