New Grower My first outdoor grow with Mephisto Genetics in Bulgaria

Mar 27, 2015
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I been smoking for years but never had the opportunity to grow. Now that I finally do I'm very excited for this summer. I bought 40 seeds from Mephisto Genetics, 6 different strains. I have S.O.D.K. , Walter White , Hubbabubbasmelloscope, Ripleys OG, Chemdogging Auto and 24 carat. They are germinating right now. I plan on plating them in-ground directly w/o using pots. Also in Bulgaria its very hard to find nutrients so I'm going to improvise. I plan on putting shredded egg shells and banana peels, chicken/bird manure and worm castings. I'm trying to get a potent plant and Im not sure if that would be enough nutrients. I'm a total newbie so any tips/recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
You are gonna dig it my friend (no pun intended). I am not an outdoor grower but you have picked some great beans to grow. Welcome and enjoy.
Laws change recently in your country? What prompted you to grow now? Be careful not to start your seeds or put your plants out too early. Autos have a very short vegetative growth period and you need optimal conditions to get much yield from them. If you plant when its still cold, you will end up with plants that are short and yield just a few grams....
im just starting using chicken pellets and my critical mass by big budda love it what else would be good to add for when they start to bud i was thinking some bat gaunano as want to use as little as possible i want to keep it organic this is my first time tring organic so trying to keep it as simple as possible got some blackstrap mallasses any help would be really helpfull as always used chemicals growing before but i like the organic way as i use it for health reasons if i could use anything else and when to use it would help thanks im new to site my first post peace to all