New Grower My first grow

Day 32,

Auto Anesthesia

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Some the pics didn't turn out well, I will try to some more

Auto Critical



Blue Treacle Automatic #1


This one is really struggling, it takes about 4hrs for it even starts to rise and it never rises more than 30-40%

Blue Treacle Automatic #2



Blue Treacle Automatic #3



Auto White Widow




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The Blue treacles look a little sad , but the AWW not so much.
Those big fan leaves on the bottom die off differently with each strain, but the leaves up higher looked OK.
The treacles are a bit droopy, and I saw a burnt tip or two, but again nothing terrible.
Spots on the bottom leaf are probably splash burn.

Waira may spot something I didn't notice.
The Blue treacles look a little sad , but the AWW not so much.
Those big fan leaves on the bottom die off differently with each strain, but the leaves up higher looked OK.
The treacles are a bit droopy, and I saw a burnt tip or two, but again nothing terrible.
Spots on the bottom leaf are probably splash burn.

Waira may spot something I didn't notice.

2 of the treacle's actually look fine apart from the obvious yellowing at the bottom but one always looks sad and takes a very long time
for the leaves to come up and the drop when the light goes out is dramatic.

Also I notice that the treacle's are becoming very light in colour?

The Blue treacles look a little sad , but the AWW not so much.
Those big fan leaves on the bottom die off differently with each strain, but the leaves up higher looked OK.
The treacles are a bit droopy, and I saw a burnt tip or two, but again nothing terrible.
Spots on the bottom leaf are probably splash burn.

Waira may spot something I didn't notice.


This BT always looks like this, the 2 others are always sun worshipping but this just struggles... even the buds are much smaller and less developed

This is a pic after being under the light for a few hours, you see the rest look fine but this one struggles


Also heavy metals are not an issue in my area
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"Munch..munch..munch Aloha Jimmann~

yeah I see what you mean about them drooping a lil and the bottom leaves turning, my problem is that so many symptoms are attributed to, for example, both under feeding and over feeding, under watering or over watering, etc. it's weird. But my hats off to you :tiphat: for enduring, updating, and asking for help. I'm glad these beauties are so forgiving of OUR learning curve. Next round you'll be a pro... almost.

all in all I'd be pretty happy with these ladies tho secretly stressing because WE'D prefer they be perfect. Hang in there we're all cheering for you and your ladies!


:Sharing One:what's up Jimm? So, your soil pH meter is dialed in and working? :d5: 6.3 is A-okay! ... Big picture first: time to up your feeds,.. no bloom nute's yet at all? --start ASAP-- one reason why the crowns are looking a bit thin,... but it's early, so plenty of time to fatten them up!...also, review posts 183 and 199..what I saw still stands, as do the recommendations,.... plant by plant:
>> AA-- no progression of the weird pale streaks :thumbs:.... tops look great,... the lower leaves are showing some Mg defc.

>>AC-- lower fans getting tapped for mobile nute's,... again, up your feeds (more on that shortly),... also, I think some early Fe defc. is starting up,.. did you look into a micro-nute' supplement yet as suggested?

>> BT1-- ditto; see the fully paled-out leaves low down, veins and all?- classic N defc.,... BT2- BT3-- same...

>> WW- fine! that one 3 finger leaf -probably some water spotting damage,...

...So-- more food for all, and have you started the Mg/molasses supp's yet? Biobizz line-up needs to be feed in conjunction with each other... here's the feed chart for them: feed chart.pdf
Follow this chart as a base line reference, since it's based on photo's, not auto's,'re in early bloom now, so I'd start with week 6 for mixing ratios,... :smoke:
:Sharing One:what's up Jimm? So, your soil pH meter is dialed in and working? :d5: 6.3 is A-okay! ... Big picture first: time to up your feeds,.. no bloom nute's yet at all? --start ASAP-- one reason why the crowns are looking a bit thin,... but it's early, so plenty of time to fatten them up!...also, review posts 183 and 199..what I saw still stands, as do the recommendations,.... plant by plant:
>> AA-- no progression of the weird pale streaks :thumbs:.... tops look great,... the lower leaves are showing some Mg defc.

>>AC-- lower fans getting tapped for mobile nute's,... again, up your feeds (more on that shortly),... also, I think some early Fe defc. is starting up,.. did you look into a micro-nute' supplement yet as suggested?

>> BT1-- ditto; see the fully paled-out leaves low down, veins and all?- classic N defc.,... BT2- BT3-- same...

>> WW- fine! that one 3 finger leaf -probably some water spotting damage,...

...So-- more food for all, and have you started the Mg/molasses supp's yet? Biobizz line-up needs to be feed in conjunction with each other... here's the feed chart for them: feed chart.pdf
Follow this chart as a base line reference, since it's based on photo's, not auto's,'re in early bloom now, so I'd start with week 6 for mixing ratios,... :smoke:

Hey Waira,

Thanks for all the info, I think you're right about them all.
I didnt get the iron suppliment because it was in the Organic Molasses, Unsulphured? Do you recommend me buy extra?

Hey Jimm!... molasses isn't that conc. of a source for Fe,'s nice to have it in there, but it's not the best source...that's why I'm harping at you to get a micro-nutrient supp' that has the various metals listed before!:stylez rasta smoke: LOL! My personal opinion-- it's waaay better to have these included on occasion as a routine supplement... ounce of prevention,...right? Most all of them are immobile nutrients, and because of this, they're much slower to correct,...if they happen during bloom, the speedy option to foliar treat for them in is gone, or risky,...! They play vital roles, even in such minute quantities,...shortages of them muck-up the intercellular machinery quite a bit, and that means yield/quality loss to you! :slaps:
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Hey Jimm!... molasses isn't that conc. of a source for Fe,'s nice to have it in there, but it's not the best source...that's why I'm harping at you to get a micro-nutrient supp' that has the various metals listed before!:stylez rasta smoke: LOL! My personal opinion-- it's waaay better to have these included on occasion as a routine supplement... ounce of prevention,...right? Most all of them are immobile nutrients, and because of this, they're much slower to correct,...if they happen during bloom, the speedy option to foliar treat for them in is gone, or risky,...! They play vital roles, even in such minute quantities,...shortages of them muck-up the intercellular machinery quite a bit, and that means yield/quality loss to you! :slaps:

Thanks Waira!

Do you have any recommendations?

Hmmm, not sure right off hand, what's available out your end of the Pond,... here, in the States, I use GreenAll Fe-Zn-Mn-Cu +2-0-0 N,.... I know Botanicare's CaliMagic has this covered, but as you see, Ca and Mg as well-- redudndant for you, now,.. -LOL! a common frustration, finding products that are more specific to your needs, without all the extra's! They're nice for convenience, but sometimes you just need the basic stuff,... do some window shopping for products, and I'll look around too,... might be you end up with some overlap on products, but no biggie, they'll get used over time...!