I don't see why not.There are no set rules to when to go both grow and bloom and it's kind of a learning curve were all going through and we learn as we go.But if you go full power don't have the lights to close.I'm at 27 inches and this seems to work ok.
@A-Train okay that's cool! Yeah they are super bright! I'll keep my distance with them, i really don't want to run into defs lol. Im using Sensi Grow and that has calmag in it. I was thinking of using my density calmag pro around day 30. What do you think?
No experience with that brand what's the NPK value... ?? I use GO and start at day 21 I believe. Or somewhere around there.
Update day 23.Well my OG Kush that i thought I broke the main stem didn't recover and after I checked her It looks like some kind of intruder in the soil chewed the stem below ground level and did her In.So I started a new Kush seed and have her under the light with my Sour Diesel.The following picture is the Sour Diesel and she seems to be doing well.I did remove a few bottom leaves that were hanging in the soil but this seems to happen on every plant I grow,I fed her her first Dyna -Grow nutes yesterday along with there root stimulant and also protec. I think I see the start of preflower so Ill check in a few days to see for sure.I also have two Chemdoggs going and I'm waiting for my free White Widow seed from Seedsman to pop her head through the soil.Next update will be next week so until then,smoke um if you got um.:smokeout::thumbsup: