Indoor My hydroponic adventures!

A small update on what's going on over here.

I only have 3 plants in flower, with a clone trying to root and stretch at the same time and a separate plant I just out into flower a few days ago so no real progress just yet.

This a Durban poison bagseed i found. I was intending to make this a mother and she quickly got out of hand as you can clearly see. Shes done stretching, already crowning. Now the time for her to swell and fill up with buds!! She smells so skunky already. Hoping for a good pheno, if not I'll let her go after another run or 2.


Here is my seedstockers GLH, cant remember off the top of my head when I put her to flower but she is taking her sweet time. She has stretched a bit, and I suspect shes not done yet. Still not crowning but she looks great. She is in amended coco fed water only in bloom! Thanks to @TheMongol this stuff is awsome. I plan to mix some more up for future plants. Anyways I will also update my SS thread with updates.

Good work, i'm really jelaous about your GLH, i will grow her again starting 09.:pass:
Shes a stretchy one so be careful, takes a while too. Still not crowning and shes been in flower longer than the massive Durban poison. Starting to smell a bit citrusy still nothing strong but shes trying lol
Veg update, already busting clones. Took a few pics for a hydro write up on dwc cloning. With plain ph water. 5.8, a little dusting of root powder and great white and boom
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So anyway, I will be waiting another week the transplanting 9 of these sweet cheese into a 5 gal tub lol, i plan to do no veg. As soon as the roots shoot I'm sticking them in the tub and into the flower room. this is going to suck lol. I had this idea ages ago and now I'm finally going for it lol.
Also plan to write this up 1 day if I ever have time lol

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I also have a Durban poison bagseed in 1 gal coco. Headed for a 3gal pot and under the scrog. A clone from it. A sweet cheese mother, about to toss it and replace with a rooted clone. A mother of a cross using mandalas fruitylicious that I am about to chop up into a few clones. And a reveged clone from champagne kush that I'm hoping takes root by next week, if not I'm going to toss it and just order some seeds lol 2 small clones are of sweet cheese for a buddy and Durban poison to mother. If it turns out female with no issues.

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Now for flower.........

Im super jealous that you got that cloner to work. I tried to do an aeroponics cloner basivally the same setup as you besides there was a pump with sprayers rather than juat the air stones. I kept getting the stem rotted from the water somehow and I havent tried to mess with it since I kinda 20 clones.

I am going to Make a cloner like yours though but maybe still usr Rockwool of jiffy pellets. Its basically DWC for clones lol
Im super jealous that you got that cloner to work. I tried to do an aeroponics cloner basivally the same setup as you besides there was a pump with sprayers rather than juat the air stones. I kept getting the stem rotted from the water somehow and I havent tried to mess with it since I kinda 20 clones.

I am going to Make a cloner like yours though but maybe still usr Rockwool of jiffy pellets. Its basically DWC for clones lol
That's exactly what it is bro! It's odd yours didnt work, I have a local grobro that made one, hes having ok success 60% or so... I've always had 100% not sure what I do that's so different lol glad you made your way over here man got some exciting stuff planned, that's for sure
If I can get any of my beans to crack that is I'm literally 2 for 24 right now lmao.... I need to figure out what the hell is going in before I try to pop anymore. Guess I'll work on cloning my mothers and running those for a while lol